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 Give to trusted Local Nepali Charities!
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Posted on 04-30-15 7:53 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Please continue to give to the following local Nepali charities that have proven their integrity and capacity both with real, effective actions on the grounds and verifiably trustworthy process.

America Nepal Medical Foundation

Help Nepal Network: One Dollar a Month Fund for Nepal

विवेकशील नेपाली BibekSheel Nepali

Prabal Gurung's Shikshya Foundation

Last edited: 30-Apr-15 07:54 AM

Posted on 04-30-15 9:20 AM     [Snapshot: 73]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I was thinking bibeksheel was doing wonderful job. But yesterday I saw in FB they showed a receipt of relief material purchase: 20 kg rice for 30,000 NRS. Might be some technical mistake but they should clarify it. If I collected fund I's give it to Himani trust.
Posted on 04-30-15 10:35 AM     [Snapshot: 121]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nalapani ji, I was also surprised by your saying but I did little research and found this
१. उर्जा चामल, २० के. जि. को २० बोरा x रु १५०० = रु. ३०,०००/-
२. मुसुर दल, ३ बोरा x रु ३५०० = रु. १०,५००/-
३. चिउरा, ३ बोरा x रु १०५० = रु. ३,१५०/-
४. नुन, २० प्याकेट x रु १८ = रु. ३६०/-
५. तेल सोयाबिन ३ बाकस x रु ११२० = रु. ३३६०/-
६. बिस्कुट २ बाकस x = रु. १२९५/-
७. चिनी, १० के. जि. x रु६२ = रु. ६२०/-
८. चिया १ बाकस = रु. १,१५५/-
जम्मा = रु ५०,४४०/- - छुट रु. १४०/- = रु. ५०,३००/-

This means they bought 20 sacks of rice which has 20 kg in each sack, means 1 sack of rice costs rs 1500 which also means 20 kg rice costs 1500 and which also means 1 kg costs 75
so they are not cheating ;-)
Posted on 04-30-15 10:50 AM     [Snapshot: 144]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am not pointing fingers to them. I said there must be some technical mistake, but they clarified so it's good. I wrote what I saw in FB; I also assumed there must be something like that. They are doing wonderful job!!

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