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Posted on 11-11-16 5:33
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I still wish him good luck and do better for the company 
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Posted on 11-11-16 8:06
PM [Snapshot: 129]
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He is the greatest con artist way higher than Madeiff. He scam couple thousands investors but he was able to scam millions . He may have said that in 1998 that Republican are pretty stupid people, if I ran for presidency will run as a republican. He did and able to be president . He fooled republicans.
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Posted on 11-11-16 8:17
PM [Snapshot: 153]
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So now he is gonna repeal Obamacare completely? what the f. That's the first promise he made while he ran for presidency. He said he is not normal politician but he is behaving like normal politician and that's the only reason his supporters sent him to white house. C'mon man WTF please don't break their heart. Now I am beginning to sense like Democrats hired him to run from Republican party and defeat democratic party and later implement all democratic laws and give F**king middle finger to republican party values and it's supporters. LOL that would be biggest reality show mankind would have ever created.
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Posted on 11-11-16 8:25
PM [Snapshot: 186]
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Not true, but hilarious nonetheless ...
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Posted on 11-11-16 9:19
PM [Snapshot: 248]
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Your topic cracked me up. :)
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Posted on 11-12-16 8:48
AM [Snapshot: 610]
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how dare u make fun of our great president? all he wants to do is make america great again? what problem do u have with greatness u dimwits? how dare u call republicans dumb? u democrats are the dumbest losers ever. or r u too dumb to realize that u have lost u losers. we r taking our country back . we r going to deport idiots like u. get ready to leave this great nation u losers.