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 बिद्या - के पि को प्रेम प्रसंग

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Posted on 10-27-15 6:43 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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मदन भंडारी मर्दा हामी सानै थिएउ,तेती सानो पनि हैन आमा को काख मै बस्ने ! तर बिद्या भंडारी ले नाठो के पि ओली संग मिलेर पोइ मारी भन्ने खूब हल्ला थियो । अब त्यों बेला हाम्लाइ के थाहा राजनीति को खेल , कल्ले कल्लाइ मार्यो ,कहाँ के भयो किन भयो बालै थिएन ।
घटना क्रम ले पनि ती कुरा हरु पुष्टी गर्दै गए ,अमर लामा लाइ नी जेल बाट निकालेर मारी छाड्यो । यदि एमाले को कुनै हात थिएन भने आफ्नो तेत्रो सरकार हुदा , सत्ता मा साझेदारी हुदा किन मदन हत्या काण्ड को छानबिन को कुरा उठेन !!! एउटा गुण्डा नाइके मर्दा लाइन लागाएर बिरोध गर्न जाने नेपाली राजनीतिक चलन छ , आफनै पार्टी को तेत्रो ठुलो नेता मर्दा किन कोई छानबीन गर भन्दै झण्डा बोकेर हिडेनन ?? एउटा डॉ के सी ले चाहेर नेपाल को मंत्री मण्डल हल्लाएर भोको पेट बसेर माग पूरा गराउन सक्छन् भने तेत्रा जनता साथ मा भएको एमाले ले किन चरण बद्ध रूप मा छानबीन को माग गरेन ?? सबै कुरा हेर्दा एमालेले आफ्नै नेता को हत्या गरेको देखिन आयो।
अन्तन यत्रो बर्ष पछि बिद्या ले के पि संग मिलेर पोइ मारिन की भन्ने कुरो झन मझबूत हुन पो पुग्यो जब उन्की प्रेमी भनेर चिनिएका के पि ओली प्र म हुने बित्तिकै उनलाई राष्ट्र पति जस्तो गरिमामय पद मा सिफारिस गरे । बरु माधब नेपाल लाइ गरेको भए हुन्थ्यो तर क्या करे प्यार चीज ही ऐसा है अच्छे अच्छे की हावा निकल जाती है ।
राजनीति , पढ़ाई , योग्यता कतै बाट नी तीनि राष्ट्र पति हुन लायक छैनन । हुन त योग्यता को कुरा गर्ने हो भने त नेपाल मा राजनीति बाट कोई पनि राष्ट्र पति हुने लायक छैन । तर माधब नेपाल मा बिद्या को भन्दा राजनीतिक छाप अली हॉबी थियो , निकम्माई भए पनि प्र म को कुर्ची मा बसी सक्या थे ।
अस्ति एउटा को फेसबुक पोस्ट देख्या थिए , बॉयफ्रेंड प्र म , गर्लफ्रेंड राष्ट्र पति भए बास बस्न लाइ किन दुईटा घर छुट्याउनु रे । अर्को ले भने पछि अब को हरेक राष्ट्र पति संग को प्र म को बैठक चै डेटिंग हुने भयो रे ।
अब रातारात नेपाल मा अर्को उथलपुथल नभय बिद्या नेपाल की दोस्रो र पहिलो राष्ट्र पति हुने पक्का जस्तै छ । येई कुरा सुनेर हाम्रि सबै की (आफ्नी आफ्नी) गर्ल फ्रेंड ले चै तिमी राजनीति मा लाग तिमी प्र म होउ म राष्ट्र पति हुन्छु भन्न बेर छैन ।
जय होस नेपाल को फोहोरि राजनीति

