"romance works on a sitcom but on an award show it's completely unrealistic that i would be up here in this big event and suddenly for no reason, spot someone and start...." --Conan O' Brien at the 54th emmy award ceremony
TM, YO! didn't know about that fan club stuff. must have missed it completely.
yah he is one of my favorites. i think, in plain comedy, he beats his peers: jon stewart or steven colbert by miles. his facial expressions alone can make me lol, let alone his wits, spontaneity and comic timing. . apparently, his and jim carrey's are two faces that can make me lol anytime!
shakeen, looks like i have missed that one too. ..care to tell, when was that aired?
meanwhile, here are some of the best moments from the late night show with conan:
around 2 years ago??? do you know one of his segments where he talks smack about countries because he wants to get their hate mail? well, one day I got lucky and Nepal was on the list...
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