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 does it really affect to file green card by using a county health
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Posted on 08-29-19 2:25 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have used county health insurance based on my TPS eligibility in CA, that time I had low income and I needed to go for check ups. Will it affect, if I get to apply for a green card through my job? It's not Medi-Cal, I only have emergency Medi-Cal which I have not used.

Should I be worried?
Last edited: 29-Aug-19 02:25 AM

Posted on 08-29-19 11:20 AM     [Snapshot: 159]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Difficult to answer and google search did not help.

I think you are talking about 'sliding scale' fees paid to county clinics/labs. Those fees are determined based on your income and fees are determined on the spot (hopefully, same in CA too). Not sure, but I think your information is not verified against federal database (like SNAP) otherwise it would take some time to process. Probably you do not need worry, but things are getting difficult these days. Using Medi-Cal probably would have made your situation worse.

Sorry for a not helpful answer. Just sharing thoughts. Best wishes!
Posted on 08-29-19 11:57 AM     [Snapshot: 194]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Tps ma pako health insurance is not public charge don’t worry
Posted on 08-29-19 12:04 PM     [Snapshot: 200]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ok thanks guys.
Posted on 08-29-19 12:23 PM     [Snapshot: 202]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@_ thank you for the effort. I do have only emergency Medi-Cal and I have not used it. I think it will be fine even though I applied and I have it? I did use county insurance they provided based on my low income for regular chheck ups, labs and to see county hospital specialists. I did see a few specialists as well as my PCP recommended.

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