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 Embassy of Nepal might be able to help extend TPS for Nepal

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Posted on 02-07-25 12:28 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have heard from my El Salvadorian friend that their Embassy in Washington DC has been working hard to extend TPS for El Salvadorians.
What is Embassy of Nepal doing for Nepalese in the USA ?
Posted on 02-07-25 1:16 PM     [Snapshot: 82]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nothing, nada…they don’t wanna see other Nepalese getting up in their life or getting benefitted, fuck em 
Last edited: 07-Feb-25 01:16 PM

Posted on 02-07-25 1:47 PM     [Snapshot: 128]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thuikka paan pasaley muzeee dhoti supaaadi … kina nepalese embassy lai dukha dinchas ? Nepal doesnt require extension for TpS or any other immigration benefits. FYI nepal embassy doesnt care and will not help for extension . Mark it. benefits that were given for short period of time, democrats misutilized it for their own benefits. . The damage that democratic party did will be discredited for generations and generations to come . MAGA 2028 2032 2036.
OM ….. namah… sivaaya…
Posted on 02-07-25 3:21 PM     [Snapshot: 271]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@Gagan-deuja is such a disgrace. Is this person also from Nepali. Maybe one of those Nepalese who can't tolerate other Nepalese doing well. Wonder how he got a green card or citizenship if she/he has it. Probably through Indian consultancy by using fake experiences or something that wasn't genuine. I can't imagine someone cussing out for no good reason.

How do you know Nepal doesn't deserve TPS? Jealously and bitterness is beyond disgusting! get a life! Nepal is not even in a good condition, we haven't still recovered. Economically and politically is in a bad condition.

Why is it bothering you? Its not like you care about Nepal. You don't even have a basic decency to respect other people's situations and mind your own business. The way you talk and disrespect, I doubt you have done ethical things in life.

Posted on 02-07-25 3:25 PM     [Snapshot: 284]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@jhaaaaa Nepal should do something. Indian government supports their citizens but ours. They are busy pocketing donations and worried about their funds will get affected rather than doing the right things.

I wish Nepali news channels would bring it up how our government is not supporting own people when we have such a bad condition economically and we are still struggling due the earthquakes and flood. Do the right thing!!!!
Posted on 02-07-25 3:52 PM     [Snapshot: 302]     Reply [Subscribe]
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To benefit 7000 nepalese why should whole nepalese suffer or be punished for that ? You guys have literally put stains in the face of the country nepal by allowing this TPS to renew and re reguster for nothing . Neither are we myaanmaar nor ethiopia ,other countries from Africa afghanisthan Ukraine syria haiti including myaanmaar deserves TPS cause they seriously have something going on in their homecountry and everybody is aware of it . Now convince me why NEPAL’s tps should be extended again and again ? Nepal gets tons of remittances and also creates revenue from other different illegal way. There is no maoist problem in nepal now since they came to govt two decades ago . why are u guys arguing with each other for unnecessary matter ? Uscis already extended it more than 5 times? If there is corruption in nepal doesnt mean that a country’s tps should be renewed again and again Every country have corruption in their homeland. Is this ypur reasoing why tps should be extended .
Posted on 02-07-25 3:52 PM     [Snapshot: 360]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 02-07-25 4:03 PM     [Snapshot: 373]     Reply [Subscribe]
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“I wish Nepali news channels would bring it up how our government is not supporting own people when we have such a bad condition economically and we are still struggling due the earthquakes and flood. Do the right thing”

This paragraph doesnt make sense to me at all. Has nepal been hit any big earthquakes like 7.5 ? Have we?? Does anybody have to live eat and take shit outside like before? What struggling Economy are you talking about ? Nepal is poor country … netas and people are rich there .
Posted on 02-07-25 4:07 PM     [Snapshot: 388]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Desh ko naaaam ma kalo potne kulangaaar nepali haru ho timiharu.
Posted on 02-07-25 4:35 PM     [Snapshot: 426]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"This paragraph doesnt make sense to me at all. Has nepal been hit any big earthquakes like 7.5 ? Have we?? Does anybody have to live eat and take shit outside like before? What struggling Economy are you talking about ? Nepal is poor country … netas and people are rich there ." IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!! If you have honest answers and evidence then provide it.

