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Posted on 11-21-10 10:46
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There has been a huge hue and cry over voting for Anuradha Koirala. Even Nepali news channels were running scrolling text promotions to encourage people to vote for her solely because she is Nepali. Unfairness seems to be the running trend whenever it comes to voting be it Prashant Tamang or Anuradha Koirala. In the western world, voting is a basic expression of democracy, but alas Nepalis are still centuries away from learning the true meaning of the word. If CNN finds out the extent Nepalis went to get her voted such as advertisement on national nepalese TV, they would without a doubt disqualify her. In no way do I have any disrespect towards Anuradha Koirala and I have the utmost pride and respect for her. It's just the way Nepalis play out unfairly in international contests that I find ethically questionable. Are we Nepalis so destitute and desperate that we have to employ unethical means to put our country's name in the map? No wonder Nepal will always be centuries behind in democracy.
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Posted on 11-22-10 11:56
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There is huge difference between Indian Idol and CNN hero. Who watches Indian Idol and who watches CNN, you judge it and you know it. Useless topic to talk and compare. India ko cricket ra world cup football ko compare gare jasto. Wahiyaaat!!!
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Posted on 11-22-10 12:00
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OK mr noquiro your comment is more pathetic,
your America friend voted for Cambodian? and you are surprised about that happened in this in this country? are you comparing us all to other countries because your friend didnt vote for a fellow American? how many computers are there in Nepal? How many people have access to a computer? You think its wrong to support a fellow Nepali? there was an option for multiple votes and people arount the world exercised it, you cant stand the fact that Anuradha Koirala won otherwise why would you complain the voting system? seriously Im surprised that you wouldnt see how Nepal an underdeveloped country came to the top because we got together and voted her. Now tell me one thing noquiro, why is it wrong to vote for a well deserved Anuradha Koirala? why has her victory compared to Prashant tamang? Why is her victory blamed on being Nepali and that we over voted her, not because she saves lives but because she is Nepali ?
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Posted on 11-22-10 12:05
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Thanks furke thats a great point.
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Posted on 11-22-10 12:09
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Please read the title of the thread and the original post from this smartest guy.
Rameswor first blamed all nepalese and said CNN will disqualify AK if they found about the multiple voting and now he and Mr. quiero is changing the tone and blaming on the voting system.
Please answer in one simple sentence if you have guts: will CNN disqualify her if they found about the multiple votes or the majority of votes from Nepal?
Do you dumb asses really think they don't know where the majority of votes originated?
Why do you have to be the smart ass to drag this into some sort of controversy?
Look how Indians are claiming her to be their own and seem her linking to Indian is more important than her works.
Don't any town even in america takes the pride when their town person brags some prize?
For me, all those nominated were true heroes. But one has to win and one has to vote and I did vote more than once for AK. My biasness is not necessarily because of her being Nepali but because of me being familiar with her works. I have visited Maiti Nepal and have watched most of documentaries based on her works such as (the day my god died).
Why you dumb asses are calling expressions of opinions as mob mentality? You (Rameswor and no-quiero) never responded to any of my comments and all you could come up with were more accusations.
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Posted on 11-22-10 3:58
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"misplaced patriotism" spot on buddy!
I wonder how many of these patriots knew Anuradha Koirala before this. And also how many of these would have even cared to vote if there were no Nepali in there. Worst, I wonder if they even know who other 9 heroes are.
I'd say, just have a beer and watch the world unfold around you! I personally did not vote for 2 reasons. First, how do you really decide who's the best among all those. Like seriously, all of them are doing good to the society and picking one is like discrediting or even humiliating others. Secondly, I believe what Anuradha Koirala has done, though praiseworthy, is nothing looking at the resources/funds she have at her disposal. I know who my heroes are and Anuradha Koirala have no place in MY top ten.
Try to think as a world citizen not as a Nepali!
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Posted on 11-22-10 4:49
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@mankokura, I appreciate your thought. When will nepalese start thinking as a world citizen when this whole compeition is around the world event. I think humanity transcends all boundries. Look at that guy from scotland who feeds around 400,000 children each and every day in Africa. He is not forced to help those children. He can stay in his country and help his own citizen like another fellow nominees did. But " being human" is what we all are takling about. And when there was this campaign was to vote for anuradha koirala being a nepali is wrong. Imagine, you work for some american company and your american boss favours some other american than you and discrimates you purely based on nationality even though you are much more capable than other guy. How does it feel. Won't you feel your work not been judged properly. Same is with this issue. CNN has made us voters the judge. A judge work is to be impartial. Anuradha's greatest acheivement is being recognized by CNN as one of the top 10. Just think. Some of my friends say they voted about 100 times in one month some say they voted 50 times. Actually what does it proves?
