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 Everest Restaurant, Irving, Texas

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Posted on 07-22-13 10:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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 I have noticed and also heard from my friends that the food quality as well as the taste of food has gone down at Everest Restaurant, Irving Texas.

Food definitely taste different and there is no much flavor or taste. This is not a big problem as cook my have changed.

However, I ordered Chicken Choila last time to go and did not check the food until I got home. Upon opening the container, the chicken had a nasty smell as if the chicken was going bad. I had ordered the meal during the closing hours of the restaurant and when I called back to report the problem, they did not pick up the phone. So, thet night I ate everything except the chicken.

Next day I called to report about the problem but the person who picked up the phone simply dismissed the charge by saying " khai taha bhayena...testo ta huna na parney ho.....ganako haina masu ko smell nai hola". I did not bother to call again or get my refund.

Another restaurant- Himalayan Aroma - is the same way!!

After that incident with Everest, I wanted to see what their rating was with the City of Irving and not surprisingly they have "D", which is failing score.


Tired of these Nepali businesses doing business Nepali way!!! In anothher thread someone is complaining about Muncha. There was a thread about a Travel Agency based out of Houston of cheating fellow Nepali.

Why cant these Nepali do business the proper way...customer service means sh!t to them....

When Everest opened, the food was awesome and prices were fair. After a year of being in business, prices increased and food quality went downhill. Nepali business owners tend to get too greedy too fast and eventually kill the golden goose!!!!

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Posted on 07-22-13 10:59 PM     [Snapshot: 59]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Damn these phone...

My urge for rice and momo still takes be there on and off..:)
Posted on 07-23-13 11:21 AM     [Snapshot: 327]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Didn't realize they were doing so POOR in Hygiene.
Will definitely not go there until any improvement by the management, Thanks Biwash Prawashi for the info.
Ate at Tempetation few months back, their Lunch buffett was decent for the Price. In this list it has a rating of "C"...better than Everest but still not good enough.
ahh...I need my momo fix for this month....don't know how to make....have no choice but to go there!! Any suggestions on new place?

Hope they will take actions to improve the rating at least to "B" or B+ if not A.
biwash prawashi

Posted on 07-24-13 6:46 AM     [Snapshot: 514]     Reply [Subscribe]
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A is not going to happen in those Resturant , may be B , with good food will make people happy.
Posted on 07-24-13 2:35 PM     [Snapshot: 749]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Temptation is okay and is not a true nepali restaurant. they serve buffet lunch which has mostly indian food.

I dont even want to imagine the kitchen of everest restaurant to get a failing grade of "D". i used to go there quite often but thinking about the kitchen and my last experience, i am avoiding that place.

btw, everest also has facebook page and i had posted on their wall about my personal experience and about the "D" grade, they simply deleted my post and removed me from their fan page! true nepali style of management!

looks like Dallas needs a good nepali restaurant with practical management that will value the importance of customers!

Posted on 07-24-13 3:38 PM     [Snapshot: 804]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 I had a same sad but true experience there. In everest, they make you wait for too long time and the food that they serve is also not too good. I had bad food experiece in temptation and Himalayan Aroma too. The worst situation for me was on Laligurans Resturant which is closed now . The owner of Laligurans used to sit on the table a side and spit his paan parag on a cup while we were eating on next table. Once I asked Dai aja momo ko soup dherai piro thyo then his reply was'  Khai tapailai matra piro lagecha kasailai lageko chaina" . He used to address his cusotmer as if they were there to eat for free.  Especially Nepali Resturant owners in Irving should change the way they are operating or else they will loose many of their customers as Me.
Posted on 07-24-13 4:22 PM     [Snapshot: 851]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Is Himalayan Aroma still in operation?
Went to that Strip Mall few months back but didn't see it....not sure if it is hidden in the corner :)

Posted on 07-24-13 4:37 PM     [Snapshot: 868]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Ya it is still in operation
Posted on 07-24-13 8:57 PM     [Snapshot: 1016]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I wish there is one decent nepali Resturant with food, I would rather pay $10 for momo if there is quality.

Everest Resturant even stink. Somebody might end of filing formal complain about food quality, it won't take to much for env. Service of city to shut them down , if there is formal complain .

They stink bad man. Nice nepali food with little lounge/coffee bar with some sweet chicks serving it would be nice in Plano/addission or may be even in Erving would be nice.