You need to brain to understand paragraphs!! You can't see beyond your jealously and bitterness. What desh, the one you left and didn't care about??? If you care why don't you go back????? Don't lecture other people when you left the country and call yourself MAGA, no basic decency to respect others genuine concerns, dragging other people down purposely. What proof you have that Nepal has recovered from the earthquakes and flood? Bring evidence don't just say blah blah blah. Such a hypocrite! Or get a hobby or something. 

Last edited: 07-Feb-25 04:38 PM

Posted on 02-07-25 5:01 PM     [Snapshot: 517]     Reply [Subscribe]
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तेही त तिमीहरु देशको धब्बा हौ भनेर त मैले अगिनै भनी सकेनी . Evidence chaahiyo re
Posted on 02-07-25 5:31 PM     [Snapshot: 571]     Reply [Subscribe]
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M U J I Gaganey tero kando ma hatti ko L A D O paros
Last edited: 07-Feb-25 05:32 PM

Posted on 02-07-25 5:42 PM     [Snapshot: 616]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Aba kehi na bhaye pachhi bhanneee yahi ta ho ni … yo paros tyo paros ….. yo khaaaaa tyo khaaaaa… timiharu ko nidaaaar ma TPS deshdrohi bhanera tattoo haannu parni ho asalmaaa
Last edited: 07-Feb-25 05:45 PM

Posted on 02-07-25 6:01 PM     [Snapshot: 654]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Gaganey hero naban. DV parera Amrika aayis bhandai ma hero bhais m u j i. Your wife probably cheated and fucked an Indian that’s why you so salty and racist
Posted on 02-07-25 6:13 PM     [Snapshot: 675]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Tera baaaa le pani tyaaa bihaaar gayera thhokai basdai chha . Fone garr ghar ma bau bihaaari hola
Posted on 02-07-25 6:15 PM     [Snapshot: 695]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Oye TPS desh drohi bhanera tattoo chai hanna nabirsi hai nidaar ma
Posted on 02-07-25 6:16 PM     [Snapshot: 699]     Reply [Subscribe]
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TPS desh drohi chahi kasari bhayo Gaganey explain gar ta. Bujheko padheko manche jasto chas yeso sunam ta reasoning behind it
Last edited: 07-Feb-25 06:16 PM

Posted on 02-07-25 6:36 PM     [Snapshot: 732]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Desh lai nai garib, politically disturbed, no future in nepal, bhanera jutho TPS extension maaghera baseko chas … ani bhayenas ta DD . Nepal lai africa nai banayera baseko chas hai aafno faidaaa ko laagi .
Posted on 02-07-25 6:42 PM     [Snapshot: 763]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hahaa m u j i illiterate. DV bharera desh bata bhagera aaune manche arulai j pai tei bhandai hidcha. Gayera school ma admission lig illiterate s a l a. 

Kati choti DV bharis oi. Bhada majera EB3 unskilled bharna khojiracha thukka s a l a
Last edited: 07-Feb-25 06:43 PM
Last edited: 07-Feb-25 06:46 PM

Posted on 02-07-25 6:51 PM     [Snapshot: 754]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@Gagan-deuja this person is one of biggest hypocrites, and is delusional I have seen online.
Oieee ta Nepal gayera Nepal banna. Aafu MAGA bhanerra basiracha, arkako kutta tanera. Tero faida nasocheko bhaye, taile DV kina Bhathis, ya America ma kina basthis. You said Nepal is poor and you can't keep up with your own lies.

Such a pathetic lair. He says Nepal is a poor country and at same time Nepal has recovered from the earthquakes/flood. Don't contradict yourself. Nepal political and economical situation is bad, it is a big issue, unfortunately. It has not been recovered.

Therefore, evidence liyera aaija, Nepal recover bhayeko cha bhanera. Ta Nepal gayera gatilo kaam gareko bhaye autaa kura. Yahaa basera jabarjasti American hunna khojiraheko cha. At least American ko good quality sikeko bhaye hunthiyo, and that is minding your own business and respecting other people's and countries' situations. If people were like you then you would not have been here declaring to be MAGA. It appress you don't even have a good moral character.


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