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 One Racist MO FO guy in youtube talks abt Kumari
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Posted on 10-24-08 8:11 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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SUPPORT NEPAL and leave comments to this guy and plez RATE his video to 1


Last edited: 24-Oct-08 08:14 PM

Posted on 10-24-08 8:20 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hill guy i dont know what to say.. If he said this staying at Nepal than sale ko tukra tukra garera kukur le nakhane jasto banauna hunthyo.. But what to say this pathetic americans who dont even have their culture , tradition, rituals etc... sala haru ko aaafno kati jana Bau cha bhanera thaha hunna yini harulai aaba yesto manche harule kosko ijjat garna janeko huncha ra...ki kaso??
Posted on 10-24-08 8:30 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I agree with u dude. These f***in americans don't have their own culture and even no religion. So they don't the value of all those things. I think we should start a common forum against these kind of things which shows no respect for other religion. But our voice does not reach up to them. So anyone know how to kick in their ass.
Posted on 10-24-08 8:32 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think we need 129 guys to rate his video clip to 1 in youtube. Anyone with me?? and just leave a MO FO comment to him.

Lets get it started..

Posted on 10-24-08 8:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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First of all, we shouldn't look at anyone who sees it as a strange/shocking rituous as a racist.

It infact is a little unacceptable by modern norms.

But so is religion. I cannot justify what we do as all normal, but before you comment on my religion think about the things you do.

I'd create a youtube news saying something like this:

"So, not one but every infant (boys) born in Jewish home goes through something called circumcision. The procedure involves a Rabbi, holding a scissor in front of a baby. And it gets even better...the monster then proceeds unto this baby penis..can you imagine a sharp knife or a scissor close to your baby's vital organ? Then gets even scarier now. The audacious priest actually CUTS the foreskin of your baby, RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU EYES. While the baby hollers and cries in your arms, you cannot do anything but watch and say SHALOM!!"


Posted on 10-25-08 5:04 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Lets kick the shit out of this mans head...
Respect our culture....

Posted on 10-27-08 1:40 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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hey guys,
who is the MF? This MF sucks..... delete this video???

Posted on 10-27-08 2:44 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sounds bitter, but what this guy says is correct. The process of selecting goddess should definitely be redefined. How many of us would like to keep our 3 year old daughter on a room with slaughtered buffallo heads ? How are we going to justify this ? Moreover, give a little thought on Human rights issues of that girl. She's merely 3 years, how in the world would understand what is going on around her and what is she going to get out of being goddess till puberty and spending rest of her life being a different human being than people around her. How can we justify a 3 year olds legs and eyes being evaluated ? We certainly have reasons to be proud of our cultures, but no culture should put life of little princess in jeopardy.

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