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Posted on 11-22-10 4:55
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AAyo aarko tuake, Yo bro man ko kura comes from his behind, wassup dude? ke chha haal khaabar chiya khayo? whats eating you bro? The fact that Nepalese voted for a Nepali or your sorry life that you blame on everyone that succeeds? I am sure everyone in Nepal knows Anuradha Koirala and for those who didnt, They know her now. Nepali lai Nepali haru le vote garyo bhane misplaced partiosm re? So what your defination of Patriosim, kasto tori lahure rahechha, I garauntee that people around the world voted her for her work as well as many Nepalese, Now lets see if Prachanda was nominated for the same title, would we vote for him for just being a Nepali? HELL NO. world citizen re? what that? will that fed the hungry in Nepal? will that save poor girls from sex trade? Finally have you been to maiti Nepal? judging from your comment, you havent, may be you should do her work and manage the budget and all the resouces for the long run and use it wisely feeding, educating, treating thousands.now educate your self.
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Posted on 11-22-10 5:05
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Finally have you been to maiti Nepal? judging from your comment, you havent, may be you should do her work and manage the budget and all the resouces for the long run and use it wisely feeding, educating, treating thousands. now educate your self.
You talk about thousands lets talk about hundreds of thousands. How about that guy who actually feed 400,000 children every day. If children are not given food for 3-4 days they will die. How noble is that.
Furthermnore, unlike Anuradha koirala he is not helping his fellow countryman. His sole intetion is humanity. As i said humanity transcends all boundries.
There is an american nominees who look after his own countrymen, one kenyan who looked after kenyan, one cambodian who look after another cambodian, one indian who feeds fellow indians, one nepalese looking after fellow nepalese.
But I for one moment cant imagine a person called Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow can open an orgainsation which feeds 400,000 children each day in several countries. Not only cause is noble but number is staggering as well.
for me Magnus macfarlane-Barrow just stands out.
Last edited: 22-Nov-10 05:07 PM
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Posted on 11-22-10 5:05
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@no_quiero I completely agree with everything you said. And that was what I was trying to convey from my post as well. It just doesn't make sense at least to me that one should vote someone just because they are from the same nationality. This is why there is so much hate in the world. This is why Nepal is full of problems. People dividing geographical areas by races, demanding rights by races and what not. Till Nepali people don't change this attitude, there is no light in sight. And they complain about having corrupted politicians. Time to look into one's own self!
Sometime's it feels good to be not living around any Nepali actually!
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Posted on 11-22-10 5:25
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"your sorry life that you blame on everyone that succeeds? " you cracked me up man! seriously, thanks for the humor. Appreciated!
" I am sure everyone in Nepal knows Anuradha Koirala and for those who didnt, They know her now. " I am sure everyone in the world knows you too. (Of course based on your line of thinking)
Nepali lai Nepali haru le vote garyo bhane misplaced partiosm re? So what your defination of Patriosim, kasto tori lahure rahechha, - you have no idea what you are talking about.
I garauntee that people around the world voted her for her work as well as many Nepalese, -As I said I am sure everyone in the world knows you. Hell, I am sure everyone have you as their idols.
Now lets see if Prachanda was nominated for the same title, would we vote for him for just being a Nepali? HELL NO. - I have my fair share of doubt on the Nepali mindset. So, I wouldn't take it at its face value.
world citizen re? what that? - I knew you would have no idea.
will that fed the hungry in Nepal? will that save poor girls from sex trade? - says a man whose organization he voted for runs on foreign aid.
Finally have you been to maiti Nepal? judging from your comment, you havent, may be you should do her work and manage the budget and all the resouces for the long run and use it wisely feeding, educating, treating thousands. - No Sir, I haven't. I don't "necessarily" need to go to Redmond to know what Microsoft does. now educate your self.
- Thanks for the advice. Will work on it!
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Posted on 11-22-10 5:37
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Man ko Kura bro.. Thumbs up man.these were the exact words that I wrote but couldn't post here in this thread, as there are many qualified people than I am and also I am too afraid of critisms but u handled that part even superbly. So, double thumbs up.. Haters ya'll have every reasons to hate me
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Posted on 11-22-10 5:39
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I only wish if it was that easy to see others viewpoint from our side as they see it regardless of ours. ehehehhe... We have a long long way to go. Hail nationalism;) itishree.
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Posted on 11-22-10 5:48
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EDITORIAL from myrepublica.com It clearly indicates that her NGO lacks the financial transparency hope she will improve it in the coming days.
