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 I knew this would happen
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Posted on 06-17-08 10:53 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Non-Bhutanese resettled in US: APFA Bhutan

Association of Press Freedom Activists (APFA) Bhutan has said a non-Bhutanese refugee has been resettled in United States, using fake identity as a Bhutanese refugee from Beldangi 2 camp in Jhapa district.

According to a statement by the association, a non-Bhutanese has been sent to US after completing resettlement process at the International Organization of Migration (IOM) in the name of Padam Lal Poudel, 52, from Beldangi 2, Sector D/2 Hut No 24.

The association quoted a family member of Poudel as saying, "The inquiry section of IOM confirmed that someone matching my father's information has
already got resettled in the US."

The matter came to light after Poudel's son inquired at the IOM to know why his father's resettlement process had been delayed while other families whose interviews began at IOM along his family already left Nepal.

He was informed by the people at IOM reception that there are many such cases.

There were media reports saying some non-Bhutanese have been making efforts to go US under disguise.

APFA said IOM offices in Damak and Kathmandu, UNHCR office in Kathmandu and UN embassy in Kathmandu denied talking on the issue.

The association demanded that original identity of the person being resettled be made public by the concerned agencies - date of his departure from Nepal, place where he has been resettled along with photo - and urged IOM, UNHCR and US embassy to take precautionary measures to ensure that non-Bhutanese are not be resettled. ia June 17 08

Posted on 06-17-08 11:07 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I knew this thing will happen. We never change, do we?
What it means is somebody is making tons of money for their own greed, leaving the miserable refugee devastated. Now if this thread gets some more resonses down the line, we'll see people labeling it as "Leg Pulling". Watch.
Last edited: 17-Jun-08 11:36 AM

Posted on 06-17-08 2:16 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is sad.

I agree with the association's demand to make the identity of this cheat public and appropriate actions taken against him and the accomplishes as well. This may get interesting as this guy cheated the US govt along with everyone else and I guess they will definitely look into the case..


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