Posted on 07-26-13 9:20 PM     [Snapshot: 1386]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 the majority of nepali within live in and around irving area and that area is the epi center of nepali students. i doubt anyone will open restaurant outside irving.

problem with nepali business owners are that they get too greedy too fast!!

Posted on 08-02-13 4:11 PM     [Snapshot: 1788]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have lived in irving for 5 yrs, and yes it is true that they were better when they started. Now even though the food is not that good, I happen to see many indians and american people walking into the restaurants. Well, they are always occupied may be thats the reason why they donot want to improve. But its not only nepalis, there are other business as well who cannot  maintain their standards for a long time,

Posted on 08-03-13 1:47 AM     [Snapshot: 2046]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 We can take an example of PASAND CUISINE located in Beltline road which have been maintaining its standard. I always go there. They have nice food and service. 
Posted on 08-03-13 12:11 PM     [Snapshot: 2135]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Indian Resturant and not a problem , irving have ample Indian Resturant , they have good variety and some Resturant have decent quality. They only problem is Nepali Resturant .

If I happen to found good North Indian Resturant with less species ( close to nepali) , I am done with all nepali Resturant in irving.

Posted on 08-03-13 2:25 PM     [Snapshot: 2195]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Meraj, Try Pasand Cuisine on Belt line. You will like it there but they serve only buffet.
Posted on 08-03-13 10:02 PM     [Snapshot: 2364]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I dont know bout ya all. I like Everest. I have had few sours there but most of the times, their food is good and cheap. Wait time, however, might kill you before food arrives. So not good if you want it pronto!

I do not like Himalayan and Temptation!

Posted on 08-05-13 12:45 PM     [Snapshot: 2665]     Reply [Subscribe]
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good doesnt mean healthy and hygenic. their price is on par compared to other restaurants.

you may want to look at their rating of "D"; which is a "FAIL" grade before ordering next time. momo might be $5 a plate but you will pay dearly for medical costs and for time off work if you happen to get sick with their unhygenic food.


Posted on 08-05-13 6:54 PM     [Snapshot: 2814]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I don't know , how many of you think , their food is even Good, it's not really good but , we don't have option.

In terms of healthy , no way they even care about it. What kills me , is that they even don't think , they need to improve. They think , they are selling best stuff in best place. Crap.

What to expect from those , who are in US just for money. They don't want to embrace the culture and appreciate good thing about this country.
Posted on 08-05-13 10:49 PM     [Snapshot: 2933]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Cannot argue their D rating. I was expecting a C. haha
but about being sick, I do not think it will make anyone sick man. You seem to have experienced their food too, have you been sick yet? I know I have not in the odd 3-4 years I have had them.

But its just my experience, yours might be different. I like their service, mostly the old employees. They used to laugh a lot at my stupid jokes, made me feel better :)

About improvements, there sure is. Just dont be too hard on them!!

Posted on 08-06-13 2:33 PM     [Snapshot: 3087]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 i've had minor sickness like upset stomach and other problems in the past after eating their food as i remember now, but i had never bothered to check their rating. this is the first time that i thought about checking their standing with the city after that incident happened which i mentioned in my first post.

when i think about all those times i was mildly sick, the dots start to connect and point towards the time i ate at everest.

i would dare not try their food now to go through the torture and come to a conclusion whether or not my immune system can handle "D" grade food from everest. i am not going to be a guinea pig to try their food knowing their rating of "D".

by the way, arent restaurants suppose to display their rating at conspicious place where patrons can see easily??

like meraj said, nepalese go there becasue we have no other options! laligurans closed down, temptation is not nepali and himalayan aroma is the twin evil brother of everest in terms of quality and hygiiene. so, i am boycotting everest!

Posted on 08-06-13 10:13 PM     [Snapshot: 3206]     Reply [Subscribe]
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dunt be so picky. we r Nepali! I eat ther weekly, no prob, slow but who cares, not many choice here, and I used to always see Bindu Pariyar there also, before she go strip club to dance, so [Disallowed String for - Bad word 'fuk']kin sexy! but now waitres says hottybindu not allowed there, all boys go too crazy for her. hahaha, funny. we need a momo/DBT fast food joint here! im hungry!
Posted on 08-08-13 8:42 AM     [Snapshot: 3444]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I don't think we have to be picky , but they are identified by city as potential source of Health Hazard, giving them D rank. Everyone should be aware of it. Specially those who take their kids there.

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