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 30 years of Panchayat vs 24 years of Bahudal (Democracy)

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Posted on 05-21-12 10:21 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am so compelled to paste this comments of one of the commentator of this mysansar threads by the name of bipin.


आदिबासी, जनजाती, संघियता, धर्म निरिपेक्षता यी सब बकबास हुन्, राजा महेन्द्र ले लागु गरेको ५ बिकाश क्षेत्र को अबधाराना सबै भन्दा उन्नत हो र यी बिकाश क्षेत्र लाइ जिविस जस्तो स्थानीय सरकार को अबधाराना मा अलि बढी अधिकार दिएर स्वायत्तता प्रधान गर्नु पर्दछ जसले स्थानीय समस्या समाधान गर्न सकोस र स्थानीय आबश्यकता को आधार मा नीति र योजना तर्जुमा गर्न सकोस. आज पंचायत लागु भएको झन्डै ५३ बर्ष पछी अनुभव भैरहेको छ कि राजा महानेद्र कति दुरदर्शी थिए भनेर.
१) आज २०६९ साल मा त बहुदलीय ब्यबस्ता को उपयोग गर्न नसक्ने नेपाली राजनीति र आफ्नो अधिकार र कर्तब्य को बोध नभएको नेपाली जनता २०१७ साल मा कस्तो थियो होला?
२)६९ साल को नेपाल मा त लाज पचेर भ्रस्टचार हुन्छ, हारेका हरु नाताबाद, को आधार मा र इंडिया को चाकडी मा प्रधानमन्त्री र मन्त्रीहरु हुन्छन भने २०१७ साल मा कस्तो थियो होला यो अबस्था?
३) आज शिक्षित समुदाय, मिडिया को खबरदारी हुदा त पार्टी हरु को नाम मा अपराध हुन्छ र अपराधी ले उन्मुक्ति पाउदछ भने २०१७ साल को अबस्था मा अझ त्यो पनि आफु ले २/३ पाएको, जनता अशिक्षित, प्रतिपक्ष सबल नभएको, मिडिया को उपस्थिति नगन्य भएको अबस्था मा कस्तो थियो होला सत्ता रुढ पार्टी को दादागिरी?
४) नेपाली जनता को चेतनास्तर को स्वतन्त्रता पंचायत ले पनि प्रदान गरेको थियो. तिन तह को निर्बाचित अंग, प्रत्यक्ष निर्बाचित ब्यबस्था नेपाली माटो सुहाउदो थियो.
५) आज कांग्रेस/एमाले/ माओबादी/मधेशबादी पार्टी हरु ले उठाएको जस्तो सुकै अपराधी लाइ पनि ति समर्थक जनता ले निशंकोच आफ्नो पार्टी को उमेद्वार( वा व्यक्ति होइन पार्टी लाइ जिताउने हो) भनेर भोट हाल्न पर्ने बाध्यता छ तर तेस्को बिपरित कुन व्यक्ति ठिक हो र कुन बेठिक हो भनेर छान्न पाउने परम्परा पंचायत ले बिकसित गरेको थियो.
६) पंचायत मा सधै मन्त्रि भैरहेका हरु, जर्नेल कर्नेल हरु लाइ पनि जेल हालिएको थियो भ्रस्टचार को मामिला मा भने प्रजातन्त्र मा?
७) हो पंचायत कल मा राजपरिवार कानुन भन्दा माथि थियो तर आज? सिटौला, सुजाता, रुबेल चौधरी, गच्छेदार, खड्के , बिद्या,प्रचंडे,माकुने, धमला, चरी, मनांगे,बाघे लामा कानुन भन्दा माथि छैनन्?
८) शान्ति सुरक्षा र स्थायित्व को बारे मा कसैले तुलना गर्न पर्ला पंचायत र आज को अबस्था मा?
९) भारतीय हस्तक्षेप को यो नाङ्गो रुप थियो पंचायत मा?
