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Posted on 04-05-06 2:57 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dear friends:

Our venue for the New Year's function is Community United Church of
Christ located at 814 Dixie TRL, Raleigh, NC 27607, Phone: (919)
787-6422. This is very conveniently located at the intersection of
WADE AVENUE and Dixie Trial. There are two parking lots one on DIXIE
TRAIL and one on WADE AVENUE both next to the church.

Here is more Direction: Come west on I-40 and take Wade Avenue EXIT.
Dixie Trail is less than two mile after you pass under the I-440
Beltway Bridge. Turn Right on Dixie Trail to park or go passed Church
and turn right to Park. There are two parking lots.

Please book your calendar now and let every one know, its going to be
rewarding experience.

Here is the tentative program:

2 – 4 PM
Reception (Refreshments: Samosa, Aloo Tikki, Cookies, Drinks)

Grand Programs for Children of all ages simultaneously in three rooms
Prizes, Learning with Fun, games, story telling etc..
One room for 3 years or more children
One Room for children below three years
One Room for toddlers/ new borns
So come one come all….

4 – 4:45
Welcome, Introduction, and NCNC updates
Main Hall, all children to be seated with parents

5 – 6:00
Catered Dinner
Separate Dinner for Children in Game Room

6 – 7:30
Cultural Program (Children to be seated with parents)
Dances, Songs, Muktaks, Kabita, Jokes and more
Including group Dance by all, may be opening group song….

Posted on 04-19-06 9:43 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Cursory check in the web showed that 2 bedroom apartment costs around $800 per month, 3 bedroom costs around $1000. Average house costs in average :-) $230K.
Posted on 04-19-06 2:11 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 04-20-06 3:10 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Housing prices put Americans on the move
Residents are leaving high-priced markets in the Northeast and West Coast for more affordable places in the Sun Belt.

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