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 Nepal ko yetro Beijjat

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Posted on 05-10-07 9:40 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 05-10-07 12:34 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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three scenarios:
1) Either NOC officials are corrupt and took most of the money from the customers so could not make the payments.
2) Or the prices are so low that NOC cannot make the payments (which is just ridiculous in my opinion). How can a corporation run like that without any subsidy from the government?
3) 1 & 2 both.

SO the remedy: Find out what the hell happened and take the required steps. How hard is it?
If 1), fire, rehire and govt should take out loans for the payment for the time being.
If 2), hike the damn prices.
If 3), do both!
Posted on 05-10-07 12:46 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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HO HO ...India le nepal nakhaye samma yestai ho..herdain jaun..yo jantho india ko chamche sarkar lai ta yeti dukha dincha bhane arulai yesle kati dukha dela...
Posted on 05-10-07 2:34 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Samsara: I am not saying Netas are any better. But restricting Nepali history to past 20 years does not make sense. What happened befor 2046 ? King was the law of the land back then ?
Posted on 05-10-07 4:50 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Tala dekhi mathi samma chorai chor haru ko haath ma satta diye pachhi yesto news ta aaru kati suninchha suninchha..herdai jau
Posted on 05-10-07 5:40 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Million Dollar Baby, exactly (got to hear it from the horse's mouth)! Did we have such cases befor 2046?? Name me one bankrupt National Orgnaization?? Also, you say my research on "Gyane" seems far from complete...Pls enlighten me fully as in your earlier thread there is no mention of Gyane (BTW, It was Bire back then...whole different animals)!
Posted on 05-10-07 5:57 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I got somewhere in the thread about the shortage of petroleum back in 80s.
To my knowledge it was not only petroleum but also Salt. It happened becoz the then head of state (Birendra) ignored the Indian interest put by the then Prime minister of India (Rajiv Gandhi). (India earned a lot from Koshi Treaty in BP Koirala era.)

At that time of shortage The then primeminister of Nepal Marich Man Singh (I still remember the chant Mariche Lai Fansi De) imported the salt and Kerosene from China to distribute throughout the country (which u guys might have heard from news).
I know these things.

No comments on further issues. Long Live Nepal. A few worthless people can not make me feel disgraced while taking the name of my Motherland. I am a proud Nepali.
Posted on 05-10-07 6:11 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Cant blame India anymore.
They want their bills paid.
Its internal problems causing all this.
We never had this problem before 1990.
In 1990, India stopped oil and we had a crisis.
We got democracy and now we can’t pay and Indians and they stopped it again.
This time for a change no one can blame the palace.
I blame the real culprit - the Maobadis for it.
And with them the seven party association for assumption of power.
Posted on 05-10-07 7:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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नमस्कार् जी ले कहाँबाट् साभार् गरेर कोशी सम्झौता र बी पी सङ जोड्नु भएको रै छ। शायद नेपालका क्याम्पसहरुमा हुने स्व बि यु को चुनाव मा अखिल का नेताहरुको प्रशिक्षित र प्रायोजित भाषण धेरै सुन्नु भएको होला। गलत र बिल्कुल गलत इतिहासमा कतो रोटि सेक्ने हुन हाम्रा बाम मित्रहरुले थाहा छैन। कोशी सम्झौता सन् १९५४ अप्रिल २५ मा भएको थियो र १९६६ डेसेम्बर १९ मा केहि संशोधन भएको देखिन्छ। अब भन्नुस् त्यतिबेला बी पी प्रधान मन्री थिए त?
१९५४ अप्रिल् २५ भनेको २०११ बैशाख १३ हो, अनि १९६६ डेसेम्बर १९ भनेको २०२३ पौष ४ गते हो। बिशेश्वर् कहिले प्रधान मन्त्री भए हेक्का छ तपाइ लाई? २०१६ देखि १७ साल मंसिर् मसान्त सम्म। कहाँबाट् बी पी को समयमा कोशी संझौता भयो?
भन्न पायौ भने सत्य तथ्यलाई बङ्ग्याउन त पाइदैन हो ।
Posted on 05-10-07 7:46 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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नेपालका सस्थांनहरु निकम्मा हुनुमा धेरथोर सबै सरकारहरु दोषि छन्। सबैले सस्थांनहरुलाइ आफ्नो कमाई खाने भाडों र राजनितिक स्वार्थ पुरा गर्ने अखाडा बनाए। त्यसैले दोष् सबै देश चलाउनेहरुको, राजनिति गर्नेहरुको र कर्मचारिहरुको हो। नानाथरिका समस्या र कारणहरु देखाएर कोहिपनि आफ्ना जिम्मेवारिबाट पन्छिन पाउदैंन।
Posted on 05-11-07 3:33 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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LU just went through might be good news

Chinese ambassador to Nepal Zhen Xianglin has said that his government is positive towards supplying petroleum products.
Chinese envoy to Nepal Zhen Xianglin (File Photo)
In his interaction with a delegation of Nepal Chamber of Commerce (NCC) led by its president Surendra Bir Malakar, the Chinese envoy informed that Nepal government has made a proposal for petroleum supplies to which China was positive.

Recently, Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala was reported to have requested Chinese government to supply petroleum products to Nepal as the latter was facing continuous disruption of fuel supplies coming from India due to various strikes. PM Koirala made this proposal during his meeting with the Chinese ambassador indicating that Nepal needed alternative supply route for the essential fuel.

During the interaction with NCC representatives, ambassador Xianglin said that China could provide duty free access to Nepali products. He also informed that the Air China airlines, which launched its operation to Kathmandu from February, will operate daily flights from June/July.