१०) पंचायत कालिन कुटनीति ले गर्दा ११३ देश ले मान्यता दिएको थियो नेपाल लाइ बिश्व मा शान्ति क्षेत्र भनेर, यो एउटा अन्तरास्ट्रिय उपलब्धि होइन नेपाल को छवी संसार मा उठाउने? एसको बदला मा अन्तरास्ट्रिय स्तर मा नेपाल को छवी आज कहाँ छ?
११)५७ साल सम्म एसियाली मापदण्ड मा नेपाल लाइ पुर्याउने भनेर पंचायत ले एउटा लक्ष्य कोरेको थियो, पंचायत भैरहेको भए त्यो सम्भव थियो, छ बहुदल्बादी हरु मा एस्तो कुनै लक्ष्य?
१२) बिकास को चरनबद्द योजना पंचाबर्शीय योजना को अबधाराना कसले ल्याएको हो? छ आज को नेता मा त्यो दुरदर्शिता?
१३) आज को नेपाल को औला मा गन्न सकिने बिकाश को पुर्बधार पुर्ब पश्चिम राज्मग्र, मर्स्यान्ग्दी जलबिधुत, देबिघट, त्रिशुली, बिधुत कुलेखानी,जनकपुर चुरोट कारखाना, अरनिको राजमार्ग, पृथ्वी राजमार्ग लगाएत कांग्रेस ले बेचेको १९ वटा उधोय्ग लगाएत क अनगिन्ती उधोग धन्दा पंचायत को उपलब्धि होइन?३० बर्ष को पंचायत ले एती गर्यो भने २४ बर्ष को बहुदल ले के गर्यो एसको तुलनामा?
१४) शित युद्द को समय मा सोभियत संघ संग पनि र अमेरिका संग पनि, ६२ को युद्द पछी चीन संग र इंडिया संग पनि समदुरी मा रहेर सम्बन्ध राख्न सक्नु र यी सबै देश लाइ नेपाल मा सहयोग गर्न मा प्रतिस्पर्धा गराइदिनु राजा महेन्द्र को सफल कुटनीतिक क्षमता होइन?
१५) शित युद्द को बिगबिगी मा असग्लाग्न समुह को सस्थापक सदस्य बनेर नेपाल ले अन्तरास्ट्रिय क्षेत्र मा आफ्नो क्षमता को परिचय दिएको होइन? नेपाल तेती खेर को बिकसित रास्ट्र युगोल्सभिया, इन्डोनेसिया र क्युबा जस्तो संसार कै केन्द्रबिन्दु भनेको रास्ट्र को लहर मा काध मा काध जोडेर उभिएको होइन र असग्लाग्न समुह को निर्माण मा? यो दुरदर्शिता को १/१००० अंश आज को खाते नेता मा छ?
हामि सधै जित्ने को गित गाउछु तर पंचायत र महेन्द्र नेपाल का आदर्श हुन्. राजा को सक्रिय उपस्थित मा पंचायत ब्यबस्था को कारण ले इन्डिया ले नेपाल मा हस्तक्षेप गर्न सकेका थिएअनन्. बरु नेपाली जनता संग सम्झौता गर्दछु इंडिया संग होइन भन्दा नेपाल ले नाकाबन्दि खप्न पारेक थियो तर पनि राजा बिरेन्द्र झुकेनन्, तर आज नेपाल चलाउने खाते नेता हरु भारतीय राजदुत ले पाध्यो भने पनि डराउछन र उसले एक चोटी खोक्यो भने औषधि लिएर लैनचौर पुग्दछन चाकडी गर्न. तेसै भएर पंचायत फाल्न इंडिया अघि सरेको हो. राजा एउटा एकता क सुत्रधार थिए जसले पाचथर को लिम्बु वा कैलाली को थारु, झापा को राजबंशी वा हुम्ला को लामा, यिनी हरु लाइ रास्ट्रिय एकता मा बाध्ने काम गरेका थिए, आज राजतन्त्र गए को केहि बर्ष मा नेपाल को अस्तित्व सिद्दिदै छ. आज नेपाली भन्ने कोहि छैनन्, छन् भने कांग्रेस, एमाले, माओबादी…… अनि तेस्ले नपुगेर राइ, लिम्बु, मधिशे,नेवार……………. अनि खोइ त नेपाली? रास्त्रियत को यो भन्दा क्षति अरु के हुन् सक्दछ? तेसकारण पंचायत पुनर्स्थापना को लागि आन्दोलन गरौ नेपाली हो, नेपाली भएर बाच्ने हो भने.

