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Posted on 08-15-07 2:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hey guys,

I am planning to write something serious (SS) related to all in general. I may pose questions too in the end of every posting !!


Recently I visited to a doctor for my little daughter. It was a regular visit. The hospital is one of the really famous ones in the USA. After finishing all preliminary checks like the height,weight, eyesight,blood pressure,etc by a nurse, we reached the doctor. She checked my daughter and said, "Everything is fine but I suggest to take an X-ray of both writst bones to find whether her growth is normal !" Taking the doctor's prescription, we went to the X-ray room and waited for our turn. A lady (radiologist) called us into the X-ray room. She directed my daughter next to the x-ray machine and I was directed to stand in a different place. I was watching her activities. She was making an X-ray plate ready for the CHEST X-RAY. I was surprised and went to her and asked," Miss, the doctor has suggested to take X-rays of the wrist bones but you are preparing for a Chest X-ray. Why is this?" In her astonishment, she now went to the doctor's prescription at her table and saw it. She came to me and said," Sorry ! I thought it was an X-ray for her chest." Then she did what the doctor had suggested.

We got the report from the doctor too. Her growth is normal, according to it.

Here are two questions:

Was it a human error or negligence or overconfidence or what - of the radiologist to make preparation for an X- ray of Chest without reading the doctor's prescription carefully?

This is a real happenning of such a developed place of the World, what may be happenning in the nook and crannies of my country?
Posted on 08-15-07 3:39 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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maila dai
US heath care sucks i think
have u watched this documentary sicko

Posted on 08-16-07 9:24 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think most of us are aware of the fact that the US returned 9 million toys ( costing billions of dollars) back to China because of having lead-paintings on them and having little magnets both of which are dangerous to the kids. Many more are going to be returned. That means it is a kind of big loss to the companies which make these toys. More serious thing is- how are the health conditions of the kids who have already played with these kinds of toys?

Here are some more questions:

(1) Why did the US distributors let those toys enter the US without testing properly?

(2) Now the toys that were returned will be dumped or will be sold to the third world countries where people are less aware of this fact?

(3) The big companies and the distributors are so bold enough to do this kind of things even in the USA and other developed countries, what can't they do in the underdeveloped countries where people are not enough educated and aware of this kind of things?

( 4) Does our country have any system to test this kind of things which are really concerned to our health and day to day life?
Posted on 08-16-07 10:07 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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(1) Why did the US distributors let those toys enter the US without testing properly?
Just take a good look at the size of this country. You really think they check each and every item going to and from here ? Gotta be kidding, it will cost them a fortune to look up every peice of plastic coming into the US.

(2) Most likely it will be sold in third world country. Once it goes behind the Iron Curtains of People's Republic of China.... god only knows what they do with them.

(3) Well that kind of thing will never happen in Nepal because we have great leaders such as Girija, Prachandey, Baburaaamey, Gyaney who are interested more in filling their own pockets than public's safety. Trust me we are educated but our govt chooses to ignore such facts over personal benefits.

(4) ha ha ha We don't even have proper electricity and running water & you want to enforce laws like this ? Would be like LAAATAAAA KO DESH MAA GANDDD TANNERIII. HA HA HA

As far as your daughter's x-ray is concerned ... I mean human beings make mistakes all the time. If you look into the medical profession here in US more than 80% of mistakes like this are such plain old human error.
Posted on 08-16-07 10:10 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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We associate developed countries to the word, "perfect." This is why many people are disappointed to see beggers and filthy streets in these "1st world" countries.

What the nurse did is an human performance error. Administrative checks could have been placed for those errors to not happen, but they might slow the process down. As such, it is a mistake by a mere human, you cannot correlate that to a country being developed or not. Sure, you expect more care for the price you pay, but you always also realize that nothing is perfect.
Posted on 08-16-07 10:23 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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(2) Now the toys that were returned will be dumped or will be sold to the third world countries where people are less aware of this fact?

