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 Nepalese are smarter than indians

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Posted on 04-14-11 8:54 AM     [Snapshot: 38]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Can you please post the link so tha we can read.......

Posted on 04-16-11 3:24 AM     [Snapshot: 1127]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ए गाँठे धोती जस्ले लागाउछ उस्ले मात्र धोती को इज्यात गर -धोती फुस्को भने के हुन्छ ?
पाईट लागाउने ले पाईटको इज्यात गर तर ईन्डिएन साला चोर खाते हरु को कहिल्ले भर नपर
Posted on 04-16-11 10:34 AM     [Snapshot: 1215]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yetro sathi haru ko comment sune pachi ta buddhi auuna parney ho Yo syanjali ko... Oie dhoti Lai puja garna chod ra Nepal ko lagi kehi garney plan gar daka
Posted on 04-16-11 12:26 PM     [Snapshot: 1249]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Fix your head first and stop your cry. KaaThe ko kahilai biswas nagar , pokhariko byaagutale dekheko sansar baahira ke nai sochna sakchha ra . Grow man try to grow.

Posted on 04-16-11 12:39 PM     [Snapshot: 1256]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Gosh! No wonder we are who we are -- Nepalis! Why is it so hard to understand that IQ is not a function of whether you were born on this side of an invisible demarcation called a border, or the other side of it for that matter?
I think some of you could have just said "Cos I hate Indians, I think their IQ is inferior than mine"!
Last time I checked, no Nepalese had won a Noble prize till date! Please correct me if I am wrong.

Last edited: 16-Apr-11 12:44 PM

Posted on 04-16-11 1:21 PM     [Snapshot: 1276]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Well, some of the sajha blogger might win something. They are the smartest bug from Nepal specially the Kathmaandu and all of these are attending MIT, Harvard, UCLA , Prinston, and you name it all the top univeristies.

Guys: Make your claim here,

Posted on 04-16-11 3:42 PM     [Snapshot: 1282]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sanjyalli wrote :
" They are the smartest bug from Nepal specially the Kathmaandu".

"काम छैन बुहारी  के गर भन्ने उखान सम्झायो मलाई."
"फेरी पनि भन्छु " काम छैन बुहारी  पाडाको कन्डो कन्या "
तिमीलाई त्यो काठमान्डौ मै जन्मिएको चाहियो ? के गर्न लाग्यौ यो तथ्यान्क लिएर ? Give us a logical reason? You will get response as your post is. I am not after you but just commented on the content of the post.

"Just understand difference between after you and after content of the post. I have no wish to run after your name."

No wonder why, most fo the people are after you. Few weeks ago, somone started a thread saying how many of u from kathmandu, and this sanjyalli got so offended. Why u have such a hate towards people from kathmandu? We r proud where we r from and same goes to u. However, if u r not bias, why u call yourself "syangalli", aren't u supposed to say "nepali". Let me ask u one thing, what syangalli or whatever stands for? I guess that means people from syanjha, am i right? see we didn't get offended by that. But, why your arse tickel when someone ask how many are u guys from kathmandu. I just don't get it. Stop poking on each and every thread u see here in sajha. That doesn't make u smart, dude.


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