Posted on 05-24-12 9:05 AM     [Snapshot: 1601]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have to agree with Shantipriya even though behoove does bring great arguments to the table.  Not trying to side or judge but the last 24 yrs have been the most horrible yrs in Nepal.  Nepal used to be known for the stability and security and look at us now?  We hate each other - we are in the brink of civil war.  Remember a TV series called "tamas" except with Nepal there will be more than Hindus and Muslims.  There is Nepal bandh every other day all progressive institutions suffer due to this. No one will want to invest in a county that is so unstable.  The political situation in Nepal is grave, we cant have stable government for more than 3 yrs there  is always a fight brewing.  The street gangs rule every tole and galli.  All these guys are connected to some parties. 

Since there is little to none new outside investment in Nepal (besides a handful that exist) there is really no new talent coming in.most of  it are happy serving US/AUS/CAN/UK etc. I don't blame them either its the fault of the govt not being to keep them or call them.  To me it almost seems Nepal govt does even care they are just happy as long as their pockets are filled.  Even the companies or corporations that existed have moved to India or closed, why is that ?  It is because of our selfish govt who do not care about the socioeconomic development.  Just an example: Nepali television:  there are a few channels but  there is hardly any quality shows or programs.  The ads are horrible, the presentation is horrible plus there is only a handful of companies that will put an ad on a tv.  This is one industry that should have taken off.  I don't know how much of IT talent exist in Nepal but I guess they have enough to go by.  I can bet if there was an opportunity there would have been a good amount of neps coming back.

I am just so so so frustrated with the current situation and people who can do something about it are busy serving themselves.  To the super rich shahs, thapas ranas guptas shresthas etc it don't matter because no matter what the situation, their lives will not be affected. They will pay for sun to shine above their house if it too rainy outside.  Middle to low income families have no gas, no electricity, no water, no salt, so sugar and khasi is 550 a kg (that too is chamro masu or its 650 for good ones)  A ratio called "income to expense" does not even exist because there is so much inflation and so many unknown factors that its crazy. It is people like us who keep talking, sharing ideas... about it hoping there will be a "Nepali spring"...someday ? may be?

Having said all that I am willing to take my share of chances with the panchayat again than this moronic democracracy.  We lost another 24 yrs that we should have moved forward not backward !!
Last edited: 24-May-12 09:15 AM

Posted on 05-24-12 12:25 PM     [Snapshot: 1713]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Your point is very clear and acceptable. Now here some guys are saying about Paras, just imagine were you not did aything bad in your so called jawani. If Paras killed one guy name Praveen Gurung that mean he is a killer and a bunch of guys who killed 15000 people and now killing our country peace and prosperity, he is not guilty. Are we hypocrite or what? I am much more supriesed to see all these comments. One guy is telling you that see the difference of acheivement after bahudal or  Loktantra and Panchayt. 

Panchayt System was not Bad at all, only one thing was bad the geographical location and the prosperity of Nepal which india couldn't digest. I was kid when i heard news of BBC that Rajiv gandhi and King Birendra had a coversation in Prague on 30 year treaty trade and transit. The conversation was 45 minutes long, but no one commented anythiing before media. That day was the bad day for Nepal.

Hrishikesh Shah, a guy who blow the bi[Disallowed String for - replaced word] to come down on the street and congress and communist made a deal to bring people of Nepal to the street against King. This effort was good for India, that they brought down King, but same time 2047 constitution gave King to supreme power, that King can put emergency and can topple the government which was a slap for India (that was thought of K P Bhattrai, that's why he never won any seat in next election of 2048). Since that day conspiracy of RAW started, against Rayal Family and now the result is here in fornt of us.

This is very simple thing "India is playing all these nasty thing in Nepal." The RAW is investing money in Nepal to crush the prosperity of Nepal. If you think the time when King Mahendra did good thing in Nepal, because Mahendra was not bothered by anyone. Since India was not that much capable to spent money and stregnth to spoil Nepal. But now time is different, India wants Nepal at any cost as Sikkim.

Posted on 05-24-12 2:41 PM     [Snapshot: 1793]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Jame June,

Everything you said about King Birendra, India, and Nepal is probably true but that still does not give Paras space or a hope to be related to a king or be a king himself.

