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 Duluth, MN
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Posted on 08-19-08 9:30 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello guys:
can anybody give info on things to see, do in Duluth, MN in 2 days. In addition good options (preferably cabins) to stay. I'm sure many of you have already been there. So can you please share.

Thanks in advance.
HK .

Posted on 08-19-08 10:36 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Quite a nice place, Duluth. You would be attracted by the sprawling beauty of lake superior, which looks like an ocean. They have a ferry that will take you around and give you information about some of the world war era ships lying there. The bridge over the lake is quite huge and a good driving experience you would like to try. The bridge connects you to Wisconsin.

Just on the bank of Lake superior they have market place and you can find all kinds of restaurants and foods. Didn't know much about lodging prices but there are plenty of them out there.

We were traveling from St. cloud and it was about 3 hours drive approx passing various khairey gauns where you etc. You will find plenty of small cities so eating drinking etc wouldn't be a prob. Thats all i can say.

Posted on 08-19-08 10:43 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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One place, I ve always wanted to go but somehow missed it. Anyways, besides lake superior, Duluth also homes the greatest musician of all times BOB DYLAN. He was born there so if you get a chance look around and try to find his home. I think it is sort of a museum now. Enjoy your stay there.
Posted on 08-19-08 11:05 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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thanks desert_rain and Mr. Hat. anyother things not to miss while I'm there?

Posted on 08-20-08 1:33 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Duluth is a pretty nice place. If you are looking for a good hotel to live in, then "Edgewater Resort and Waterpark" is great..There's a waterpark and you'll have a nice view of Lake Superior from Your Room.
Have fun.

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