I had this thing on my mind when I heard of the news. Remember "Chernobyl" and the milk... We need to make people in Nepal aware of this situation. Tell your families and ask them to spread the word..
Posted on 08-16-07 10:40 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Regarding the X-Ray issue:

It could either be a momentary lapse of attention, an isolated scenario, or it could be that that person has the history of being careless in his/her job. In either case, it is a good idea to report this to the authority. You should write a letter to the hospital's administration and possibly to the relevant medical board. Be sure to keep a copy.

This is not a matter of being vindictive, even more so, it is not about that X-ray technician; it is to make sure that this kind of error does happen again (I am sure it will, but by drawing attention, it is less likely). I read somewhere that hundreds, even thousands, die in the United States due to negligence in hospitals. We need to be vigilant and be vocal about it. If the manufacturing companies like GE and Motorola can implement Six Sigma to virtually eliminate all process faults, it is more imperative that such practices be in use at medical institutions.

Finally, you should be commended for being alert. It is incumbent upon parents to be ever so vigilant when anything is being done to their kids.
Posted on 08-16-07 10:42 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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sorry typo above, please read:

* it is to make sure that this kind of error does NOT happen again...
Posted on 08-16-07 10:46 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi all,

Thanks for your genuine responses and comments. Highly appreciated !!!
Posted on 08-16-07 6:21 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Recently I read in a newspaper that a survey showed that an American girl has on an average at least five boyfriends before she gets finally married to someone.

The question is :

Is it good to have several boyfriends or choose a boy seriously to make one and all in the life?
Posted on 08-16-07 6:39 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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BKMailo jee
Are you R.Kafle from WPI
Posted on 08-16-07 8:21 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I totally agree with DWI on this matter. Its a human performance error which can happen to anyone in their work. For e.g: i counted my $20 bills for total $400 and went to deposit in a bank. Then the banker counted infron of me and got $20 short. i asked her than there should be $400 in total. So she re-counted it and got the right amount. She made an excuse of having a long day and everything went fine. Now its a samll human error right?? i correlated my case with the X-ray thing disregarding the expensive cost of X-ray, and the risk of chest X-ray exposure of the kid. This place is built on improving and correcting as things go which is very important to understand. And it is very true no to expect Perfectness just coz it a developed country. This is my opinion. I might be wrong or conflict with other's view which won't be a shocker to me, but this issue raised is an important one. Thanks.
Posted on 08-17-07 8:25 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Please read the posting in the following link if you haven't done yet.


Here are two serious questions:

(1) Who is guilty - the boy who wrote a love letter, the girl whom the letter was written to or the society in which they are growing up?

(2) Is this kind of punishment okay in such case?
Posted on 08-20-07 7:13 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Here is a news from THE BOSTON GLOBE:

Wrong-site surgery case leads to probe


QUESTION: Why such things happen again and again?
Posted on 08-21-07 7:50 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why is the population of India growing so fast? - The answer is here:

"In our country, we do sex. But we don't want to talk about ------------------," said by the Indian Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss.

Click on the following link of BBCNEWS.COM for more.

Posted on 08-21-07 8:15 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Maila dai,
This is simply a human error and it can happen in any part of the world. Since no harm is done so I think there is nothing to worry. As for US health system is concerned, it really sucks.
Posted on 08-21-07 8:28 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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You keep asking the same question like a broken phonograph. Why do we make these mistakes over and over again ? I DUNNO !! Why do people catch cold during flu season ? BECAUSE WE ARE HUMANS AND WE MAKE MISTAKES ALL THE TIME WHICH IS PART OF OUR LEARNING PROCESS. IF WE STOP MAKING MISTAKES ..he he WE WILL BE PERFECT AND GODLIKE.
Posted on 08-24-07 6:41 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Mother Teresa's diary reveals her crisis of faith

Here is more!


Posted on 08-25-07 5:49 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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अस्ट्रेलियामा पढ्न धौधौ

Here is more !

Posted on 08-27-07 7:54 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Withdrawn journal papers of Jan Hendrik Schön:

......... On September 25, 2002, the committee publicly released its report. The report contained details of 24 allegations of misconduct. They found evidence of Schön's scientific misconduct in at least 16 of them. They found that whole data sets were reused in a number of different experiments. They also found that some of his graphs, which purportedly had been plotted from experimental data, had instead been produced using mathematical functions.


Here is more:


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