People do not want to revive Monarchy because Paras is there. If paras was not there Congress and UML probably would have accecpted a baby king. Yes it only takes one murder to be out of kingship. Being a king is not an easy task. Poor Paras, had he known this day would come, he probably would not have done gunda gardi. He thought he was never going to be a king that is why he was doing gundagardi. Dipendra on the otherhand was more sober because he was in the line to be a king.

Monarchy's failure is no ones fault but the monrachs. They were busy inbreeding while the people and India were looking for their demise.

Posted on 05-24-12 3:04 PM     [Snapshot: 1822]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I understand the emotional sentiment of the people. Yes, our politicians are rotten; we're on a verge of a full-fledged ethinic conflict, but what we forget looking through our myopic lenses is the politicians that are supposed to lead us also came from the same society we grew up in. Don't we think we, as a society, bear some responsibility to this? In any long-term sustaining society, such rotten politicans will eventually be phased out. I say this with cautious optimism because looking at sajha discussions, it gives me hope that there are more people with compassion, sanity and reason than those that are not. Like I mentioned before, maybe this will take this generation or the next, but even if we don't in our lifetime, our offspring will eventually get to see and live safer and economically sound Nepal.

What I absolutely don't get this is the absolutely obsolete idea of magic potion known as the King. I think we all have this nostalgia of growing up peacefully. In an authoritian system, ruled by the elite few, we quickly forget anyone writing, demonstrating, and voicing concern against the state were quickly sidelined, punished or even killed. No wonder, it was so peaceful. One of the most telling points of my childhood is meeting a courageous journalist who had then written against the Panchayat system --I think most of you know him cause he survived a bullet in his head, scarring and derfomring his head forever. Yet he reminded me of the solemn system that is supposedly peaceful and progressing. The notion of King somehow will solve all our economical, ethnic and social problems is ludicrous! Even more so with our Ex King and our Ex prince.

I reiterate "Hitler was better than Stalin because he killed a million or so less?"

Posted on 05-24-12 3:17 PM     [Snapshot: 1851]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Majority of people who are rooting for Paras and Gyanendra are just offspring of folks who had it really good during mandale rajya. Those were the few King favored mandales who were in high ranking panchayat system and those whose fathers were high ranking army official who had 10 - 12 low ranking army personnel washing their wife's petti Coats.

Posted on 05-24-12 3:32 PM     [Snapshot: 1867]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sap dude,

Now that is a total baseless and bias statement.  Same could be said about you too that you are a commie. But will that kind of rhetoric really solve our problem ? That is the biggest question !!  I am not a fan of monarchy.  Gyaney was given an oppertunity and he could not capitalize on it. That is his loss.  

This kind of acusatory attitude has brought us to where we are today.  Is this helping us ?  NOPE. So please stop this nonsense.

Posted on 05-24-12 3:46 PM     [Snapshot: 1887]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I find it silly of Bathroomcoffee to ask others to stop their nonsense when all he does is complain about everything. Does your complaining help anyone? LOL

Posted on 05-24-12 3:50 PM     [Snapshot: 1875]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I do not come from privileged background or have people up there.  Our family has gotten the blunt of it so I know.  Anyways let me try and answer few of the arguments

Snurp brings up great points but i think we as society are bearing the responsibility and that is why we are voicing opinions and talking to people who might one day may make change.  How long do we wait before this corrupt generation phase out ?  100's of years? by why so long?   if thats the case then do you the people stuck in that time frame deserve that? 

The idea of referring back to better times is by default: because you look past at 24 yrs and days that are only getting worse each day so you look back and see the contrast.  You can only compare to what you had and that is why many people here are suggesting we had better times.  It is sad that you bring up one example of a incident while you know how many hundreds of that has happened since we have had democracy?  There was no contract killing in Nepal now it is. People are vanished at choice - to counter that example - do you remember the nepali business man shot movie style in lazimpat?

No one is saying we were being ruled by pious and holy men but we are comparing the situation.  If panchayati were bad what we have now are thugs.  They come out on TV and say how they robbed the UN and country.  They have no shame and no fear.

