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 Help the rape victim!
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Posted on 07-01-09 2:35 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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It appears everybody is blown away with the news of the rapist Ajay Dev, one more reason to believe that we Nepali are not as saint as we like to brag about. While everybody is eagerly waiting to hear more updates of the news and looking at the click on some of the thread, the news has spread like a wild fire. What nobody cares about is the victim. She has gone through a very traumatic event in her life and the news does not say what her condition is right now.

Whether you like it or not, there will be many Nepali people attending the ANA. So I think it is the right
thing to do, ANA should donate the major portion of their profit to the victim, and set up a donation box. Hoping ANA will act honestly upon it and the donation will only go to the victim, and not into someone
else pocket, let us all come together and pressure ANA to set up a fund for the victim. This will be a true judgment day for them. What do you guys say?

Last edited: 01-Jul-09 02:35 PM

Posted on 07-01-09 2:45 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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How about another rape vicitm by a father of Dr. Mahato? Isn't Dr. Mahato also a speaker; aren't he and his family are doing all they can to defame the victim and save the rapist? Are american diaspora going to clap on the speech given by corrupts?

ति किशोरीको नाममा

  विचार, समाचार

ति किशोरीको दुर्भाग्य भनेको उनी शक्तिसम्पन्न ब्यक्तिको हातवाट बलात्कृत हुनुनै रहेछ । उनी त्यस्ता ब्यक्तिको सिकार बनिन जसको छोरा अन्तराष्ट्रिय व्यापारी हुन । जसको ज्वाई र छोरी यो मुलुकको शक्तिसम्पन्न संविधान सभाका सदस्य छन । उनीको साथमा यो देशका ठालुहरु हुन भन्ने सबै छन । अनी कसरी ति किशोरीको पक्षमा कसैले आवाज उठाउंछ र ?

कहि कतै छिसिक्क केही भयो भने विज्ञप्ती जारी गरेर हल्ला गर्ने बालबालीकाको क्षेत्रमा काम गर्ने संस्थाहरु किशोरीको बलात्कारको केसमा  मौन छन । किशोरी बलात्कारको अभियोग लागेका रामआशिस महतो फरार छन । तर उनलाई पक्राउ गरी कानुनको कठघरामा उभ्याउने चासो कसैले देखाएका छैनन । सरकारी वकिलले बदमासी गर्दै केस कमजोर बनाएर अपराधको मुख्य अभियुक्तलाइ जोगाउन ज्यान फालेर लागेका छन । कसैको घरमा काम गरिरहेकी बालीकालाइ थप्पड हानेको समाचार सार्वजनिक हुंनासाथ कोकोहोलो गरेर बाल अधिकार र बाल शोषणको बारेमा चर्का भाषण गर्ने एनजिओहरु भने यो विषयमा कानमा तेल हालेर बसेका छन ।

यो बारेमा महिला अधिकारको ठेक्का लिएर बसेका महिलाअधिकारवादीहरु पनि मौन छन । सामान्य विषयमा संविधान सभाको रोष्टम घेरेर हैरान बनाउने सभासदहरु मौन छन । अनी श्रीमतिको इच्छा विपरित यौन सम्पर्क राख्ने श्रीमान समेत बलात्कारी हो भनेर कुर्लने कानुन व्यवसायिहरु मौन छन । कारण के होला ?

कारण स्पष्ट छ । बलात्कारको अभियोग लागेका ब्यक्ति सानातीना हैनन । पावरफुल परिवारका हुन । जसको विरुद्धमा बोल्दा उनीहरुको दानापानी हराउन सक्छ । ति ब्यक्तिको परिवारको अन्तराष्ट्रिय क्षेत्रमा राम्रो प्रभाव छ । अनी ति परिवारका सदस्यलाई मनाउन सक्यो भने सामाजीक काम गर्ने बहानामा राम्रै धनरासी पाउन सकिन्छ भने जावो बलात्कारको विषयमा के कुरा उठाउनु भन्ने उनीहरुको मानसिकताले उनीहरु मौन बसेका हुन भन्दा सायद फरक नपर्ला ।

