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 What the heck is this about Sherpas??

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Posted on 02-05-16 9:55 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 02-06-16 8:24 AM     [Snapshot: 313]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I worked with different kind of people in US i found Sherpas are worst among all.
Posted on 02-06-16 8:28 AM     [Snapshot: 334]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Do you live around New York City?
Posted on 02-06-16 8:36 AM     [Snapshot: 348]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Short tampered assholes.
Posted on 02-06-16 8:45 AM     [Snapshot: 365]     Reply [Subscribe]
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yes i live in nyc
Posted on 02-06-16 10:40 AM     [Snapshot: 608]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Not maoist asylees, but fake ass tibetan refugees.
Posted on 02-06-16 1:05 PM     [Snapshot: 763]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am not trying to defend those sherpas' violent reaction. There must have been other ways to deal with this. But this white swiss prick who thinks because he climbed other mountains without rope, he can do the same in Nepal needed to punished. There are rules and guidelines to climb mount everest. He should respect that even if he does not like it. These Sherpas risk their lives to make these westerners' climb as easy and comfortable as possible. Sherpas in return are paid generously, there is no doubt. But to go against what had been advised is to invite problems. But definitely, the sherpas were wrong to beat them up.
There are other ways to stand-up against arrogance and sense of superiority shown by westerners.
They could have simply banned these climbers for life from climbing nepalese mountains. But do they have brains?
Posted on 02-06-16 2:48 PM     [Snapshot: 871]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good point hurray.but the fact is sherpas don't have any authorities to ban anyone , not at least legally. Only Nepali gov can do that.and Nepali Gove don't care anything as long as the foreigners bring money and with that money they can go foreign visit and increase their job benefits. I have also heard lots of sherpha lost their lives few years ago because some arrogant westerners would not listen to them. Would be nice to know what provoked ,although violence is not accepted matter what.
Posted on 02-06-16 3:52 PM     [Snapshot: 932]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This video only tells the second half of the stories.

I think the first half goes something like this. The Euros wanted to bend some mountain rules like the routes and the gears. They wanted to climb in their own ideas. The conflict broke out at the top and couple porter/guides sherpas were beaten by those goras in the mountain top.

The brain does not work at its 100% at the top of the mountain and you add the EGO and those climbers life time investment of $$$ and emotions and then the strict guidelines Nepal Government imposes sherpas to keep the mountain climbing as safe as it can be, the result was obviously nasty.

Not every climbers aholes but every now and then we do get some racist aholes who just want to treat sherpas like slaves rather than a mountain ranger. These climbers in particular used racist words to them and then brawled at the top. When they decended to the base, sherpas told more buddy of theirs and this was the second round of a$$ whoppings !!

I do not cheer what sherpas are doing but there is always a two sides to the story. I personally have only met one sherpa ahole in my life and i am not going to generalize whole sherpa for his action.

By the way...not every mountain guide must be a sherpa anymore...lots of Lamas and Tamangs have been opening trekking/porter shops lately.
Last edited: 06-Feb-16 03:54 PM

Posted on 02-06-16 4:09 PM     [Snapshot: 969]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It is not clear what started all this but if this was due to the climbers bending the rules of climbing, then it's sherpas' fault. The sherpas are only hired help, they do not have a right to impose how the climbers do their thing. That's the biggest problem with Nepalis they think they know everything.
Posted on 02-06-16 5:19 PM     [Snapshot: 1009]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why you guys acting stupid here ? Video didn't tell us all part of story here. Know everything before you start judging people.
There are some moral and cultural rules and regulations to climb mountain. May be you guys dont want to follow and care about those rules but some people does and every climber who want help from sherpas need to follow them.
In video its clearly shown That khaire said something which he supposed to not to say (probably word McChicken) thats why Sherpas were mad and they acted like that. Even that white girl says she was surprised to see those people like that. Everyone in world know sherpas as peace people.
And BTW this story is too old and it made headlines on that week too. I think we discuss here in sajha too.
@surajnepali ke re u have worked with all people and didnt like sherpa re, ARE YOU COMEDY ME. as you live in NYC why dont you go and visit Jamaica, Bronx and inner Brooklyn and see your good black friends . and you will find who is bad and good.
@SankarhuSankar living in NY and CA doesnt make you asylee. Cheap nepali mentality, who says all people outside Kathmandu are pakhe and halo jotne.
@bairaghi, you are too smart hai. You know everything. You know about TPS , H1 process, Visa, asylum. You should change your name to Google.
Posted on 02-06-16 9:05 PM     [Snapshot: 1202]     Reply [Subscribe]
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One side shows Sherpas being dragged down and other side shows Sherpas as a best climber of the year, recently being awarded. Anyways I have always been surrounded with good Sherpas around me. so no regret even though this videos try to show bad side of Sherpas anger. That's the heredity of most of the Nepalese getting emotional pretty quick. Kudos to those porter Sherpas, lamas and all the Trekkers who have succeed to reach the summit.
Posted on 02-06-16 9:43 PM     [Snapshot: 1267]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Basi news from 2013. I don't know whether most of us has heard this story. Video shows negative perspective whereas the article shows real fact.
Posted on 02-06-16 10:37 PM     [Snapshot: 1320]     Reply [Subscribe]
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आफै भीडीयो हाल्छ , आफै आगो मा घ्यू थाप्ने काम गर्छ , आफै आइले आएर आफै ये बासी भीडीयो रैछ रे । मानसिक चिकित्सक लाई भेट्ने पो हो की ।
Posted on 02-06-16 11:12 PM     [Snapshot: 1380]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am just trying to find the real story behind the scene. Can't I ask fellow Sajha members? at least I got my answer from @sidster. But Facebook bro or sis, you are trying to make that wound more worse with your critical analysis blaming everyone in this forum.
Posted on 02-06-16 11:36 PM     [Snapshot: 1401]     Reply [Subscribe]
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They are usually opportunists by nature (No, i m not racist and i have nothing against them) like these Eastern Europeans we see around here. During Mahendra's rule, they changed to Gurung so that they can get free visa and go to Hongkong and other countries to do small trade, who later turned out to drug smugglers, the Manange's. Now the ones here in NYC, they are the fake Tibetan refugees ( Ask any one of them. They don't identify themselves as Nepali, they identify themselves as Tibetans as if they are ashamed to call themselves Nepali ). And dont forget Tenjing Sherpa who changed to Indian nationality after he climbed Mt. Everest.
Last edited: 07-Feb-16 09:04 AM