| Ms Koirala, congratulations | | | We wholeheartedly congratulate Founder and Chairperson of Maiti Nepal Anuradha Koirala for being named CNN Hero 2010 for her relentless and tireless fight against trafficking and sexual exploitation of Nepali women. That a Nepali national was voted ahead of many other deserving candidates from across the world indeed gives us a very good reason to be happy in these otherwise trying times. Ms Koirala’s non-governmental organization (NGO) has indeed done a commendable job since nearly two decades and the award is a fitting recognition of that. But, unfortunately, awards do not always give a complete picture of the recipients, be it an individual or an organization, and that is sadly true when it comes to Maiti Nepal and Ms Koirala as well. If awards reflected the reality as it is, the world would never have been divided into two camps when the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Liu Xiaobo this year and Barack Obama last year. That said we are not taking anything away from Ms Koirala. She has done a fantastic job so far. Our only feeling is that she surely could have traveled this distance a bit differently. One issue that is synonymous with Ms Koirala and her NGO is the lack of financial transparency. Maiti Nepal is a mammoth NGO and the fund that it receives is evidently quite huge. But there are allegations that the organization’s fund is not managed transparently. In fact, this issue is not isolated to Maiti Nepal. This is a problem with almost all the NGOs of Nepal. Besides, much like the hundreds and thousands of NGOs in the country, Maiti Nepal is also not considered free from nepotism, favoritism and cronyism. After receiving the award Ms Koirala was quoted as saying: “I feel this award has added more responsibility on my shoulders.” It certainly has! Now that the global recognition will ensure further flow of funds to her NGO, it has become even more pressing for her to make her NGO financially transparent so that accusing fingers are not pointed toward her. In fact, we believe, that this award has given her the leverage to lead a movement in the country to make the NGO’s transparent and accountable. If she can do that besides continuing her commendable fight against trafficking and sexual exploitation, she will have done enough to justify this international recognition. Congratulations once again for highlighting a burning problem of the country in the midst of the international community and for making Nepal proud |
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Posted on 11-22-10 7:03
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यो नेपाली को बानी के भाको होला हरे राम ! मरी सकेको मान्छे लाई नि उठाउनु परने, सारा संसार ले सिएनएन (CNN) हिरो भन्दा हाम्रो नेपाली को सानो दिमाग मा किन कुरा नघुसेको होला चुप लागेर Celebrate गर्नु । यो नेपाली ( म लगायत ) को बानी पछाडि औलो हाल्ने कहिले जान्छ होला ह ? यो गुले रामेस्वोर को किन पछाडि चिलाको होला अनी मलाई नि नेपाली जसतैइ औंला हाल्न मन लाग्छ यो गुले को पछाडि ...
Srijana 12
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Posted on 11-22-10 7:15
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Posted on 11-22-10 9:02
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Srijana 12 thats right, a lots of stubborn smart arses who feel that they have a point to prove and wont back down to reason, anyways the end result is that Anuradha Koirala has won and all you losers like rameswor and his real smart Patriots like noquiro, mankokura, sna has nothing but to complain about everything and anything. First it was the voting system, then it was all Nepalese voting her, and lastly everyone that supports her and bringing out names of people who they think deserves the title better. its funny that I get quoted and replied like its a debate competition. manko kura bro KNOCK KNOCK we all come from the poorest country in the world, and unlike you and me, there are millions of underprivileged, so lets focus in our own country for now ok, and yes I do feel bad for other unfortunate around the world too, Nepal is a bit closer to my heart let rich and famous celebrities be world citizens for now because they actually do stuff. noquiro bro your point is well taken, hungry kids vs raped and tortured kids, they are both equally important arent they? I do wish no kid should go hungry in the world or sold for sex, im a father too, I understand that but what I dont understand is that you seem to choose one over the other. AND what that guy mentioned Magnus MacFarlane should receive the Nobel peace prize and every other prizes and support. Rameswor, you title for this thread S U C K S
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Posted on 11-22-10 10:41
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If you have presented logically, do not worry about criticism, no one will jump on you. On the other hand if it is out of contest, choice of words are in wrong time and place will invite a lot, you should try to avoid it ( bottom line is do not try to be a smarty as*, that is all)
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Posted on 11-23-10 12:36
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WORLD CITIZEN RE? MISPLACED PARTRITIOSM RE? mankokura, noquiro and etc. first pay attention close to home and tell us where us different. world citizen my arse.
Seven persons committed suicide in a span of 24 hours in Kathmandu valley between Saturday and Sunday, Annapurna post daily reported.
Norbu Lama, 30, of Ranibari, Indra Bahadur Khanal, 40, of Chandol, Hom Bahadur Shrestha, 30, of Tinthana, Subash Phuyal, 24, of Jitpurphedi, Nabaraj Lamichhane, 27, of Telkot, Bhaktapur, and Krishna Prasad Gautam, 58, of Lubhu, Lalitpur committed suicide, the daily reported quoting various police sources. The reasons for suicide include household dispute, divorce, unemployment and failure in exams, according to Superintendent of Police (SP) Ramesh Kharel, chief of Metropolitan Police Range, Kathmandu. The cases of suicide are increasing in the recent years due to various social, political and economic problems. A recent report compiled by Nepal Police headquarters showed 677 persons committed suicide across the country in a span of two months between mid-April and mid-June. in two months 667 people dies and these mofos want us to be world citizens.
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Posted on 11-23-10 2:08
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you make me laugh, like seriously! I just wonder what you would be saying when all the people/organization that provides aid to Nepal start thinking like YOU and focus solely on their own problems.. yes, my friend that includes Anuradha Koirala and her Maiti Nepal
You just lost all credibility to even get a response now onwards.
dimag kharab
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Posted on 11-23-10 2:09
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Would anyone like to summarize the whole thread? Who is saying what to whom?
I do not think i can catch up with the whole story as there are more than 70 posts.