Posted on 10-27-15 6:46 AM     [Snapshot: 1]     Reply [Subscribe]
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लास्ट मा बिद्या नेपाल की दोस्रो र पहिलो महिला राष्ट्रपति हुने पक्का जस्तै छ मा "महिला" चै छुटेछ। मोबाइल बाट edit गर्न मिलेन ।
Posted on 10-28-15 7:22 AM     [Snapshot: 446]     Reply [Subscribe]
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अन्तत प्रेम को जीत भयो । प्रसंग राष्ट्रपति निर्वाचन ।
परापूर्व काल मा राधा कृष्ण
खैरे संग रोमियो जूलियट
भारत संग लैला मज्नु
हामी संग के पि - बिद्या ।

Posted on 10-28-15 10:51 AM     [Snapshot: 681]     Reply [Subscribe]
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तेही त यो देसमा के हुन थाल्यो एस्तो ? रास्ट्रपति जस्तो पदको लागि त अलि योग्य मान्छे थिएनन् र नेपालमा ..कोइ नपाएर बिद्या ...तोइत
Posted on 10-28-15 12:22 PM     [Snapshot: 778]     Reply [Subscribe]
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नया रास्ट्रपतिको बारेमा जे पायो तेही नभनम है सोल्टी हरु (नास बाहेक ;)) गर्वको कुरो त देशले महिला रास्ट्रपति पाएको छ \

तर मेरो व्यक्तिगत रोजाई येस्पली चै कुल बहादुर बुढा थिए \ उमेर, राजनीतिक निरन्तरता, सत्य-निष्ठाको राजनीति गर्ने(थाहा भए सम्म है ), अनि अझ बढी समाबेशिता देखिने - बिद्या भन्दा पनि अझै सुहाउने \के गर्नु पार्टी सिस्टम को नतिजा येस्तै हुन्छ \ तर तेसो भन्दैमा बिद्या चै रास्ट्रपतिको लागि कत्तिपनि उपयुक्त छैनन् भन्ने होइन है \ मदन भण्डारीको बिधवा भएर मात्र होइन, बिहे भन्दा पहिले देखि राजनीतिमा लागेकी रैचिन \ अनि कम पढेको , क्ष्य्मता नभनेको भन्ने चै मिल्दैन , यिनी रक्षा मन्त्रि हुदा एउटा दुइटा interview सुनेको थिए - अनि मन्त्रालयमा नै काम गर्ने मान्छे हरुको विचार सुन्दा पनि प्रशासनिक र नीतिगत कुरा बुज्ने र र विचार राख्न सक्ने मान्छे जस्तो लाग्छ \ (त्यो भन्दा त्यो भन्दा पहिले  मेरो बिचारमा यिनलाई मदन भण्डारीको बिधवा भनेर लिफ्ट दिएको हो , अनि मन्त्रालय चलाउने पनि PA /सल्लाहकार ले होला जस्तो लाग्थ्यो [ एमाले ले पहिलो चोटी सरकार बनाउदा मन्त्रिहरुलाइ कन्ट्रोल गर्न अनि यिनले प्रशासन पनि बजेका छैनन् भनेर पार्टीले नै PA /सल्लाहकार तोकी दिन्थ्यो ] ), तर होइन रहेछ\

पार्टी राजनीतिको गुट उपगुट मा पनि यिनी राम्रै खेलाडी रैचिन भन्ने अलि अलि सुनिएको छ - न कि मदनको बिधवा भएर सधै पद पाउने गरेकी \ अनि अर्को कुरो पनि याद आयो, केहि हप्ता पहिले एउटा tv मा यिनलाई "तपाई महिला भएर पनि महिला अधिकारको बिरोधि हुनु हुन्छ रे" भन्ने प्रश्न मा यिनले सारै सटिक जबाफ दिएकी थिन \ नागरिकताको बारेमा यिनले "ठुलो पार्टीको केन्द्रिय नेतृत्वमा भएको ले मैले activist को जस्तो काम गर्न सक्दिन, सबै देशले नागरिकता दिने आफ्नै बिसेष आधार तय गरेको हुन्छ , ति आधारभूत कुरालाई त मैले पनि मान्नै पर्छ" -- येस्तै भनेकी थिन \