Posted on 02-07-16 8:50 AM     [Snapshot: 1836]     Reply [Subscribe]
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wow taking down on your own people in this thread behind keyboard journalism probably with dik in their hand. nepalese r automatically bad? Sherpas r tibetan refugees really ? what a bigot u have become? yeah wet back american mentality is greater that refugees cheers... if u investigate little it is clear, these three cheap ass italians were using sherpas' rope for free plus weren't gracious and used "MF" in nepali to further insult sherpas go figure!! they should be great and u faakers should be proud that sherpas had decent heart and just wanted apologies instead of blood bath !! it's their bread and butter !! not even that important, they believe mountain as god ! these westerners had no clue !!

Posted on 02-07-16 10:15 AM     [Snapshot: 1976]     Reply [Subscribe]
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तेइ भनेको controversial bro. मुजी हरु कुरो नबुजी भुक्छन ।
बैरागी खै तिम्ले कता को शेर्पा /नेपाली भेट्छौं !!! मैले भेटेको सबै ले गर्ब साथ म नेपाली हु नै भन्छ । अझ कति तिब्बतन शेर्पा ले समेत म तिब्बतन नेपाली हु भन्छन ।।
Posted on 02-07-16 10:31 AM     [Snapshot: 1982]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Tehi climbers harru le garera, ali ali paisa bitrincha Nepal ma ani,tyo ni banda huncha estto tal le, utta border banda cha, Estai tal ho bhane Nepal ko economy downhill huncha, jaan garibi. sherpa hos ya jo sukai hos yo potter harru, affnai khani tal ma poul pardaicha.
Posted on 02-07-16 12:27 PM     [Snapshot: 2097]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Very well said by on of the blogger on the link provided above...

The ignorance of white people never ceases to amaze me. The racism/classism/neo-colonialists attitudes are alive and well. Wake the fuck up white people. This is THEIR land, THEIR mountain. As a brown person, I know I could never go to the Swiss Alps, Rocky Mountains, etc.. with such complete disregard for the people and government that are the stewards of the land. Yes, you pay money, but you need to respect them. Without them, no one would have ever ascended Mt. Everest (yes not even the "first" who supposedly was a white man, I disagree, how did the sherpas know how to get up there, somebody obviously knew the way because they had gone up before).  I digress. The white privilege stops in nature who surprisingly doesn't give two shits about your corporate job, your skin color or your gender. I'm so tired of foreigners coming to our lands and then being surprised that someone actually retaliates when they are treated inhumanely and are disrespected. The world dominance via the neo colonialist system is no fault of the "developing nations" but leave them their dignity assholes. Finally, to these jerkoffs, look, you selfish pricks, I could care two shits whether you summited Everest or not and perhaps you may never learn empathy but at least know that people can only be humiliated for so long before they will fight back and know that no one, if you didn't have your money or your skin color would like you because you are cruel and heartless. Pray that you won't ever lose either of the two because then you will really learn the meaning of what goes around comes around.
Mts Dedrose Syangden.
Posted on 02-10-16 8:13 AM     [Snapshot: 5188]     Reply [Subscribe]
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i am also a nepali....m nt gonna defend for them..i knw tht they dnt wnt to hear tht kind of language.....bt tourist also have to keep on their mind.. tht... this is nepal... not everyone is same as they thought....plz b polite... if u respect ...they'll givin u respect ...if u wnt to mess..wth thm..m sure..the'll gona mess ...everything... n lastly stay safe


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