Sap dude I wont even bother with you, you are one of those guys who likes to generalize the whole population, clueless to refer kindly
Posted on 05-24-12 3:58 PM     [Snapshot: 1910]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I respect your opinions, but you fail to answer the basic tenet of the debate: How will reverting to Monarchy make it any better? You mean you want a army rule? A dictatorship? I absolutely agree that things have gotten worse be it killings, kidnappings, or bandhs. But how is regressing to a past system make it any better? Does king have a history of being or doing good? The facts points otherwise. I refuse to believe that there won't be any good politicians that will eventually come to power and do somethign good. When I say responsibility as a society, it is in our power to pave way for such politicians and leaders. Again, Hopefully, perhaps earlier than a century I dare say :)

Posted on 05-24-12 4:09 PM     [Snapshot: 1936]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The measure of success or failure is always a function of time. How long do you wait to consider the outcome? 

For a short goal you want to wait for 5 years to see how things will be. After year 1 things are worse off yet you want to complete the 5 year cycle to determine the success. Even after 4 years you wan to wait it out till end of year 5 only to see that it was a total failure.

Do you want to wait 100 years when last 15 years have been utter failure?

When the 15 years started people had hope for a better future. Hope of a better future was pedalled and now 15 years later, you want to pedal them hope that thing *might* be better in 85 years. After 15 years things will probably deteriorate more and you will say in 60 years and it will go on till it's year 100 and you will not be there anymore, but the hope you pedalled will have left a lasting irreversible  negative impact.

You can compare it to HIV infected patient. There is a medicine to maintain the patient's health to make him survive longest by taking the survival pill. They just don't have the cure pill. Let's say you want to experiment with a supposedly 'cure' pill and start giving the cure pill instead of survival pill. After year 1, the patient's health deteriorates but you say it will take time. How long are you going to give hope and wait to see if the pill cures the patient, when it is highly possible that it will end up killing him.

I would rather give him the surival pill so that at least he can lead a longer life.

Posted on 05-24-12 4:12 PM     [Snapshot: 1936]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Absolutely right, country is in really bad situation but we are the people who made in this situation, so stop blaming others, we just blame others. Nothing will happen blaming others; we are the one who left the country when there is need, so the people who are fighting in the country are brave than us who are shouting in Sajha. Panchayat and King had given us a tag as the poorest country of the world. Regarding 25 years of democracy is nothing comparing history of country, India still fighting for good democracy; all south Asian countries are in same boat.
So, people who are in Nepal are brave than us. You can say, they can't go outside and they are not smart, but society had made them dumb, how can 2.5 carod Nepali can be dumb and 5 lakh Nepali can be smart. Society is us, society is you and me, people who are fighting Nepal are you and me, every Nepali is responsible for the situation of country, not only politician, not only king, not only Paras, you and me equally part of the society. If everyone had done good job, the country had been far better.
Last edited: 24-May-12 04:16 PM

Posted on 05-24-12 4:16 PM     [Snapshot: 1910]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Those were the little things that led to demise of Kings. They were too much dependent on their bharautes and Army to sustain their mandale rajya. If they had put that focus in people of the country there would still have been Monarchy in Nepal till now. Call it biased or not biased.

I do not think Gyane has lost his chance, he has a full oppurtunity to form his party and convince people that he is a better choice for Nepal and Nepali. Poor thing is scared about going into people's mandate as he may not even get 3% of the vote.


I am not generalizing the whole population. I am genralizing the selected population.

Posted on 05-24-12 6:50 PM     [Snapshot: 2029]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 SAP DUDE  looks like you are good at generalizing people, how you generalize yourself!!

No wonder the current situation of Nepal. Are we ready to sacrifice several more rounds of sacrificing our own people again in the name of transition in the hands of these inept leaders. For how long people have to keep paying them, suffering and sacrificing their lifes in the name of Democracy. Do they ever gonna realize and do something good with their dirty hands ever.... is this transition heading to right direction!!

Its not worth debating which system was/is good/bad. If they have done something good we wouldn't have seen these days. There must have been something wrong either with them or with us the people.
Everybody makes mistakes, so should be given chances too. We should not be scared of mere one King, instead we have 601 Kings and their countless rajautas to be scared of. If king given chance again he would do better job.