अनि facebook सोल्टी , के सारो पधेरनी जस्तो कुरा गरको भन्या \ यहाँ भोटको लागि लासको राजनीति सबैले गरेका छन् - जुन कत्ति पनि राम्रो होइन \ त्यो एमाले ले अल्लि बढी नै गर्यो \ नत्र भट्टराई जस्तो त्यागी र दार्सनिक बुढालाई यिनले कुनै हिसबले पनि व्यक्तिगत प्रतिस्पर्ध मा हराउन सक्दिनथिन \ तर आफ्नै पार्टीको अन्तर्घात र विद्याको सेतो लुगाले गर्दा हारेका हुन् \ तर तेस्को २० वर्ष यता यिनी निकै खारिएर आएकी छन् \

facebook गरे जस्तो पधेरनी गफ मा सत्यता भए यिनका दुइटा हुर्किएका छोरि हरुले के हेरर बसेका छन् , बाहिर हल्ला भन्दा त छोरि हरुलाई राम्रो थाहा छ होला \ अरु कुरा यता उता होला तर यहाँ बाउले त आफ्नो आमा बाहेक अर्की लाइ खेलाएका छन् भने लात हान्चन (आफु चै हानीछ है ) भने आमाले तेस्तो गरको सुइँको मात्र भए पनि आमा संग सम्बन्ध राम्रो हुन्न \ यिनी त अझै पनि देवरको (मदन भण्डारीको भाई) को घरमा सासु संगै बस्छिन \ तेसैले राष्ट्रपतिको बारेमा तेस्ता सस्ता कुराले सोभा दिदैन ब्रो \
Last edited: 28-Oct-15 12:25 PM
Last edited: 28-Oct-15 12:32 PM

Posted on 10-28-15 12:24 PM     [Snapshot: 781]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I did a quick scan of my fb news feed this morning. Majority of people supporting Bidya (blah blah female power) were women and majority of people against were male (PM&Prez bf& gf blah blah shit). K nari manish thulo paad ma pugeko bhanera kta manche haru lai "sub-conscious" level ma agat ta pugeko haina? Something to ponder upon....
Posted on 10-28-15 12:36 PM     [Snapshot: 821]     Reply [Subscribe]
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First thing first. I would like to congratulate Ms. Vidhya Bhandari for becoming the second president of Nepal, first female President of Nepal, and first President of New Nepal.

However, I see Nepalese people in general holding mixed feelings towards her political achievement. Would she have reached there without Mr. KP Oli, the prime minister of Nepal? I doubt like many others. Why? Well, there are lots of bitching about them. With all these bitchings, I felt I must say something to all the readers out there, because it's very important for everyone out there to think like me and believe like my in this matter. Let me start from myself.

I am not so old, just an 80s born, who were kid until world entered millennium era. I vaguely remember Madan Bhandari's death and talks around amongst my dad and his friends and neighbors and medias then. I didn't care much though. I could hear here and there people linking KP Oli with Vidhya Bhandari. Then, I grew up, got busy with my own youthfulness, rock music and western world and I cared less about Nepal politics and politicians. Then came "Ganatantra," then came rise of politicians and their power and influences and then came KP Oli as president of UML and Vidhya Bhandari as VP. By this time, I was matured enough to understand laugh and taunt and bitch about these two, behind their backs. Now, here we are -- KP Oli as a prime minister of Nepal and Vidhya Bhandari as president. I see netizens talking all kind of talks about them. WOW! bitching that was started by our father's generation is passed down to my generation and also some early 20s. We all have been bitching. Amazing people we are. We are bitching about two elders without any proofs, without any base, purely based on assumptions circulated by elders and we all are taking those speculations for grant and carrying on bitching.

How cool is that? Oh, they are politicians, so bound to be a subject of slandering and taunting, right? NO!

This is the most stupid thing and the most shameful thing and classless character I have been witnessing among netizens. And here is something, I want everyone to keep in mind.

