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 A Wrist Watch
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Posted on 03-15-13 2:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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 The Wrist Watch

When I became first in my class in secondary school, my brother had gifted me a wrist watch. The time in that watch pointed to an eternal journey of triumph and 'achievements'. After sixteen years or so, I am about to enter another unknown eternal phase, looking back at the same journey, unfortunately accompanied by some irreversible mistakes.

I am a doctor. How could I have fled the accident scene without trying to revive the motorcyclist I hit. The speeding, hitting and killing an innocent motor cyclist, dragging my injured body to a scariest run in the woods near the turnpike, helicopter hovering above searching for me; the vicious scene keeps playing in my mind.

Time keeps repeating in loop. Incidents re-occur as flashes. I had just glanced at the time on the gifted watch standing near beautiful yellow mustard plants of Chitwan. The image is quickly replaced by a gloomy site of dense green forest. I was hiding behind a tree.

It's my fault. There is no argument on that. Do I blame the time when I first started drinking, or do I simply put all faults at my decisions of that morning ? Or should I evaluate all lapses in between. I do not know if time played me, or I played very badly with the time.

I wish people understood how guilty I feel, but I can never stop them from making comments and judgments on me. I think my intentions have been good for most part throughout my life. All the hard work and a desire to serve others has been wiped away. For many, my life has simply been summarized to the tragic darkest hour just before the dawn. My errors were so fatal that I have no mornings to show them.

Only way to show that I care and I do realize my errors is to willfully be part of the eternity. I want to spare everybody involved from this agony.

I wonder if the time displayed on my very first wrist watch knew about the time I am facing now. I wonder if this journey was somehow always linked. Both times show me a kind of relief, alas, however, under very different circumstances.

(This is an imaginary article based on true events. This is a story on 'time' and 'fate', which is also written for memorial for departed souls. I do not know any person involved in the incident.)  

Last edited: 15-Mar-13 02:51 PM
Last edited: 15-Mar-13 02:52 PM

Posted on 03-16-13 9:02 AM     [Snapshot: 255]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Dark but well presented. Nice I like it. 
Posted on 03-16-13 9:36 AM     [Snapshot: 279]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Reminds of this unfortunate case


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