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Posted on 08-15-07 2:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hey guys,

I am planning to write something serious (SS) related to all in general. I may pose questions too in the end of every posting !!


Recently I visited to a doctor for my little daughter. It was a regular visit. The hospital is one of the really famous ones in the USA. After finishing all preliminary checks like the height,weight, eyesight,blood pressure,etc by a nurse, we reached the doctor. She checked my daughter and said, "Everything is fine but I suggest to take an X-ray of both writst bones to find whether her growth is normal !" Taking the doctor's prescription, we went to the X-ray room and waited for our turn. A lady (radiologist) called us into the X-ray room. She directed my daughter next to the x-ray machine and I was directed to stand in a different place. I was watching her activities. She was making an X-ray plate ready for the CHEST X-RAY. I was surprised and went to her and asked," Miss, the doctor has suggested to take X-rays of the wrist bones but you are preparing for a Chest X-ray. Why is this?" In her astonishment, she now went to the doctor's prescription at her table and saw it. She came to me and said," Sorry ! I thought it was an X-ray for her chest." Then she did what the doctor had suggested.

We got the report from the doctor too. Her growth is normal, according to it.

Here are two questions:

Was it a human error or negligence or overconfidence or what - of the radiologist to make preparation for an X- ray of Chest without reading the doctor's prescription carefully?

This is a real happenning of such a developed place of the World, what may be happenning in the nook and crannies of my country?
Posted on 09-28-07 2:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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साम्प्रदायिक तनाव

कपिलवस्तु नरसंहार

कपिलवस्तुको नरसंहार स्वस्फूर्त आक्रोशको परिणामभन्दा नयोजित षड् यन्त्रको हिस्सा भएको आशङ्का

माधव ढुङ्गेल साथमा, मनोज पौडेल र सञ्जय पन्थी/कपिलवस्तु

भदौ ३० गते बिहान पौने ८ बजेको थियो, अब्दुल मोइद खाँ करबि अढाइ किलोमिटर टाढा चन्दनपुरमा रहेको खेततिर गइरहेका थिए । वीरपुर गाविस, कुदरबेटुवाको घरबाट मोटरसाइकलमा एक्लै सवार मोइदलाई चन्दनपुर गाउँभन्दा सय मिटरवरै विपरीत दिशाबाट आइरहेको एउटा मोटरसाइकलले रोक्यो । सो मोटरसाइकलमा तीन जना आएका थिए । एक जनाले मोइदसँग हात पनि मिलायो । अर्को एक जनाले गोली प्रहार गरहिाल्यो । मोइद त्यहीँ ढले, तीनै जना तत्कालै भागे ।

मोइदमाथि गोली प्रहार भएको १५ मिनेटपछि मात्र घरमा खबर आयो । छोरा नविद आलम जीप लिएर तत्काल घटनास्थल पुगे । त्यतिबेलासम्म मोइदको निधन भइसकेको थियो । उनी पिताको मृत शरीर लिएर फर्के । मोइदको शव घरमा पुर्‍याउँदा बिहानको साढे ८ बजिसकेको थियो । मोइदका भाइ -काकाका छोरा) परवेज खाँका अनुसार, उनको शरीरमा सातवटा गोली लागेको थियो ।

शव जीपबाट ओरालिँदै गर्दा बिहानको ८ः३५ जति भएको थियो, चन्द्रौटामा एक्कासि बम पड्केको आवाज आयो । त्यससँगै आगजनी, तोडफोड र लुटपाट पनि सुरु भयो । ठीक त्यसैबेला चन्द्रौटाबाट करबि २० किलोमिटर दक्षिण सीमावर्ती बजार कृष्णनगरमा पनि दङ्गा भड् कियो । परवेज भन्छन्, "कृष्णनगर र चन्द्रौटामा पहाडी समुदायका मान्छे, उनीहरूको घर, पसल र मोटरमा छानी-छानी आक्रमण गरएिको छ ।" उनी यो साम्प्रदायिक सद्भाव बिथोल्ने 'ग्य्रान्ड डिजाइन' अन्तर्गत भएको बताउँछन् ।

Here is more:

Posted on 09-28-07 4:48 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 10-13-07 9:48 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Housework 'can cause asthma'
Giving your house a weekly clean could be enough to give you asthma, according to research.

