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 काले लुटेरालाई गोलि ठोक्ने गोर्खाली जस्तो छ
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Posted on 07-22-15 9:59 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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A store clerk wrestles a gun away from a robber and shoots one of three men who stole from a Mesquite gas station overnight, police say. 

Three men went into the Chevron at 3828 U.S. 80 at about 1 a.m. Tuesday and stole lottery tickets and cigarettes from behind the counter, according to Mesquite Police Department spokesman Sgt. Joe Smith.

One of the men was armed and demanded money from the clerk, Smith said. Surveillance video shows the clerk fight with the robber, take his gun and shoot him in the shoulder.

Police said the robber then took his gun back and hit the clerk in the face with it.

Video Shows Clerk Wrestling Away Gun and Shooting RobberVideo Shows Clerk Wrestling Away Gun and Shooting Robber

WARNING: This video may be disturbing to some. Mesquite police released video of a gas station clerk taking a gun from a robber and turning it on him shooting him in the arm.

(Published Tuesday, Jul 21, 2015)

The three men ran from the store, according to Smith. The robber who was shot collapsed in a nearby field. Police found him when they arrived at the gas station, arrested him and transported him to a hospital.

The other two ran away on a nearby service road before police arrived.

Police said the clerk suffered facial injuries and was treated by paramedics at the scene.

Smith said this is the fourth armed robbery at this gas station since February, likely because it's the only business open late in that area.

"Plus it's right off the freeway and it's dark," he said. "Crooks can hop off the roadway and be in and out in about a minute or so."

NBC 5's Jeff Smith contributed to this report.


Last edited: 22-Jul-15 10:00 AM

Posted on 07-22-15 4:25 PM     [Snapshot: 475]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Now, do you know most sajha users are black people lover? They will call you racist for bringing up this topic. It is only racism if black people are the victim, no other race can call it racism. Those thugs are not robbers, but liberal news media will make them saints if they want to. Yes, sadly, many of our Nepali friends are buying all the horse shit they show on TV.
Thank god, our Nepali brother is alive, he gave them a good fight. I can only imagine what went through his mind during the struggle. Brave Gorkhey.

Posted on 07-23-15 3:11 AM     [Snapshot: 978]     Reply [Subscribe]
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to be honest this nepali guy is lucky, they pine shim down and had a chance o shoot him but they didn't, no need to fight back just give them whatever they need
Posted on 07-23-15 5:08 AM     [Snapshot: 1007]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Now, do you know most sajha users are black people lover? lol dude r u paranoid? yes black r killers but u know what ? they been killing way before nepali started settled in usa so why You want spread hate in vain? that means nothing you are in their territory, just like if u suddenly settled in jungle and start complain about bear attack? haha. only red indians and white may have legitimate complain but if you want to avoid this just don't do business in their neighborhood. but want that cash don't you? are black people wrong faktard? yes oc they are but that's just the way it has been. nothing surprise me. either be leader and change the society or understand where risks are. no blacks don't target nepali or indians or minority in particular, they are killers and just kill whoever on their way. 

here is another sad nepali killing in gas station . that young dude wants to go back, he is the matured one in my opinion.

Last edited: 23-Jul-15 05:33 AM

Posted on 07-23-15 8:56 PM     [Snapshot: 1376]     Reply [Subscribe]
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store business is risky better open a restaurant
Posted on 09-22-17 8:51 AM     [Snapshot: 2573]     Reply [Subscribe]
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By watching the video of robbery murdered guy I felt I should say something. I have my own view in regards to the crime. Crime happens everywhere. Unfortunately, the guy got caught up. I do not blame US because a Nigger killed a Nepali in robbery attempt. Nepalese are getting killed in Nepal too. Some are run over by the Vehicle, or else. Criminals are every corner of the world. Everybody is capable of committing heinous crime like this. The fact is that most of them who involved in robbery cases are black people. I think its because majority of them are drug addicts. But as Vhootee's point of view, when it comes to black getting killed even s/he is an aggressor, the left media makes it as racial issue, and if other race are the victim, liberals don't give a damn. That is the existential fact.

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