Petro Supply Disruption

Meanwhile, the normal petroleum supplies have once again been disrupted after Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) cut down its supply volume by 40 percent in a bid to pressure the Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) to pay outstanding dues.

According to NOC spokesperson Ichha Bikram Thapa, given high volume of losses, the corporation was unable to maintain enough stock. He said that from Friday, the IOC has cut down the volume of supplies from 2000 kilolitres to 1200 kilolitres a day from Raxaul depot. Around 80 percent of fuel is imported from Raxaul point.

Because of this supply cut down, petrol pumps in the capital city have run out of fuel.

Posted on 05-11-07 4:22 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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चाइनाले नेपालमा घरघरै पेट्रोलका नल्का पुर्‍याइदेला भनेर मनको लड्डु घिऊसंग हसुर्न खोज्ने कामरेडहरूको अल्पबुद्दिमा केवल खित्का छोड्न सकिन्छ ।
हैन त्यसै भएछ भने उसकै गीत गाउँला तर यो त्यति सजिलो छ त ?
हिसाब गर्नुस , कलकत्ताबाट बिरगञ्ज वा बिराटनगरसम्मको दुरीको तुलनामा चीनको नजिकको पोर्ट सिटीदेखि नेपाली सीमासम्मको दूरी कम्तिमा ४ गूणा बढी छ । अर्को कुरा, अहिले बनेर सम्पन्न भएको प्रसिद्द किङ्गाई-ल्हासा रेलमार्गको ल्हासा पुग्न नेपाली सीमाबाट कम्तिमा १ हजार किलोमिटर पर पुग्न पर्छ । हिसाब गर्दा, चीनले हामीलाई ढुवानी खर्च आँफैले ब्योहोरेर सित्तैमा तेल बाँडिदिएछ भनेत सजिलै थापौँला बाल्टी बाल्टीमा तर फ्रि मे दिएको पेट्रोलियम ढुवानी खर्चमात्र हामीले ब्योहोर्ने खालको बन्यो भने पनि हामीले अहिलेको मूल्यभन्दा कैयौँ महंगो तिर्नै पर्ने हुनेछ । तसर्थ, हावामा पे्ट्रोलको सपना बुन्नु भन्दा अरू केही सोच्नु राम्रो हुन्छ ।
Posted on 05-11-07 4:29 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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what i think is at least we got an other option ,, rather then just relaying on these basterd indian ... not to forget that nepal once ald imported petrolium products from s'pore which i belive is much further away then china.
Posted on 05-11-07 4:43 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Damn freek, all the way from Shingapura, you say?? Had no idea...Pls enlighten us when and why was this. I'd love to know. Thanks
Posted on 05-11-07 5:14 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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it was during democracy revolution , 2047 BS ( when ever that was .. 1st andolan time )) by then india blocked everything ,,, marichman was the primenister i guess.
Posted on 05-11-07 5:28 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I thought we imported everything from China then?? However, you may be right as I can't exactly recall what happened then as I was at school in India .
Posted on 05-11-07 6:28 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Koshi was signed under Matrika Prasad Koirala. In B.P's account goes Gandaki. It was over 1950 treaty ratification the problem started not about Koshi treaty. But india's bully continued so that petro was cargoed as far as Singapore which was extremly dangerous as far I remember. Mariche had atleast guts to stand against bully but had no longterm plan and Durbaria interference was wide and open. But that history teach us even in the case of no balance due, India will not be ashamed to impose "nakabandi" ever we slightly raise our heads. One of friend is trying to politicise this issue over china by just criticizing but have no solution. If there are willing party don't you think pipelining that 1000 km is an option in longterm. China has plan to make that railway come further in future and India is mulling over to counter (Kantipur). Don't you think we will benefit from both sides and able to raise our head if we have option B. It takes will to find ways. But we are so acustomed to laugh at each other just with discouragement rather than solving problem.
Posted on 05-11-07 11:19 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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wasnt this bound to happen? anytime there is a price hike, there is a protest forcing prices down. when the rest of the world is ponying up the extra $$ to pay for higher fuel costs ( I am paying 3:50/gallon dammit). Politicians using any excuse to rally ignorant folks and use that as an agenda for disruption, that is why it has come to this.

I am personally glad this is happening. I remember when dhotis had that nakabandi back in mid 80s, and we all had to buy mountain bikes to go to school. honestly, as small as that city is, there should not be any issues using non-petroleum guzzling means of transportation.
Posted on 05-11-07 11:45 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is the part of sikkimisation process.
Think deep, dude.
Posted on 05-11-07 5:08 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Current oil problem is the gift from our Royal Family, the major source of corruption in Nepal. The presence of this family (the real Bastards) is a big tragedy for Nepali people.

We are the victims anyway and we can't blame India for stopping the oil flow to nepal. India is not getting it for free as well.

When we begin to realize that we need to wipe/clean the shit by ourselves we will not be complaining. It would be great if we could generate more and more Electric power as an alternative which is our strength.

Do we have gutts or motive to do so ? or we have to wait India or China to speak up for that too?

Posted on 05-11-07 8:34 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Bhangli whateva, you say, "current oil problem is the gift from our Royal Family"? Could you corroborate your statement as it makes no sense to me. The Royals have been outta power for 17 years and this issue of India cutting off the supply just happened this year...Now any rational person or entity wouldn't wait 2 decades before cutting off oil supplies for non-payment would they?? Here in the US, its just a matter of a couple of months before any subscription/insurance coverage gets cancelled for non-payment. I'd even believe it if you said that the problem probably started 4-5 years ago but to blame the Royals for this?? What next? Blame them for the constipation you had this morning as all the shit is apparent coming outta your words.

Sajhaites are no fools and I'd recommend that you do some serious research before posting any support for the faction you believe in. Otherwise be prepared to feel the brunt of many.

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