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 XII. Candid Verses: Sicko
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Posted on 03-20-13 3:11 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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 XII. Candid Verses: Sicko

Sometime around midnight, I woke up with a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. Like most hypochondriac Nepalis, I feared for the obvious and whispered aloud in that darkness : "APPENDICITIS!
" Subconsciously aware of my looming death in a few hours but acutely aware of the immediate wallet-denting  9-1-1 call, I made an intelligent choice - Google! 
The very first search computed the result I did not want to read: "Symptoms of Appendicitis: Sharp Pain in the lower right Abdomen." Hold on! Why am I holding unto my left abdomen then?" Feeling slightly better, I spent the next few hours scouring the WebMD site, empathizing with hundreds of old folks who had similar pain but diagnosed with a wide range of severe gastro-intestinal problems. It was like reading a horoscope - The more I read the symptoms of a particular disease, the more I felt convinced that I had it too, including rare diseases like ulcer,  IBD, and even Cancer. 
The very next morning, I contacted one of my physician friends, currently practicing in some remote Pennsylvanian town. Without much ado, he immediately implied "Gastric hola yaar!" The irony of life - I know it was a free consultation, but this was the same  guy in high school we vowed never to visit if God-forbid he ever became a doctor. And mind you, I am very familiar with bouts of Gastrititis. It flares up when I try to go healthy incorporating organic milk and anti-oxidant rich raspberries and blueberries in my diet.
Unconvinced and still laden with pain, I tried to find a GI specialist through my insurance network and called in to set up an appointment. 
"Who is your Primary Care Physician (PCP) Sir?" the secretary inquired. Apparently, you have to have a regular physician that can refer you to a specialist. In other words - you have to spend twice as much before your problem can be professionally assessed. I gave it some thought and answered:

"His name is Dr. Baral. Dr. Jagadish Baral." I blurted out the name of the only doctor I ever remember going to. 

"Well, you need to get a reference from him" I surely would, but its been more than 15 years since I last saw him in Nepal. Besides, he's probably retired and I'm not sure he ever kept record of any of his patients. Obviously, I didn't explain this to her, but after several pandering back-n-forth calls with a cool physician I had befriended in my college, I worked it out.
"Sir, your appointment will be 3 weeks from today." Seriously? 3 weeks? What if my pain gets worse or maybe I just die? "In that event, you'll just have to call 9-1-1 and go to the emergency room. Is there anything else I can do for you today?" (Yes, you may kiss.............but I refrained).
The next 3 weeks were grueling to say the least. The pain flared, changed positions, temporarily vanished and resurfaced without any notice. I knew there was a reason why people say "The gut has a mind of its own!" Surprisingly, a few days leading to the doctor's appointment, my pain subsided and on the day of the visit, the pain was gone - completely! I was frustrated, but thankfully my specialist was a willing listener. He attributed my ease of pain to "placebo effect" before he professed his proposal:
 "Well, I don't want to touch you before I do a bunch of tests. Then you can make an appointment to see me again. And we'll go from there." 
Oh sure. Just great. I am now the official cash-cow. So for another three weeks, I took appointments to do  blood, stool, and ultrasound tests supposedly at a subsidized rate often having to beg to find an earlier slot and made an appointment with the specialist again hoping he'd have a better insight.
As climax reached its threshold, just like in the movies, he read out his verdict: "The good news is all the tests came back negative. The bad news is I have no idea what you have" So, what next? "I propose you also see a urologist. I can work to see that you get an appointment within a MONTH." 
I was clearly downtrodden. That evening, I lay restless in bed. I began to reflect on all the possible things I might have taken that contributed to this predicament. Perhaps, it was Dr. Baral. I remember how my Mom would request for anti-biotics for every little problem I had. I have read that taking in too much of that shit can affect your real shit and cause a lot of shitty things in your gut. Or is it really due to years of taking in processed food in the US? 
As I felt the pain once more, I noticed that the elasticity of my trunks felt tighter than usual causing a strain. Since I am real uncomfortable about "going commando" , I quickly changed to a more comfortable boxer and felt that my pain was gone almost instantly.
Wait A Minute...........................!!!

Posted on 03-20-13 3:30 PM     [Snapshot: 5]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You described the similar scenario that I went through a year ago.....the difference was I just could not bear the pain so I drove to emergency services which literally stabbed my wallet....all those emergency people did was inject me a pain killer and I was good to go.... ....................AGAIN a good read, my friend....
Posted on 03-20-13 11:14 PM     [Snapshot: 89]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Good read. Made me laugh in mid of the night. 

Posted on 03-21-13 1:19 AM     [Snapshot: 109]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Such a treat, as always buddy! I wouldn't wamt to wish ill of anyone but if it's only the diseases that make u write back again, you might as well get sick more often - for the sake of your readers ;-)
Posted on 03-21-13 1:21 AM     [Snapshot: 112]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Or wear ur 'recentlygonefamous' tight boxers every now n then!

Posted on 03-21-13 10:02 AM     [Snapshot: 165]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Entertaining read. Did you mean you are gaining your waist size?

Posted on 03-21-13 9:27 PM     [Snapshot: 217]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ah ha, this is the reason for your haitus huh? Welcome back!

Your situation sounds familar and I am sure most of us have experienced it. Needless to say,  an interesting read.

Uhi Lynx-ko-fan,
Posted on 03-25-13 12:46 PM     [Snapshot: 323]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you folks.

However, one shouldn't seek answers in one's wardrobe if you have a persistent pain on any part of the body --Issued in Public Interest!


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