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 Model sues photographer; photographer sues sajha; sajha sues ANA; ANA countersues model – havoc ensues
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Posted on 07-12-14 3:55 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Model sues photographer; photographer sues sajha; sajha sues ANA; ANA countersues model – havoc ensues
Saturday, July 12, 2014, 10:00 AM
The Nepali fashion world and major modeling agencies were shaken today by news that the World Association of New Nepali ANA Babes’ Entity (WANNABE) has sued sajha photographer, Huggy, alleging that the defendant has engaged in a widespread conspiracy of illegal discrimination against less-attractive people.
“For too long, it’s been acceptable for pretty women and hunky men to be on ramjham.com and strutting down fashion runways,” said Suemi Maharjan, the executive director of WANNABE. “Our members have been the invisible people of this world, cleaning toilets in gas stations, cooking their meals in Indian restaurants and running their cash registers. It’s time for ugly people to get their day in the limelight.” Maharjan said because ugliness is a birth defect that many people have no control over, it is covered under the Nepalese With Disabilities Act and that discriminating on the basis of looks is flatly illegal.
Degu Lama, 26, of Jackson Heights, NY, is the lead plaintiff in the suit. Lama said Suemi has tried unsuccessfully for more than 15 years to get modeling jobs, but she’s been turned down despite having high qualifications. Suemi took several years of modeling classes as a teenager and has participated in numerous celebrated modeling contests like Miss Nepal, Miss Nepal USA, Miss Nepal Jackson Heights, Miss Nepal +2, Miss Nepal Community College, and Miss Nepal Bhaisepati.
“When I was finally given the opportunity to strut down the runway during ANA, I felt like I had done my nation proud by representing my country in the USA,” Suemi said. “However, Huggy spent the entire three days snapping pictures of only the scantily clad attractive girls. Why should attractive women get all the glory?”
If the plantiff wins the case, Suemi Maharjan will utilize the sum of $2.5 million to tour around the world to spread the word about Gautam Buddha’s birthplace, Lumbini. “I feel like the discussion about Buddha’s birthplace has been largely absent from the mainstream media. I want to change that,” Suemi said. During her tour, Suemi will also attempt to enter the Guinness Book of World Records for “Facebook posts updated from every nation in the world detailing the description of Lord Buddha’s birthplace”.
Huggy could not be reached for comment. Glamour photographs of Sueme continued to be displayed on sajha and on other modeling sites easily accessed on the Internet on Thursday.
A week after Degu Lama filed the lawsuit, legal woes still continue to mount. A story circulating vigorously via social media and the blogosphere claims that Huggy has sued sajha owner Pan Pradhan for allegedly overselling the ANA modeling event to him. According to the story, Huggy was promised a plethora of attractive ladies to “capture”, however, Huggy was horrified upon seeing the models at the event. He decided to photograph them anyway to uphold the conditions of the contract he signed with Pradhan.
The agreement was not in writing, however, the lawsuit said. Instead, Huggy signed a "partly verbal-partly in writing–probably bogus" document on sajha chat. “My client was mislead by Pradhan. Huggy did the best with what he was given by photographing the best-looking models during the event. It is not his fault that there weren’t beautiful models to begin with”, Huggy’s lawyer and Harvard Law Graduate Twitterbooth told sajha news.
The story gets better. In what seems like a never-ending cycle of lawsuits, sajha.com owner Pradhan is seeking at least a half a million dollars from the ANA who he accused of breaking their contract after the ANA sold the event photographs to Will Fap To Anything (WFTA), a Nepali men’s organization based in Queens, NY. Almost immediately after the completion of the photo shoot, ANA began to sell photos to various purveyors of adult-oriented and/or sexual groups, including WFTA, Pradhan alleges in the lawsuit.
"We had no intentions to cause emotional distress and humiliation to the models”, Bas, president of WFTA said. Bas argued that by jerking off to the pictures of said models, his organization was in fact being inclusive of women of all kinds. “We here at WFTA believe that every woman is beautiful and fappable”, Bas said. Pradhan, however, argued, “the distribution of photos on adult sites has caused the model serious damage to her modeling reputation, and ANA and WFTA should take responsibility to alleviate the psychological distress”.
To complete this large circle of disarray, ANA is now suing the model herself. On Monday, Mahogay, the president of ANA said: “Young girls wearing short skirts in during modeling events are a threat to the Nepali culture. If men fap to such pictures, it is the woman’s fault for provoking them.”
“Boys will be boys,” Mahogay said. “They make mistakes.” He surmised that fap accusations arise out of inter-gender squabbles. He added: “She is dressed in a manner that people get attracted to her. In fact, she wants them to fap to her.”
Sueme Maharjan condemned the comments and the accusations made by the ANA official, saying she was “especially appalled” by the recent fap incidents. “We say no to the dismissive, destructive attitude of, ‘Boys will be boys,’ and ‘Girls are asking for it’” she said.
Every group believes that the law is on their side and claims to use the sword of the state to give them what the opposing parties did not. The federal lawsuit is expected to have an initial hearing by August in a Washington, D.C., Federal District Court. Several other groups have announced plans to file briefs on the side of sajha and ANA.
Last edited: 12-Jul-14 04:24 PM

Posted on 07-12-14 5:38 PM     [Snapshot: 195]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nice one, almost killed me
Posted on 07-12-14 6:48 PM     [Snapshot: 341]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 07-13-14 6:14 PM     [Snapshot: 1115]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 07-14-14 12:21 PM     [Snapshot: 1573]     Reply [Subscribe]
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reminds me of JIRA and Mangale ...
Posted on 07-14-14 2:40 PM     [Snapshot: 1687]     Reply [Subscribe]
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La sathiharu enjoy gara.... Photo haru herara... Thank me later lol
Posted on 07-15-14 10:48 AM     [Snapshot: 2117]     Reply [Subscribe]
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So serious......
Posted on 07-15-14 11:16 AM     [Snapshot: 2172]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good one after a long time... :)
Posted on 07-15-14 11:18 AM     [Snapshot: 2174]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 07-15-14 3:41 PM     [Snapshot: 2802]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Can you please provide the signup link to WFTA? Sounds like a noble cause! Hahahah
Posted on 07-15-14 3:47 PM     [Snapshot: 2827]     Reply [Subscribe]
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दामी पिस! के यसैलाई भनिन्छ त "साइक्लोन ओफ शिट्स्तोर्म" भनेर?
Posted on 07-18-14 11:32 AM     [Snapshot: 3757]     Reply [Subscribe]
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एउटा सिङ्गै चक्र पो तयार भएछ : चक्र घुमिन्जेल यसको अन्त्य हुदैन तर  जसले सुरु गरेको हो तेस्ले हात निकाल्यो भने पनिफोका हराए झैँ हुन्छ | 

Last edited: 21-Jul-14 01:42 PM


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