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 Hitler Tested Nuclear Bombs
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Posted on 10-16-12 8:44 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hitler Tested Nuclear Bombs

October 15, 2012

Despite the reputation of "German engineering," the Nazis were unable to
capitalize on their advanced weaponry, including the nuclear bomb.
This is another reason to believe that
Hitler was an Illuminati agent. 
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Did you know that the Nazis tested three nuclear bombs tested 3 nuclear bombs in 1944 and 1945? 

I didn't either and I consider myself reasonably well informed. The information is out there but few people are aware of it.

This, and the fact that details are still kept secret, makes me suspicious.

They don't want anyone to ask this question: 

"If the Nazis had this game-changing technology, why didn't they perfect and use it?" 

Why not ask this question?

Because the answer potentially leads to the "ugly secret" of World War Two: 

Hitler was an Illuminati agent. His mission was to lead Germany to annihilation.

(Admittedly, they were small "dirty" bombs, combining conventional & nuclear explosives, but they produced shock waves and blinding light. One killed 500 Russian POWs used as guinea pigs. 126,000 barrels of wartime nuclear waste were recently found in a German salt mine.) 

The question remains. Did Hitler delay or sabotage the development of nuclear weaponry until it was too late? I have not found the "smoking gun" but there are precedents with other war-winning technology.


For example, in 1944 the SS took over the production of the V-2 ballistic missile. Werner Von Braun was actually arrested and charged with delaying its development. He was released when Himmler was shown that Hitler had vetoed Von Braun's requests for additional resources in 1943. (source: "Assignment for Mussolini"  doc film.) 

In his memoirs, Albert Speer wrote: "...in the late fall of 1939 Hitler crossed the rocket project off his list of urgent undertakings and thus automatically cut off its labour and materials. By tacit agreement with the Army Ordnance Office, I continued to build the Peenemunde installations without its approval - a liberty that probably no one but myself could have taken."

Over 5,000 V-2s were fired on Britain. However, only 1,100 reached Britain. These rockets killed 2,724 people and badly injured 6,000. Obviously, there was a disconnect between  the delivery system and "payload."


Germany had jet fighters before anyone else. The Messerschmidt 262 could fly almost twice as fast as conventional airplanes. Germany produced  
1400 of these but only 300 were used in battle. They might have thwarted the Allied bombing campaign. 

But Hitler had other plans. Albert Speer claimed in his Memoirs that Hitler originally had blocked mass production of the Me 262 before agreeing in early 1944. He rejected arguments that the aircraft would be more effective as a fighter against the Allied bombers, and wanted it as a bomber for revenge attacks. 

According to Speer, Hitler felt its superior speed meant it could not be attacked, and so preferred it for high altitude straight flying.  (Speer 1997, p. 363.)


Wilhelm Canaris, Chief of the Abwehr (German Military Intelligence) and Reinhard Gehlen (Abwehr Chief, Russia) were both convinced that Germany would lose the war because of Hitler's meddling. 

They both suspected Hitler was a traitor when he stonewalled an investigation of Bormann who was transmitting the Nazis' daily war plans to Moscow Central.

But there were many other indications that Hitler was an Illuminati agent:   His refusal to focus German strength on capturing Moscow, as his generals wished. His failure to let Paulus withdraw from Stalingrad. His release of the British army trapped at Dunkirk. His failure to take Gibraltar and seal the Mediterranean Sea.(Hitler had put Franco in power but didn't call in this favor.) His failure to support Rommel.  

To this list, we could add Hitler's failure to support game-changing technology. If Hitler was sincere about conquering the world, what could be more important than developing nuclear weapons first? Especially when they potentially had the missile technology to reach New York City.

One of Hitler's reasons for conquering Russia was to convince Britain to make peace. You'd think a nuclear threat would have done the job faster and easier? 

World War Two, all wars in fact, are orchestrated. Hitler's mission was not to win the war, but to extinguish the German spirit. His mission was to discredit everything he represented, especially race and nation. 

At that, he was a resounding success.

