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 Read Without Prejudice
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Posted on 05-16-13 12:10 PM     [Snapshot: 112]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hilarious! Add to that a bunch of people who get riled up everytime someone talks about Buddha's birthplace, and you get the entire picture. Not my words, but someone aptly said "Not everyone on sajha is an idiot, the idiots are just really loud."

Posted on 05-16-13 12:17 PM     [Snapshot: 126]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am not loud at all @anne. Nice read BM. Perfect for killing time at work 
Posted on 05-16-13 12:49 PM     [Snapshot: 178]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 09-Dec-19 10:41 PM

Posted on 05-16-13 12:55 PM     [Snapshot: 160]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Behoove, are you sure about the last line, 

My friend we human need friction to move ahead, history of civiliazation have proved that, although during this "moving ahead" march at times, "less important things" have gathered the momentum. And, in majority of instances right have prevailed.

Anyway, different opinions/logics and understanding has made sajha colorful. Sometime I ponder what will happen if everyone start to think like me? May be, I wont like to live in that universe.

Yes, some of us going beyond the norms of present day society leaves my eyes wide open.
You have the magic of putting the words togther with  perspective.

Posted on 05-16-13 1:16 PM     [Snapshot: 219]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"A true state of the state address for sajha" - Siskel, Ebert & ne0

Posted on 05-16-13 2:28 PM     [Snapshot: 285]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I might not agree with all your posts, Behoove, but I have to say they are always well written.
A very good satire at the state of Sajha. I was going to first say that you are giving too much credence and air-time to the people you mention; but then again Sajha is majorly populated by them..why else you would keep seeing idiotic questions and comments most of the time? But thanks to contributors like you, some level of sanity is there.

Your first protagonist reminds me of D.B. from Charikot. Don't know what his actual name was but he used to come with his Rayban with, the oh-so-cliched, sticker still on. His favorite song was "Knocking on Heaven's door" and would call everybody pakhe if they had never heard that song. I think the word "pakhe" is used primarily by those who they think they are addressing it to. Aren't most of us Pakhey otherwise? Being from Kathmandu, a valley?
Posted on 05-16-13 10:20 PM     [Snapshot: 375]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 very funny and satristic with crimeless views which even the targets would have enjoyed reading it.Enjoyed it thoroughly--always has  reading at your writings--- sketching  the current state of Sajha environs and who knows may be someday they would change the constitution and make you President who was born somewhere far away with some transits in between and you may find yourself writing for Sajha from the Oval office.That would be something...lololol.
Posted on 05-16-13 10:43 PM     [Snapshot: 395]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 05-16-13 10:54 PM     [Snapshot: 408]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Many of sajha big headed dumbfuuuuuucks got owned big time.....I am liking it......
Posted on 05-17-13 10:12 AM     [Snapshot: 593]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Well written. Enjoyed reading it. 
Posted on 05-20-13 10:46 AM     [Snapshot: 753]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks for visiting guys. Didn't mean to continue this thread but couldn't help it cause trolls in sajha roll faster than the tumbleweed caught in a tornado.

So I recently encountered the hubris of a barefaced sajhaite who claimed logging into sajha infested his computer, which, in this era, believe me or faint, is a darn desktop. If I were him, I’d update my pc first before I make that claim. But maybe there is a nano percent credibility to his allegation, because the name ‘sajha’ , as interpreted by his pea size brain did seem to him like a gangbang (much like what he and his five roommates do, with one another, holding their hairy bodies and tweaking their long moustaches) website  which he had been watching all along, thanks to the link provided by his dear friend badboy. The virus could have been a result of that.
Or maybe his girlfriend simply thinks San Pradhan is cuter.

And then there is another sajhaite who questioned the (sexual) potency of entire Nepalese people recently, only because some Maoist Leader’s brother’s vehicle collided with a biker and killed him instantly.
This is perhaps the most amusing analogy I have ever heard.
That means next time if there is a fire in Burger King, or an Earthquake in Ulan Bator, or a fight between Crips and Chicano gang members I wonder if I need to go the bathroom and look at my wee wee and ensure I am still potent. For your kind info, I am potent, and will always remain one, unless I come across someone as weird as you, the originator of the post, who is named after a rapper and looks like a ‘hoe’ (courtesy my sajhaite friend who calls his wife one).
With supporters like such, no wonder that a$$hole in Paras Shah gets such frequent heart attacks. Dilemma galore - Can’t love ‘em, can’t get rid of ‘em – as a result -  heart attack.
Speaking of heart attack, one of the root causes is eating lots of ‘beacon’ which my ‘hoe’ friend seems to have in his daily culinary regimen. He eats beacon day and night – crispy fried beacons, and belches (that is what I call to threads originated with lesser brain) in sajha. But our poor homie still doesn’t gain weight, so he says. Let me tell you what methinks, dude perhaps weighs as much as Chris Christie, but still looks skinny when he stands beside his 500lbs ‘hoe’. 
He needs a mirror, where only he could fit in so he sees how fat he is. 
He then would perhaps stop visiting in sajha and originate threads like ‘why do I have two hands’? (Dimwit, the reason you have two hands is because you cannot get laid).

500lbs reminded me of someone, and that is 'Not sexy even without sari (and nothing underneath)'. Madame Saari, start losing that weight, the Nepalese guys would then start appearing heterosexual to you.


Posted on 05-20-13 1:21 PM     [Snapshot: 813]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Beehove_me ji, very well woven interpretation of sajhahities I guess. Tapai ko lekhai sadhai majja aaucha padh-daa.......Majja aayo padhera yaspali pani.....
Posted on 05-20-13 2:16 PM     [Snapshot: 840]     Reply [Subscribe]
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LMAO!!!  nice read and very satirical...carry on.  
Posted on 05-20-13 2:37 PM     [Snapshot: 874]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Its like slapping right on the face of
3 stooges standing in a row all at once. :)

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