अपहरण गरेर हत्या गरी मृत शरिरलाई टुक्रा टुक्रा बनाएर फाल्ने ख्याति श्रेष्ठका हत्यारा अहिले प्रहरी हिरासतमा छन । उनलाई कडा कार्वाही गर्नुपर्ने माग गर्दै दैनिक प्रर्दशन भइरहेका छन । उनको हत्याको विरोध गर्दै विज्ञप्ती निकाल्नेहरुको संख्या दैनिकरुपमा बाक्लीदै गएको छ । यसले ख्यातिको हत्यारालाइ हदैसम्मको कारवाही गर्न सम्बन्धीत निकायलाइ राम्रै दवाव परेको छ । यसले पैसाको बलमा कानुनको कमजोरी खोजेर हत्याको अभियोग लागेका विरेन श्रेष्ठलाइ जोगाउने हिम्मत कसैले गर्ने छैनन । क्रुर अपराधको विरुद्धमा नागरिक समाज जागरुक हुनु अत्यन्त सकारात्मक हो ।

तर ख्यातिको हत्यामा जागरुक भएको यो समाज एक किशोरीको बलात्कारको विषयमा किन मौन छ ? ति बलात्कारको सिकार भएको किशोरीको पक्षमा किन यो समाज बोल्दैन ? पिडितको अवस्था हेरेर किन यो समाज भेदभाव गर्छ ? रामआसिस महतोलाइ पक्राउ गरी कडा भन्दा कडा कार्वाही होस भनेर किन कोही आवाज उठाउंदैन ? बढो अचम्म छ यो समाज । खाली बलेको आगो मात्र ताप्ने । कुन विषयमा केही गर्दा के आफ्नो कुनचै स्वार्थ पुरा हुन्छ भनेर सोचेर मात्र कदम चाल्ने ।

अव विरेनको स्थानमा ति रामआसिशलाइ राखेर हेरौं न । के यो समाज त्यत्तिकै जागरुक हुन्थ्यो होला ? यत्तिकै दवाव हुन्थ्यो होला ? अनी यसरी नै विरोध प्रर्दशन भइरहनथ्यो होला र ? मलाइ लाग्छ अंह हुन्नथ्यो ।

सायद शक्तिसम्पन्न परिवारका सदस्य नभइ कुनै सामान्य परिवारका सदस्यले रामआसिशको झै कुकर्म गरेको भए उनको विरोध सबै खनिने थिए । सबैले धिकार्ने थिए । अनी ति अभियुक्तलाइ कडा कार्वाहीको माग गर्नेहरुको तांती लामै हुन्थ्यो होला । ति किशोरीको दुर्भाग्य भनेको उनी शक्तिसम्पन्न ब्यक्तिको हातवाट बलात्कृत हुनुनै रहेछ । उनी त्यस्ता ब्यक्तिको सिकार बनिन जसको छोरा अन्तराष्ट्रिय व्यापारी हुन । जसको ज्वाई र छोरी यो मुलुकको शक्तिसम्पन्न संविधान सभाका सदस्य छन । उनीको साथमा यो देशका ठालुहरु हुन भन्ने सबै छन । अनी कसरी ति किशोरीको पक्षमा कसैले आवाज उठाउंछ र ?

यिनै हुन फरार महतो

पैसाको बलमा प्रहरी सरकारी वकिल र पुनरावेदन अदालतका न्यायधिषसम्मलाई प्रभावमा पारी अपराधवाट उम्किने प्रयासमा लागेका रामआसिस महतोलाइ अहिले प्रहरीले खोजिरहेको छ । सरकारी वकिलले नचाहेर पनि १५ वर्षिय किशोरीको बलात्कार गरी फरार रहेका महतोका विरुद्धमा काठमाडौं जिल्ला अदालतमा मुद्धा दर्ता गर्न बाध्य भएपछि अदालतले महतोलाइ पक्राउ गरी अदालतमा पेश गर्न प्रहरीलाइ पत्र पठाएपछि प्रहरी महतोको खोजीमा जुटेको छ । यदी प्रारम्भमा नै प्रहरी माथिल्लो प्रभावमा नपरेको भए महतोको पक्राउका लागि अदालतले पत्र नै काट्नुपर्ने बाध्यता आउने थिएन । तर प्रारम्भमा अभियुक्त पक्राउ गरी कानुनी कार्वाहीको दायरामा ल्याउनुको साटो उसलाइ जोगाउनतिर लागेपछि उनी उम्कीने मौका पाएका थिए ।