A study found using household cleaning sprays and air fresheners as little as once a week raised the risk of asthma.

Heavy use of such products has already been linked with occupational asthma, but the latest work suggests occasional use in the home also poses a threat.

The Spanish study of more than 3,500 is published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.


The risk of developing asthma increased with frequency of cleaning and the number of different sprays used.

Spray air fresheners, furniture cleaners and glass cleaners carried the highest risk.

Exposure to cleaning products could account for as much as 15%, or one in seven adult asthma cases, the researchers suggest.

On average, the risk was 30-50% higher in people regularly used the sprays than in others.

And the incidence of physician-diagnosed asthma was higher among those using sprays at least four days per week


The study authors, Dr Jan-Paul Zock and colleagues from the Municipal Institute of Medical Research in Barcelona, said work was needed to determine the biological mechanism behind the increased risk.

It may be that sprays contain irritants specific to asthma, they suggest.

Dr Kenneth Rosenman, professor of occupational and environmental medicine at Michigan State University, said: "Clinicians should be aware of the potential for cleaning products used in the home to cause respiratory symptoms and possibly asthma."

Victoria King of Asthma UK said: "We know that up to 25% of people exposed to chemicals, including cleaning sprays, at work will go on to develop occupational asthma.

"This report also highlights significant findings regarding the link between asthma and the use of spray cleaning products in the home. Although further research is needed, we do already know that air fresheners and bleach trigger symptoms in people who already have asthma.

"For anybody concerned about developing asthma as a result of using cleaning products we recommend they speak to their doctor or call our advice line on 08457 01 02 03."

The UK Cleaning Products Industry Association said: "The safety of consumers is the highest priority of our industries and the safety of our products is regularly checked and subject to rigorous controls, as well as stringent European legislation."

A spokesman stressed that cleaning product use has not been demonstrated to cause asthma. 

 Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7041182.stm

Posted on 10-21-07 7:23 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Monkeys kill Delhi deputy mayor

The deputy mayor of the Indian capital Delhi died on Sunday after being attacked by a horde of wild monkeys.

SS Bajwa suffered serious head injuries when he fell from the first-floor terrace of his home on Saturday morning trying to fight off the monkeys.

The city has long struggled to counter its plague of monkeys, which invade government complexes and temples, snatch food and scare passers-by.

The High Court demanded the city find an answer to the problem last year.

Solution elusive

One approach has been to train bands of larger, more ferocious langur monkeys to go after the smaller groups of Rhesus macaques.

The city has also employed monkey catchers to round them up so they can be moved to forests.

But the problem has persisted.

Culling is seen as unacceptable to devout Hindus, who revere the monkeys as a manifestation of the monkey god Hanuman, and often feed them bananas and peanuts.

Urban development around the city has also been blamed for destroying the monkeys' natural habitat.

Mr Bajwa, a member of the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), is survived by his wife and a son, according to the Press Trust of India news agency.



Posted on 10-31-07 10:28 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Be thin to cut cancer, study says
Even those who are not overweight should slim down if they want to cut their risk of cancer, a major international study has claimed.

The World Cancer Research Fund carried out the largest ever inquiry into lifestyle and cancer, and issued several stark recommendations.

Here is more:


Posted on 12-16-07 10:17 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Call for rethink in obesity fight
Obesity cannot be tackled by just encouraging healthier eating and more exercise, health experts say.

The experts, led by a London-based academic, say governments should adopt more sophisticated approaches.

Work conditions, food subsidies, town planning and advert restrictions are all key, the experts wrote in the British Medical Journal.


Here is more :  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7142176.stm

Posted on 12-31-07 9:58 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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