Mr. KP Oli and Ms. Vidhya Bhandari aren't just a politician. They are human. They are not just a lone human. They have a family and children. Mr. KP Oli has a wife, she works somewhere in a bank or school I suppose. Ms. Vidhya Bhandari is a widow, has got daughters somewhere. Mr. KP Oli's wife surely has got friends and colleagues at her workplace and that she goes out with. Same with Ms. Bhandari's daughter. Now ask yourself,

how it feels to be a wife of a man who is linked with another woman.
how it feels to be a daughter of a woman who is labelled as a bitch.
Step into the shoes of Mr. KP Oli's wife and ask yourself, how insecure she may feel or how embarrassed she may feel to call herself as a wife of Mr. KP Oli, a wife who is believed to be not loved, not prioritized .
How much daughters of Ms. Vidhya Bhandari must be hurt when they hear people defaming her mother by linking it to another married man.

How can people be so insensitive, especially, when there is no proof or base or logic behind the made up stories. It's not okay in first place to allege others without a strong proof. NOT AT ALL OKAY to question their morality and ethics purely based on speculation, that too in society like Nepal. IT IS JUST INSANE. As said above, they are not just politician. They are someone's husband, someone's father, someone's mother, someone's in-law. Those wife, those children, those in-laws have friends beyond the political arena. Shaming KP Oli and Vidhya Bhandari as "two human in extramarital affair" isn't just defamation of these two humans but also defamation of Radhika Shakya, their children if any, and daughter of Vidhya Bhandari. Imagine your mother is linked to other man. Imagine your partner is linked with other woman. THIS IS EXACTLY HOW IGNORANT SOCIETY BEHAVES and you are fueling the ignorance.

Do you think you are doing right by bitching about these two people?

"Smoke does not come without fire." That must be your point of reference. Let me give you simple perspective.

Suppose you are a guy. You had a best friend (male), you both grew up in same profession. You got married and your friend too married with his lover. Now you two best friends were two best married couples. You loved your wife, he loved his wife. Two family used to go around, doing all kinds of fun. Now, overtime, your bestfriend's wife became your friend too and friend of your wife too. Life was wonderful until one day, your best friend died in an accident. You were emotionally shattered. You looked at his wife, you looked at his daughter and you felt really really bad. You knew how much he meant to her, you knew how much the daddy meant to her daughter. Would you just abandon your best friend's wife and daughter just because now he is dead?? I would not. I would make sure I would take care of his wife and his daughter as much as mine. I don't need to be romantically involved with her and still take care of her because that's what a best friend does. I would promise her, "don't worry, I will take care of you and your daughter." My wife too would stand by me and take care of her and her daughter.

What if that's the story between KP Oli and Vidhya Bhandari? What if KP Oli and Madan Bhandari were just like that two good friends and after his demise, Mr. KP Oli stood by the widow and her daughter? That can be possible right? During his godfather role and during his caretaker role, what if people were misinterpreting his generosity and sacrifice as affair? That's what ignorant pea-sized brains do. THEY BITCH coz for them anything between two opposite sex is only about SEX and ROMANCE. They are not evolved enough to understand friendship without romance, they are not evolved enough to understand what a human can do to fellow human without sexual benefit. Moreover, they are stupid jerks who always look down at widow and single mother and grown up woman. What if Vidhya Bhandari is victim of such mindsets?

Human relationship is much beyond sex, much beyond financial gains, Many of us are just too young to understand types of relationships, and many of us are too primitive and ignorant to not understand the gray area that lies between human bonding. So, my request to you. STOP BITCHING about these two humans, because these two humans have other humans related with them, who maybe finding life tough and living hard because you have been bitching about these two humans, without any base, without any knowledge on their true selves, simply because elders passed down the bitching.