तर महान्यायधिवक्ताको कार्यालयको इमान्दारीताका कारण पैसाको बलमा बलात्कारको अभियोग खारेज गराउन महतो परिवार सफल हुन सकेनन । तर अदालतमा मुद्धा पेश भयो नै । अभियुक्तहरु फरार रहेको भन्दै मुद्धा पेश भएपछि पक्राउका लागि वारेन्ट जारी गर्नु सामान्य नै हो । मुल कुरा अब उनलाइ पक्राउ गरेर प्रहरीले अदालतमा बुझाउछ कि बुझाउंदैन भन्ने नै हो । यस विषयमा महानगरिय प्रहरी परिसर काठमाडौंका एसपि नवराज सिलवालसंग जिज्ञासा राखेको थिए मैले । उनले वारेन्ट जारी भएको हो भने पक्राउ गछौं भनेका छन । तर खै कसरी पक्राउ गर्छन उनी भारतमा आफन्तको घरमा लुकेर बसेका छन ।

अचम्म के भने महतोको पाप सार्वजनिक भएपछि पनि उनलाई जेगाउन सबै सरकारी संयन्त्र मरिमेटेर लागेका छन । अरु केही नगालेर प्रचलीत कानुन मिचेर सरकारी वकिल समेत महतोलाइ निर्दोश बनाउन अदालतमा मुद्धा दर्ता गर्दा महतोलाइ तीन नम्बरमा राखेर खाली प्रतिवादी मात्र बनाएका छन । करणिको मुद्धामा पहिलो नम्बरमा प्रमुख अभियुक्त राखिन्छ । र फैसला गरी सजाय सुनाउंदा कुन ब्यक्तिलाइ कुन रुपमा अभियोग लागेको छ भन्ने आधारमा सजाय सुनाइन्छ । त्यसैले सरकारी वकिलले सकेसम्म महतोलाइ सजाय नै नहोस भएपनि कम होस भन्ने गलत मनसायले उनलाइ तेस्रो नम्बरमा राखेर पहिलो र दोस्रो नम्बरमा किशोरीलाइ महतोको शिकार बनाउन महतो निवाससम्म लैजाने ल्याउने लक्ष्मी लामा र संगीता थापालाइ राखेका छन । यदी न्यायधिषले विवेकको प्रयोग नगर्ने हो भने लामा र थापा प्रमुख अपराधीको रुपमा दन्डीत हुनेछन भने मुख्य अपराधी महतो भने मतियारको रुपमा सामान्य दन्डको भागिदार बन्नेछन ।

तर जुन रुपमा यो मुद्धा अगाडि बढेको छ त्यो हेर्दा महतोले केस जितेर सफाइ पाउने सम्भावना बलियो देखिएको छ । प्रहरी वकिल र महतो परिवार मिलेर केस निक्कै कमजोर बनाइसकेका छन । पिडितका एक निकटका अनुसार महतोको परिवारले पिडित परिवारलाइ बलात्कार गरेको हैन भन्न राजी गराइसकेका छन । यसका लागि महतो परिवारले १५ लाख रुपैंया दिएका छन । अहिले महतोलाइ निर्दोश बनाउन एमालेका सांसद रघुविर महासेठ समेत ज्यान फालेर लागेका छन । महासेठ बलात्कारका अभियुक्त महतोका ज्वाइ पो रहेछन । महतोको छोरी पनि एमालेको तर्फवाट समानुपातिक कोटामा सभासद छिन । मनग्गे पैसा पावरफुल छोरा ज्वाई एमालेको प्रभावशाली नेता अनी छोरी सभासदको साथ रहेको महतोले सजाय पाउने हुन कि मुक्ती त्यो हेर्न बांकी छ ।


Posted on 07-01-09 2:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is a good idea we do need to give pressure to ANA to provide their good chuck of profit to the victim.

Posted on 07-01-09 5:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Pleas do not mix one incidence with another, which lead to more discussion, and people stray away from the subject matter. We are talking about the case that happened here in the US. Please be reminded the justice system in Nepal and the US is very different. I'm not trying to ignore your case, I'm no clue who this politician(Nahot??) is, I have NOT followed Nepali politics for decades. Too bad she happens to be in Nepal. The case here in the US is clear, the criminal will be punished, unlike in Nepal where nothing happens. I was just trying to bring some attention to the victims and provide awareness to the ANA attendees. Nepali politics and its followers are so shady that it is impossible to believe in anything these days, at least I do not. Who knows the truth. Just “copy and paste” of a news in Devnagari does not solidify as a truth. Nepali people and the government needs to take care of it. I
wish you all the best.

Once again, please refrain from mix-matching stories. Please start your own thread.

Thank you.

