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Posted on 12-07-12 12:43
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Everyone has always complained of nepali politics since t
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Posted on 12-07-12 12:44
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Everyone has always complained of nepali politics since time immemorial. Has new nepal done anything good?
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Posted on 12-07-12 12:50
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Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country-JFK
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Posted on 12-07-12 12:51
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what have you given to New Nepal?? Remittance?? Suggestion?? _________
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Posted on 12-07-12 12:58
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Pray do tell what have you given to new Nepal?
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Posted on 12-07-12 1:16
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Last edited: 07-Dec-12 01:22 PM
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Posted on 12-07-12 1:36
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New nepal has given a big LWAPPA to all buddhijibis who were hopeful that their idol baburam and prachanda would do anything good for Nepal and Nepalis
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Posted on 12-07-12 1:39
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नव धद्द्यान हरु जो अरब भन्दा कमिको कुरा गर्दैनन् , नव उद्द्यमी हरु आएका छन् , काम प्राईभेट छेत्र बात दिने कुरामा बिस्वास राख्ने भएका छन् | जनता कहिले संबिधान आउला संगै देश पनि पछाडिको सट्टा अगाडी बढोस भन्ने कामना राखेका छन् | घुस खोरी - अघाएका छैनन् , अरु कसरि कमाउने भनि दिमाग चाटेर बसेका छन् देखिन्छन कपाल बिहिन अनि लाग्छ यिनै हुन् नेपालका महान चिन्तक ! अर्का थरि भूमिगत गिरोह भनाइ अपराध गरि रहेका छन् - घर जग्गाको किचलो थपेर वा अन्य विधिले दुख दिई असुल गर्ने | २-४ पैसा हुने र ऋण गर्न सक्ने लाहुरे बन्न गएका छन् : सक्ने ले गरेकै छन् नसक्नेले गर बार डुबाएका छन् , देस रेमिट्यान्स बढेको मा खुसि छ , दलाल माथि दलाली चल्छ हाम्रो नेपालमा .
पुरानो धर्म ग्रन्थमा जस्तै समाज सासित छ तह तहमा थाहै नपाइ खपी रहेका छौ |
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Posted on 12-07-12 3:08
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New nepal has given huge inflation to it's economy.
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Posted on 12-07-12 3:48
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New national anthem and a dictator called "prachande" !!
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Posted on 12-07-12 4:30
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i just read a comment made in cnn regarding nepal
the guy was arguing , nepali says they are proud , proud because buddha was born in nepal and mont everest is in neapl
and he argued it was a mere incidence they both lie in nepal and actally could lie anywhere else
so what things we have to be reallyproud of being nepali, makes me really think?
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Posted on 12-07-12 4:55
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“Pride should be reserved for something you achieve or obtain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth. Being Irish isn't a skill... it's a [Disallowed String for - bad word]ing genetic accident. You wouldn't say I'm proud to be 5'11"; I'm proud to have a pre-disposition for colon cancer.” george carlin
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Posted on 12-07-12 5:00
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New nepal has given us more corrupt netas that all of old nepal combined. New nepal has given us more corruption and extortion money than all of old Nepal combined.
New nepal has given us insecurity and taught us to have no hope.
Thank you new nepal
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Posted on 12-07-12 5:54
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New Nepal has definitely given most of the people a solid reason to believe that if you have skills that western world can appreciate then it's better to say bye bye to Nepal. I am proud of my middle class parents who spent their hard earned money to make me who i am today, I really do not know what to feel proud of about Nepal. Looking back now throughout my early days in school I was made to believe in bunch of BS about great kings and rulers of nepal (who are now considered as a**holes in new nepal) and made to write great things about Mt everest, tenzing, buddha, lali gurans, bla bla bla..which I now think was all BS. How can one say Nepalis are bir (brave) when cops from across the border come into nepal and beat the locals and just leave while the community and nepali cops just watch the show. And the netas dont even dare to speak a word about it.
All in all i dont find a lot to be proud about Nepal.
Nepal is a place where the leaders give great speeches about patriotism, but send their own kids to US and australia citing that there is no future in Nepal for them. I totally agree with them on the latter fact. I wish they would also come ahead and admit that they f***ed up thier own country.
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Posted on 12-07-12 11:41
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soon to burst housing bubble.
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Posted on 12-08-12 6:04
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Nepal has given me a citizenship and passport so I can go back whenever i want
Nepal has given tourist around the world the place for vacation.
People who has seen the real Nepal do not take other countries citizenship. 
Tour from east to west of Nepal, then you will receive the Budda gyan.
तेत्रो मान्छेहरु नेपाल मा आफ्नो बुद्धि लगाएर कहाँ बाट कहाँ पुगिसक्यो | तपाईहरु नेपाल ले मलाई के दियो सोच्दै आफ्नो अमुल्य जीवन बितौनुस |
Bad Boy
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Posted on 12-08-12 8:39
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MNO why are you staying here if you have so much faith in the new nepal?
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Posted on 12-08-12 10:41
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While living outside Nepal, I sill think positive about Nepal. While most people living outside Nepal still think negative about Nepal.
अब यत्रो बिदेसी education पाएर पनि hopless thinking about our country, that education seems worthless. I look at other countries like Somalia and look at my country, it is 100 times better.
Look at the positive side, you will only see positive.
अब यत्रो बिदेसी education पाएर पनि if america, uk aus could not provide you job, then you become hopeless about Nepal. or hopless about america, uk, aus? huh
Last edited: 08-Dec-12 01:25 PM