To me, KP Oli must have been a best friend or good friend of Madan Bhandari and has been taking care of his wife and daughter as a promise to his best friend because just like me, just like you, it's a duty of a best friend to take care of his love and blood in his absence. That's the divine promise KP Oli must have made to his friend, Madan Bhandari and thus always takes her by his side --- made her VP and made her President without caring what the ignorant society may bitch about as long Radhika Shakya understands his trueself.

That's how I take it, that's how everyone should take it, unless there is a proof to prove me wrong.

p.s. Calling someone a bad politician is one thing but calling the same person bad husband or wife without a proof is INSANE
Posted on 10-28-15 12:52 PM     [Snapshot: 856]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks esmen for posting it here. I want to add one more thing to above where the article mentions Bidhya as UML VP:
"... Then came "Ganatantra," then came rise of politicians and their power and influences and then came KP Oli as president of UML and Vidhya Bhandari as VP. ........That's the divine promise KP Oli must have made to his friend, Madan Bhandari and thus always takes her by his side --- made her VP and made her President without caring what the ignorant society may bitch about as long Radhika Shakya understands his trueself."

Bidhya is one of the 5 VPs. and they all were elected in a general conventions, not directly nominated/selected by President (Oli).
Posted on 10-28-15 12:54 PM     [Snapshot: 856]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Don't know about this KP Bidhyaa rumors, but I would have been happier if Subash Chandra Nembang or Kul Bahadur Gurung was elected as the second president. I heartily welcome Bidhya Bhandari and congratulate her but truth is truth, she is there just because of a widow. If contributions would have some space, Nembang should have been there. Period.
Posted on 10-28-15 1:24 PM     [Snapshot: 921]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@nepalilaure ब्रो खाट्टी एमाले पर्नु भएछ । आफ्नो पार्टी को कुरो गर्दा चित्त दुख्नु ठीक हो । साझा भनेकै गफ गर्ने कुरो साट्ने थाउ हो । काम गर्न लाइ ऑफिस छ , भात खान लाइ रेस्टोरेंट छ को साझा आउछ ।
अर्को कुरो लास को राजनीति नेपाल मा धेरै छ । छैन बिद्या मात्र एउटा मात्र हुन भन्या हैन । तर जानी जानी आफ्नै पोइ लाइ मारेर सत्ता को लाभ लिनु सारै नै संदेह पूर्ण काम हो । अब तिमी भंलाउ के प्रमाण छ, mms आको छ ? कल्ले देख्यो भनेर । मित्र येस्ता कुरा को कुनै प्रमाण हुदैन । राजा लाइ दरबार मा मार्दा त प्रमाण नहुने मुलुक मा , इराक मा आणविक हतियार छ भनेर फोटो को प्रमाण देखाएर आक्रमण गर्ने अमेरिका को प्रमाण पनि देखियो । ठोस प्रमाण केइ हुदैन मित्र ।
तिम्लाई के लाग्छ एमाले मा अइलेको अबस्था मा बिद्या मात्र राजनीति , गुट निति जान्ने नेता हुन । सुबास नेनवांग , माधब नेपाल धेरै माथि छन मित्र ।
तिमी आइले आएको एउटा इंटरव्यू को कुरा गर्छौ , आज बिहान फेसबुक मा एउटा पोस्ट देख्या थिए , बिद्या भंडारी मंत्री , सायद गृह नै हुदा होला , कुन चाय निकुंज का सुरक्ष्या कर्मि ले 3 जाना आईमाइ लाइ बलात्कार गरेर मारेका थिए रे , उन्ले त्यों कुरा खंडन गर्दै धाकछोप गरी सेलाइन रे। गएर हेर एक चोटी समाचार ।

