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 नेपालका दानवहरु
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Posted on 04-20-13 8:43 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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 From today's kantipur

Last edited: 20-Apr-13 09:51 AM
Last edited: 20-Apr-13 09:54 AM

Posted on 04-20-13 9:37 AM     [Snapshot: 69]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Were we go!!! Another woman gang raped by Indian Monsters.
If I say "Most of the indian are rapist", then I am sure I will be bashed by replies "You can't judge all the indian based on incident like this" or bla bla.

But India is really a fked up country in this world and is a garbage can for a woman. I am not sure how many more incidents need to happen to prove it. Even though it's IT industry is booming but it is still a trash bag for a woman. They don't have any respect for woman.

Posted on 04-20-13 7:10 PM     [Snapshot: 306]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 04-20-13 7:12 PM     [Snapshot: 308]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Rapists can walk free in Nepal if they have political connections or they can offer bribe to police.

Posted on 04-23-13 3:42 AM     [Snapshot: 806]     Reply [Subscribe]
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sanyas liu bhaneko yo thread padera log in garnai parne bhayo. launa sathi bhai ho bichara tyo Iraq ma bechiyeka didi bahini lai sahyog garau. I always believe in my freedom. My freedom to work in my own way (hate when boss tells me to do this n that), my schedule (hate overtime jobs), freedom to eat what I wana eat ( no religious values forbids me), my freedom to date and sleep with a woman I like (don't matter whatt color), freedom to do things in my own way (hate when parents n frens tell me to do this n that) etc so lets call some INGO'S or any international organization to help these didibahinis get out of that hell. how could Nepali sell his/her own people. Tyo sali Sherpini who sold the girl saying she could get the victim a job at Qatar should be prosecuted. Ma Nepal ma bhayeko bhaye sali lai khoji khoji hidthe ani bhetaye pachi sali lai nango parera 10 inch ko bamboo stick tesko vagina ma haldinthe, Arkako choribeti lai narkama pathaune dui char paisa ko lagi. launa keta ho bichara help garnu paryo, Ma baru financially help chaiye 1-2 gran samma haldinthe. kasalai khabar garnu parne ho Anuradha auntie lai ki kasali? torpe haru buddha ka janmeko kasle ka bomb haneko kura ma chai comment garchan yeta aarkako life narka ma bitaunupareko cha. kehi garana boka [Disallowed String for - replaced word]haru ho.
Posted on 04-23-13 11:26 PM     [Snapshot: 1136]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ek deu jana lai Fasssi or Goli nahane samma yesto kaam rokinna.Jaha sab vanda thulo Chor and Gunda nai most powerful hunchan,everyone will aim to become a Chor and Gunda,Nepal ma tehi vako ho.The political leaders have make the system worse,law  a good joke and country a slum with their greed, corruption and infertile ideas.From top levels Danavs to the little social ones,jaba samma yini haru lai aagadi lerayera severe punish garidaina,taba samma na desh ramro huncha na ja-na-ta ko dimaag ma ghanti nai bajcha.

Hudaina bihani mirmire ma tara jarera nagaye
Bandaina Nepal kehi Kaput marera nagaye.


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