1. "Hitler's Bombe" by Rainer Karlsch  
"Another piece of evidence Karlsch cites is a March 1945 Soviet military espionage report. According to the report, which cites a "reliable source," the Germans "detonated two large explosions in Thuringia." The bombs, the Soviet spies wrote, presumably contained uranium 235, a material used in nuclear weapons, and produced a "highly radioactive effect." Prisoners of war housed at the center of the detonation were killed, "and in many cases their bodies were completely destroyed."
 Luigi Romersa, a former war reporter for a Milan newspaper, Corriere della Sera. For years Romersa, a Roman who is now 87, has been telling the story of how he visited Hitler in October 1944 and then was flown to an island in the Baltic Sea. Romersa says that he was taken to a dugout where he witnessed an explosion that produced a bright light, and that men wearing protective suits then drove him away from the site, telling him that what he had witnessed was a "fission bomb."
2.   Historian David Irving - " Here is a brief synopsis of the real German atomic research story. There were two rival teams working towards getting an atomic pile critical -- one of theoretical scientists and academics under Nobel prize winner Werner Heisenberg, the other a more empirical team under army scientist Dr Kurt Diebner.
   Both teams had wrongly been informed by mathematician Professor Bothe that graphite could not be used as a moderator in an atomic pile (now called a nuclear reactor); this left only "heavy water" (deuterium oxide) as a choice, and this substance dribbled forth from the much-attacked heavy water plant in Norway at such a painfully slow rate that they still did not have enough when the war ended.
   Heisenberg's men nevertheless began building a rudimentary pile in a cave at Haigerloch in southern Germany (see my picture below), with which they experimented until they were captured by the ALSOS mission headed by US colonel Boris Pash and his MI6 colleague Michael Perrin.
   Diebner's army team did actually attempt to create a fusion reaction by imploding conventional explosives on deuterium (heavy water), in one rudimentary experiment.
   The German war economy lacked all the basic resources to build an atomic fission bomb, once Speer had assigned top priority to the V2 rocket project. It had no means whatever to build a "dirty" bomb.
   The suggestion that the Germans lacked "pure-grade uranium" is absurd, unless this refers to the enriched U235, bomb making ("weapons-grade") material; the Germans had captured the Belgian uranium-ore stockpiles in 1940, and Degussa had no problems refining it. The ALSOS teams found hundreds of cubes of solid uranium, as photographs in my book show."
Last edited: 16-Oct-12 08:46 PM

Posted on 10-16-12 11:36 PM     [Snapshot: 131]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Your point being? 
Posted on 10-17-12 2:58 AM     [Snapshot: 200]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 10-17-12 8:13 AM     [Snapshot: 269]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Every village has a village idiot.  Sajha's is this guy "rid".
Posted on 10-17-12 9:00 AM     [Snapshot: 291]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You have to expand your mind a little bit for fear of being a donkey with eyes closed, going forward in the direction of the master. I find Rid's postings to provide a different paradigm than the ones served by the mainstream media. You have to have an open mind and an enthusiasm to question the unknown then you will enjoy rid's postings. I have.

Posted on 10-17-12 9:17 AM     [Snapshot: 304]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You will find comments according to their interst, harsh comment will come from those who are soughting sajha as an entertainment forum.
Even it was on  the web, but we may not have accessed it, thanks for sharing.

Last edited: 17-Oct-12 01:52 PM

Posted on 10-17-12 9:47 AM     [Snapshot: 333]     Reply [Subscribe]
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magorkhe what are you trying to say? are you muted?

Posted on 10-17-12 9:50 AM     [Snapshot: 337]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 You don't need to keep eating rotten eggs just for the sake of expanding your palate, do you?
Posted on 10-17-12 9:56 AM     [Snapshot: 350]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You assume that it's rotten egg because you don't know otherwise. The truth is that noone can tell yet that's why there are theories.  Why should I believe what you said versus what Rid is saying?

Posted on 10-17-12 10:44 AM     [Snapshot: 375]     Reply [Subscribe]
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One gotta be open minded, but you draw the line when rationality begins to fall out. What next ---> back to flat earth theory? water has memory? Scientology? 10,000 year old earth? Baburam and Prachanda are illuminati reborns? Royal massacre in Nepal caused by Bushmen of Kalahari?  ah! I like the last one.


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