Posted on 10-28-15 1:36 PM     [Snapshot: 948]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@facebook ब्रो , एउटा कुरो है \ म एमाले होइन , मेरो कमेन्ट पढेर एमाले जस्तो लागेछ , कसरि होला थाहा भएन \ तेती भनु \ एमाले मा कम्निस्ट को कुन गुण नभए पनि "appealing" को लागि 'कम्निस्ट ' सब्द राखेको यिनका नेताले नै भनेका छन् \ तेस्तै ' मदन भण्डारीको श्रीमती ' नाम ले मात्र पनि बिधयाको राजनीतिक उठानमा काम गरेको छ, तेस्तै मदनकै श्रीमती भएकोले पनि माधब वा झलनाथ ले पनि यिनलाई bypass गर्न सजिलै सक्दैनन् \ बास्तबमा यिनलाई अगाडी लगाउदा पार्टीलाई फयिदा नै हुन्छ \ यी सब कुरा हुदा हुदै पनि ओली ले आफ्नो girl friend भएर राष्ट्रपति बनायो भन्ने जस्तो कुरो गर्ने हो भने मेरो केहि भन्नु छैन \

उनका छोरि हरु, देवर सासु हरुलाई केहि तेस्तो लागेको छैन अब तिम्लाई तेस्तो लाग्छ भने के सवाल जवाफ गरु \
Posted on 10-28-15 1:37 PM     [Snapshot: 962]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@kta manche, नारी जाती भएर बिरोध गरेको हैन । कस्ती नारी भई भनेर कुरो मात्र निस्केको ।
एउटा नारी पद मा पुगेर के उखाड़ने रैछ समयले बताउला । गे मैरिज लागू गर्दै मा नेपाल अमेरिका भन्दा पैले बिकसित भयो भन्या जस्तै मात्र हो ।
Posted on 10-28-15 1:48 PM     [Snapshot: 1002]     Reply [Subscribe]
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नेपाली लौरे , देस को सर्बोच नेता लाइ गाडी एक्सीडेंट गरेर मार्ने देस मा , बाटो मा हिंडी रहेको अमर लामा लाइ बाटो मा गोली ठोकेर मार्ने देस मा तपाई सचिकै सोच्नु हुन्छ की मदन कई परिवार वा अरु कोई आएर अगाडि बोल्छन !!!
आइले एमाले मा सबै भन्दा हावी भनेका के पि ओली हुन , उसको समर्थन जस्ले पायो तेइ राष्ट्र पति भयो । झल्लू नाथ, माकुने पैले बदनाम भै सके , राष्ट्र पति मा माकुनेको नी नाम आकै थियो त । तर ओली बा ले हुन्न मेरी प्यारी लाइ बनाउन पर्छ भने पछि आइले सबै भन्दा प्रभाबशाली नेता लाइ कल्ले टक्कर दिने ।
आज कुन चै पत्रिका मा छापेको छ हेर । बिद्या राष्ट्रपति बन्दा मदन को घर मा न हर्ष न बिस्मात भनेर । अगाडि बोल्न त सबै लाई ज्यान को माया हुन्छ मित्र ।
Posted on 10-28-15 1:52 PM     [Snapshot: 937]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Among so many bad things going on right now in Nepal, nothing comes close to being as dire as the current Madhesi Aandolan. In spite of the current predicament, but to no surprise to the Nepalese people and may be to the world, the political big heads were wrestling to make their respective party member the coveted President of Nepal.
I am pretty sure, the recently elected President Mrs. Bhandari greatest achievement would be a mere honorable mentioning in the history books as the first female President of Nepal and nothing more, but I strongly would like to be wrong on this prediction.
The only way Mrs. President can end the current impasse is by switching bed with forum leader instead of Oli or give the post of President to one of the Madhesi leaders.
While we can't totally negate the possibility of the former, there is no chance UML/NC/Moist will allow for president from Madhesi parties.
This political wrestling will continue not until the general election but forever in Nepal, and in the process will make many Bidhyas president, minister or PM while the general population will face the insurmountable economic hardship and will have no choice other than to go to foreign lands where hard physical labor is nothing compared to the crushed dignity and self-respect.
In the end, there is NO hope for Nepal and we Nepalese will continue to slide as a society and may one day become a failed State like Afghanistan. Metaphorically speaking, until the day we buy needle from the neighbors rather than making in our country, we will continue to live a parasitic life in the mercy and charity of people and country we don't even like.
Posted on 10-28-15 1:56 PM     [Snapshot: 1007]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ठिक छ मित्र, भण्डारीहरुका छोरीहरु लाइ पनि राम्रो जागिर लगाइदिने वा राजनीति मै राम्रो ठाउँ दिने भनेर चुप लगाएको जस्तो छ \ [ कोहि पनि छोरा छोरि तेती सारो घटिया हुदैनन् -- तर भण्डारीका छोरि हरु तेस्तै रैचन ] अब त त्यो पनि आबस्यक परेन बन्दुक तेर्साएर नै राखे पनि भयो, आफै प्रधानमन्त्रि भए पछि \
Posted on 10-28-15 2:32 PM     [Snapshot: 1115]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I agree with nepalilaure and esmen. I just one to add one more thing. Bidya Bhandari might not be the most deserving candidate of this position, but having a female president is a significant step forward for a blatantly male-dominated society like Nepal.
Posted on 10-28-15 5:25 PM     [Snapshot: 1261]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nepalilaure, बाउ लाइ नमार्नु मारी सक्यो । केइ बोलिस भने तलाई पनि मारी दिन्छु भनेर भन्यो भने को बोल्छ ??? ज्यान को माया सब लाइ हुन्छ मित्र । अझ आफ्नो भन्दा पनि परिवार को । तेत्रो ठुलो नेता मार्न केबल 2 4 जाना को हात मात्र त पक्कै छैन होला ।
Posted on 10-28-15 5:29 PM     [Snapshot: 1278]     Reply [Subscribe]
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MlnNpl, रामबरन सर राष्ट्र पति हुदा पनि बिछडीएको मधेस बाट राष्ट्र पति भयो अब मधेस मा केके न हुन्छ भन्या हैन ??? खै के भयो ???
हेर्दै जाउ मित्र अब सरकार ले के गर्दो रैछ ।
Posted on 10-28-15 6:18 PM     [Snapshot: 1316]     Reply [Subscribe]
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One stone, two birds,

