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Posted on 11-26-12 7:53
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I have a girlfriend who is in Nepal right now.
We both love each other very much, and she already even talks about us having kids.
We talk a lot over phone & skype after I came to US, and we are planning for her to come here.
In last few weeks, I have this feeling that my girlfriend is lying to me about few things and something might be going on.
She hung up on me a couple of times with no obvious reaon.
And when I tried to call her back, I hear "yo number aahile byesta chha".
Other times she told me she needs to go to restroom & will call me back, but when I gave her a cross call, again I heard "yo number aahile byesta chha".
I asked her if she was talking to somebody, and she said no.
She argues that "yo number aahile byesta chha" message plays even if the phone is not busy, and simply if its not answered.
I am not sure if she is hiding something from me, or I am being over reactive.
BTW, she uses NCell and I never used Ncell, I had NTC.
Folks in Nepal, can you tell me your experiences about the NCell messages.
Do you really hear "yo number byesta chha", unless that number is really busy talking to somebody else.
Thanks a lot!!
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Posted on 11-26-12 8:33
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arko euta long distance relationship pidit!
busy nabhako mobile 1-2 choti jhukkiyera busy chha bhane pani jati khera ni busy chha bhannu ta naparne ho. daal mein kuchh kaala hai, pasa. take caution. Nepal ma aajkal ketiharu yeti saaro chaalu bhayeka chhan ki kurai gari saadhya chhaina. tesko matlab timri gf chaalu bhanna khojeko hoina, hoina bhanera guarantee garna ni sakidaina, especially when you yourself think that she might be cheating on you.
euta saano story bhanchhu - mero gaauko euta saathi, ahile ktm ma didi-bhena sanga basera padhdai chha. tyasko gharma tallo flatma basne euti keti ko yeta US ki Australia tira kata ho keta chha. ek din saathile tyo ketilai arkai sanga maski maski phonema kura gareko fela parechha. k ho kuro bhanera sodhda keti k bhanchhe - "yo ta ahile temporary, moj garnalai matra ho, bihe garne keto ta bahira (US/Aus) ma chha" re.
j garchhau sochera, samjhera, bujhera matra gara.
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Posted on 11-26-12 8:46
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It's pretty simple, when two people really want to make a long distance relationship work, they work at it together and understand how small things can get blown out of proportion. If this was a one time occurrence, I would dismiss it, but it seems pretty consistent based on what you said.
PS. Instead of trying to think about what she might be upto, why don't you muster up the guts and ask her exactly what you asked us. It'll save you a lot of headache and heartache. See what she says, and decide if she's still worth it.
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Posted on 11-26-12 8:50
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she has a playmate,
sooner or later,.you'll find about it,... accept it.
instead of trying to find 'YES' to technical glitch on Ncell or NTC or anyother telecomunication, to help your emotion ward off any doubts and skepticisms, don't try it. It's not worth but symptoms of your collapsing faith on someone.
and that feelings of yours is right.. remember, don't take advice from anyone, you are getting one by yourself.
If you feel like crying, cry.. let the emotion go, be prepared and you'll be alright when the fact comes out.
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Posted on 11-26-12 8:57
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i dont think so, you might have over assumption made.
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Posted on 11-26-12 11:02
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She might not be making an excuse. Gliches pertaining to bad connection are common occurences in Nepal. If you love her unconditonally, stick with her, especially since she's coming to the states. If she weren't, I'd have suggested that you moved on albeit long-distance relationships are still doable.
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Posted on 11-26-12 11:02
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Just ask her directly. Aaja sodhenau bhane life bhari sochnu parne hunchha. "Who dares, wins"
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Posted on 11-27-12 3:06
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I think she is telling truth it does that all the time even cell is not really busy specially mero mobile and with prepaid ntc also . Ur totally overreacting which is normal if there islack of trust
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Posted on 11-27-12 11:37
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Apart from communicating every day to maintain your healthy long distance relationship, you should have TRUST too. Since you aren’t living together, you can’t make doubts clear by face to face interaction. In my view, love is synonym to trust. It's natural to feel vulnerable when the one you love is so far off. But you need to redirect your energy towards building the relationship rather than having doubts about it.
Also try setting the ground rules. Can your girlfriend go for a movie (like TwilightJ) with her male friend? Does she mind you going to nightclubs with your female colleague? Work to create rules that are mutually agreeable. Work hard to stick to them but keep in mind that amending the rules may be necessary down the line.
Random scenarios:
1) She was right. NCell mobile service provider might be having technical issues.
2) She was talking with her female friends about going for a movie with some nice guys*. But she doesn’t want to mention it fearing that you might go insane with jealousy. In short, she doesn’t want to lose you. Btw, you don’t have to be insecure about nice guys. They never get laid. J
* Nice guy
1) The person every girl will compare their would-be boyfriends to, for they possess every trait a woman desires. However, for whatever reason, women avoid them like the plague.
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Posted on 11-27-12 11:48
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Prithvi golo cha, KT haru ghumi ghumi auchan attinu pardaina. "Timi, nabhaye, arkai" bhanne manisthiti rakhnu parcha 
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Posted on 11-27-12 1:52
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फेरी डुबाउन आट्यो लंका शंकाले ........ अब माया नि गर्ने अनि सोध्न नि डराउने ... खुरुक्क सोध न सिधै बरु अलिक जिस्केको पारामा सोधन .. उ पनि नरिसाओस आफु पनि ढुक्क मनले बस्न पावोस ..... अब बिश्वास नै लाग्दैन भने के जहाज लै ढलपल गराइरा बिथ्थामा डुब्छ मात्र ...... नेपालको सेलफोन हो बिचारीले नाधातेको हुनसक्छ तेस्मथी टाडाको माया बिश्वास बिना के तिक्थ्यो ..... तिम्रो बनि धेरै शंका गर्ने भाकोले तिम्री प्यारीले केहि कुरा नभन्दा राम्रो भनेर नभनेको नि हुनसक्छ .... संसार बिचित्रको छ .... I त think Honesty and transparency is needed along with trust and understaning to sustain any relation है मित्र ..हैन र ?
आफ्नो त नामै थाहा-छैन अरु सत्ते धरोधर्म केहि थाहा छैन ल मलाई .
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Posted on 11-28-12 9:26
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Greenfield my friend ritthe runs a detective agency in KTM. Detective Ritthe can do some surveillance work if you provide me with some details. If you in the US then you can afford very easily. Only Rs. 1000 a day for major surveillance including but not limited to phone tapping, peeping tom camera installed in bedroom and many more.
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Posted on 11-28-12 9:39
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यो teenyboppers haru ko puppy love ले पनि हस्सायो