Posted on 05-24-12 7:41 PM     [Snapshot: 2069]     Reply [Subscribe]
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One thing that is great about Democracy is that even people like Gynendra and Paras have oppurtunity to convince people and get their mandate from people. Gyanendra is lucky that our revolution was for democracy and not a bolsevik, french or Mao like revolution. If it was one of those then Gyanendra and Paras would have had their head cut off in Tudikhel.

Gyanendra and his fans should take this oppurtunity to convince people and get their majority instead of saying just asking for it. Just because the democracy failed it does not mean that the Monarchy won. Monarchy is not even in the game. They do not have significant fans.

Posted on 05-24-12 8:21 PM     [Snapshot: 2089]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nobody needs to beg nobody, unlike Leaders begging India. Personal ego and hatred turing ugly turn, a whole country and people paying for it, small mistakes has larger consequences. 
Advocating Monarchy doesn't mean undemocratic unlike people advocating democracy just because of their hatred towards Gyanendra/Paras. Just urging people to put aside and let go of your personal ego and hatred for the sake of country and its people. Being Nepali and in Nepal let everybody live together, let there be mechanism should King, Maoists and all the parties be there and work together.
Well everybody has their conscience and choices, or else time will tell whose head needs to be cut off. 
Posted on 05-24-12 9:51 PM     [Snapshot: 2150]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Praising to Panchayat is the group of people who  are frustrated to democratic system, who are likely supporter of king. It is like Maoist taking weapon against democratic system frustrating with the system. Both are disastrous. Regarding dependency to India, unless and until you are not rich, you have to depend to other, if you think we are independent in Panchayat, you haven't known, the king was there because India likes them and King is out because India can't hold them.
Last edited: 24-May-12 09:53 PM

Posted on 05-24-12 10:22 PM     [Snapshot: 2163]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 तेही त सबै को विचार आ आफ्नो ठाउँ मा ठिक छ. नेपाली भएको नाता ले हामी आफु आफु मा त पन्चे राजाबादी त माओबादी म  प्रजातन्त्र बादी भनेर किन वर्गीकृत गर्ने. यसमा म राम्रो त नराम्रो भनेर किन हेला तुछा गरेर वर्गीकृत गर्ने. जो जे  भए पनि नेपाली हो आफो देश को माया सबैलाइ हुन्छ. येही गरेर अहिले देश बिनाश को स्तिथिमा छ. अहिले आएर सम्म पनि हामीले आफुलाई सुधरेनौ भने कहिले सुधार्ने. सिर्फ एउटा नेपाली भएर सोचौं न एकचोटी को लागि भए पनि.
के सबै नेपाली भएर राजा माओबादी पार्टी सबै मिलेर बस्न सकिन्दैन र. एक ले अर्का लै मार काट गरेर लात हाना हान गरेर बस्ने पर्छ. भन्न खोजेको  कुरो येही हो.
अब यहाँ जति गलफत्ती गरे पनि क गर्नु बज्या हरु ले देश टुक्राई हाले बिनाश गरि हाले. 
Lets save some for later too. अब हेरुम देश टुक्रेर कति बाँकी हुन्छ, केहि बाँकि भए फेरी कुरो/राजनीति गरौला.

Posted on 05-24-12 10:37 PM     [Snapshot: 2182]     Reply [Subscribe]
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here's an interesting irony:

30 years panchyat opened the door for democracy

24 years of democracy opened the door for  ethnic division

so we took one step forward and then 3 steps back.

my prediction after 20 years of ethnically divided nepal = another Sikkim or broken down into 3-4 different Bhutan.

Posted on 05-24-12 10:37 PM     [Snapshot: 2191]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Banana_public and Party_nepal,

I think you guys are more than worried, nation won't be split and we will be same Nepali like before. People are just practicing their right, even Madhes can't go far, there is no chance other ethinicity can go anywhere. There will a single Nepal, the only question is do we have developed Nepal or Nepal like in Pachayat or like now in democracy, both are almost same. We haven't done any better even in democratic system.
Last edited: 24-May-12 10:38 PM

Posted on 05-24-12 10:46 PM     [Snapshot: 2199]     Reply [Subscribe]
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timer - you my friend have ZERO sense of ground reality of what's happening in nepal today. 

i admire your naive optimism and really wished you were spot on.

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