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Posted on 02-05-13 12:19
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Posted on 02-05-13 2:59
AM [Snapshot: 262]
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It is not just behaving stupid after drinking. Getting drunk should not be an excuse for these violent behaviours. I could not listen to the news (sound problem in my office computer :)) but from the visuals, it deserves hefty penalty. Did they impose any punishment?
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Posted on 02-05-13 3:36
AM [Snapshot: 262]
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When a person behaves violenty instead of merry making after hitting the bottles then its a symptom that something is not going right with his thoughts and his life as a whole.As no person is stupid at the time of birth, its just some people looses the grip in the journey(sometimes) and act wasted.I feel this really can be a big boon to Mr.I don't know what I drank and what I did, if he does a little soul searching and get the most out of this incident.I hope he will laugh at this outlandish act(video facility being available too) in future and thanks to the news channel that feature him.Lesson learned.
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Posted on 02-05-13 1:05
PM [Snapshot: 1007]
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If he is being deported, we should start some kind of donation collection to fund his legal fees. I am not kidding here. We have to fight for his case as a fellow Nepali. You see, it is better if doesn't return to Nepal. Or maybe start an online petition to Aussie Government for him to stay in the Outback..atleast don't send him to Nepal. We have enough of those kinds; consider him a donation from Nepal to Australia.
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Posted on 02-05-13 1:40
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नेपालको कुनै ठुलो मान्छे (पुलिस सुलिस ) को छोरा थियो होला अनि नेपाल नै सम्झे जस्तो छ झयाप भएको बेला . हुनत नेपाली हरु खाए पछि मै नै संसार को ठुलो मान्छे, विद्वान, स्मार्ट भन्न ठान्छन, बिचरो को के गल्ति.
बेवकुफ ठिटो. भविस्यमा नेता नै हुन्छ जस्तो छ
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Posted on 02-05-13 1:59
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"हुनत नेपाली हरु खाए पछि मै नै संसार को ठुलो मान्छे, विद्वान, स्मार्ट भन्न ठान्छन" This is not a Nepali only behavior, just so you know.
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Posted on 02-05-13 3:33
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What I noticed among Nepali students who go abroad
1st division pass in Nepal - goes to USA studies engineering, science
Children of Lahure - goes to UK
2nd division pass - goes to China to study medicine
3rd division or dropouts who stay in Nepal- become political leaders
3rd division or dropouts who go abroad - goes to Australia, Thailand, Malaysia to study phaltu majors like art, graphic design, hotel management
Australia I think attracts the most rowdy crowd of Nepali students and not to mention the female Nepali students who prostitute themselves to pay their tuition and rent. (There were news stories in the past about this)
Last edited: 05-Feb-13 03:44 PM
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Posted on 02-05-13 4:33
PM [Snapshot: 1402]
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Great insights, Rid. I salute you.
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Posted on 02-05-13 4:57
PM [Snapshot: 1443]
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i agree with you riddle to some extent but that is not always true.
I have known a famous doctor of ktm who is a third division, many top beuracrat who are a gandhi divsion.
SLC is a iron gate but not all the time, there are instances where the river flows back.
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Posted on 02-05-13 5:07
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err..I was being sarcastic.
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Posted on 02-06-13 4:55
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दुइ थोपा मुखमा पर्न पाएकोछैन चर्तिकला देखाउने हुन्छन , यो एक नमुना हो |
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Posted on 02-06-13 5:14
PM [Snapshot: 2236]
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......n ya rid u forgot mention...above average 1st division goes to reputed medical or engineering school in Nepal....n i fall into your classfication of 1st divison....
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Posted on 02-07-13 3:17
AM [Snapshot: 2623]
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Here are the differences in the poop and fart of Nepalis according to the division they
First Division---Their poop does not stink in fact it has a pleasant odour.
Their fart is silent and smells like perfume and follows a musical rhythm.
It is not necessary to flush the toilet after use.
Second Division---Their poop stinks a little but not exactly a stench. Their fart is medium in
duration and might stink a little. Optional whether to flush or not.
Third Division---Their poop stinks big time. No amount of perfume can undo the stink.
Their fart is loud and deafening and will make you unconscious if you dont get fresh oxygen in time.
It must be flushed a few times.
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Posted on 02-07-13 9:00
AM [Snapshot: 2753]
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@rid: that's your opinion and a shamelessly idiotic at that. Do you have facts to support your argument? Show us some numbers, statistics to support what you said. If not, some would politely ask you to shove it where sun does not shine.
urban khasi
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Posted on 02-07-13 9:01
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jatho lie turi suri katera Australia ko jun sahar ma bhayeko ho...tyaha ho chowk ma tin din jhundyaye hune...alik buddi palauthiyo ki.......napachauna sakne le kina khanu? ani k ko bahaduri?
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Posted on 04-15-13 8:13
AM [Snapshot: 4028]
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@rid , mind your wit and concern to those Nepalese gone to Australia are doing far better in terms of migration and financial sound with stable income of 1200-2000 USd per week of student living with their spouse ,even US nepali resident came to work in companies because of better life than us..and the fact is that many Nepalese don't want to go US as it had been known to dreamland past ..but recent changes are not favouring the usual arrogance of most US living first class or division Nepalese who got luck to go US..congrats for being first division entry to US land....
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Posted on 04-15-13 10:14
AM [Snapshot: 4243]
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WTF is wrong with Nepali people ? 1st of all this Moron should be put in jail for Drunken disorderly conduct(so that his stoopid ass realizes what he did, someone needs to teach this MORON a lesson). And Freedom2012 Managed to make this a Racial non white issue as a Mr KNOWETALL. And also claims that this is rare in our Nepali Society ? lol    Dun know which palnetery Nepali society MR Freedom2012 is talking about. And KIDDO wants to raise money for this felon ? Are you out of your mind ? Yeah we would be achieving the best friends foevaaa status with the Australians by raising money for a criminal. Of course the Australian govt would be thrilled to keep him after what he did. Yesta bidhwan haru lai ke bhanney ? And then we have the likes of RID(self proclaimed expert in Nepali social matters)who is classifying peope's behaviour with what merit they received in SLC. lol !!! Of course we Nepalis are doing fantastic because of such nepali society experts in hand.
I hope that the Australian Govt makes an example of this idiot so that our other Nepali Bhedas dun follow this herd.
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Posted on 04-15-13 4:27
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3 tall bottles of Tuborg beer and 2 Plates of Momo and that buff sekuwa was just awesome and the peanut sadeko with Nepali salad...the chef should get the Nobel prize for such outstanding skills..celebrating the day for not to get drunk again with a beer.......I don't know why some ppl just loose the grip....reminds me of a roomie who want to open his own brewery to save money.
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Posted on 04-15-13 5:17
PM [Snapshot: 4778]
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just to let you know that i have read your post.
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Posted on 04-15-13 5:59
PM [Snapshot: 4839]
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Party animal just like me, I used to fight with Nepalese in parties just like him, but never fu**** with any countries law.
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Posted on 04-15-13 9:21
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You used to fight with other people? And you seem to be pretty proud of that....
You know what, all of sudden I have so much of respect for you...LMAO