Last edited: 01-Jul-09 05:30 PM

Posted on 07-01-09 8:46 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I don't like your idea. Put yourself or your sis or mom at her place and see if you or they would like to be publicized as a victim. She must be well educated and can stand at her own. Throw away the bad people, the victim like she will easily thrive in the system and can stand at her own.

What a mentality you have !!! You think one will be hero dumping money to victim. Did she ask for monetary help? Don't try to rape others privacy. Help is not only donation.
Posted on 07-01-09 9:36 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Your words sounds so similar to those coming out of a Bollyhood movie. It is not like we will invite her to a ceremony, give her the cheque and a photo op. There are system in place where things can be anonymous and the anonymity can be guarded with law enforcement. You can go to jail if her identity is reviled. If she wants, she can seize to exist and still collect the donation. We're not talking about Nepal here bro. She does not have to walk down the street where kids and the elderly will make fun of her, pick on her like in a Hindi movies' plot. Read the news again...her name is still not mentioned yet, it will never be. Same way, she can collect the donation. It implies that you know what is best for her more than the victim herself.

I meant with the best of my intention. It is not like in Nepal, everything can be put under microscope and analysed. Modern science shows most rape victims suffer from serious psychological and mental problems afterwards, which can get very expensive for treatment. Even if she is rich (as if you know better...a Nepali student....does not need money????), she can re-donate the money to a charity that works for abused women. Nothing wrong.

Look, many rape victims live a perfectly normal life here, maybe you get those fears by watching too many Hindi movies. Her privacy will be intact as long as people like you and me do not go around spreading rumours. I started this thread legitimately to force ANA to help at least ONE Nepali right here in the US, forget about them doing anything in Nepal, where the rapist was on their board. It appears too many obstacles which are senseless. All right, let us not do it cause her privacy will be exposed and nobody will marry her, just like those dumb Indian movies. Good luck.

Last edited: 01-Jul-09 09:41 PM

Posted on 07-01-09 11:18 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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The rapist here is still named as one of Organizing committee member of ANA and candidate of ANA election to become a treasurer. And you are asking ANA to raise money for the victim of rape by none but one of the ANA organizing committee member. Its like a Bollywood movie that I used to see where 'neta' type daku' rapes a lady and then gives speech on rape and violence in some ceremony, and people like you clapping for his good words. Haha... :D
You said this is not Nepal but USA. Have you ever seen any ceremony where they raise donation for a particular case of rape victim? They could have done but its not done like a ceremony as you would like to see.
And regarding the donation, I thinkl, people here cares less about who else is donating.
Last edited: 01-Jul-09 11:20 PM

Posted on 07-02-09 7:13 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I agree with Khairey. I just don't see a connection between rape and donation. It's like saying "we're sorry for what you have been through, but here is some money to make you feel better". Is she asking for any monetary help?
Posted on 07-02-09 7:45 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think it would be wise to donate only if people spy the victim
wearing a t-shirt that reads 'Help Me' or something of that nature.
Like everyone else, people here on Sajha work hard for their money.
Most people as they should are showing support for the victim and
praying for her. A Nepali committing such a heinous crime on a lone
female Nepali minor is just unimaginable. Nepalese associations could
extend support to her if she needs any help at any time. It is true
that rape victims suffer from post-traumatic stress as there are plenty
of evidences documented out there.

No matter whom we help in
terms of monetery funds, it could be done in a few steps that convinces
us that we are not getting ripped off:

1) First the pleading person/group should define the problem with proper documentation
2) We could set up a local committee that works with the fund organizer  and verfies that it is a legitimate campaign.
Show us the voucher of estimate of what the total expense amount comes
to. There should always be a set amount of target fund total. That way
we know when the rest of the donors can stop dispensing cash and save
for the next fund campaign.

Bottomline : Let's stop allowing crooks to treat Sajha as an ATM machine.


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TPS Re-registration case still pending ..
मन भित्र को पत्रै पत्र!
They are openly permitting undocumented immigrants to participate in federal elections in Arizona now.
Driver license help ASAP sathiharu
ढ्याउ गर्दा दसैँको खसी गनाउच
TPS Reregistration and EAD Approval Timeline.......
nrn citizenship
जाडो, बा र म……
Changing job after i-140 approval
Nepali **fake** Veterans. Be aware!!
Trasiting through Istanbul, Turkey
lost $3500 on penny stocks !!!
Is this a progressive step?
Nepalese Students Face Deportation over Pro-Palestine Protest
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