Indian agents are feeding bad stories about Nepali leaders from time to time. So that Nepali ppl get frustrated about their political leaders. And some Nepalis unknowingly fall for this trap. They unknowingly help spread the rumors.

Instead of debating about serious issues Nepalis are busy talking non sense.

Before it was via and India who killed madan Bhandari, now it is k p oli. May be after few years ppl will spread rumors " it was Facebook who actually killed madan Bhandari" one never know. As few others I don't think Mrs Bhandari was best candidate
For president from amale. It was also not a good choice against K B. Gurung. Who I think was better candidate than Mrs Bhandari.
Bidya Bhandari had bone marrow transplant or something like that because of cancer. Mr. Oli had both of his kidney replaced. That means they were talking medicine against those disease long before.

Also life of k pnpli and Mrs Bhandari is not secret. If there was any romantic affair it can not remain secret.before the death of madan Bhandari. And at the time of Bhandari death, Mr oli was not in a position to it such action.( power and money wise)

If the romantic affair was trure than India had used all.its force to dethrone amale and keep sushil as pm. Indian raw knows manything about many leaders of Nepal. Like India is using mrd golcha for this purpose.

Nepali society is always hungry for spicy talk. Some centers are feeding this type of talk so that the kp oli become infamous among npls.
And ppl are spreading rumors as if this is the main issue today.
Even if there was so called affair, who cares? it is their personal matter.

Posted on 10-28-15 6:52 PM     [Snapshot: 1373]     Reply [Subscribe]
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president bidya devi bhandari is well deserved for the presendential. She has always been active in the party. Though there are rumors, rumors have it but I think a book shouldnt be judged by its cover. She is also an activist and worked almost all her career for the party and people, in-fact I am certain that she would as a president too.
I think now its the time for a change and with her presidentship, China would also help Nepal and hopefully my wishes for her so that she can implement the plans of Madan bhandari for the country.

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