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 न्यु हम्प्शाइरका दर्पण किरात राइ बालिका यौन शोषणमा पक्राउ
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Posted on 03-06-19 10:57 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Rochester man accused of repeatedly raping Concord girl since 2008

Monitor staff
Published: 3/5/2019 4:30:59 PM

Darpan Kirat Rai, 36, of Rochester —Courtesy

Concord police have arrested a Rochester man accused of repeatedly raping a girl in Merrimack and Strafford counties over the course of nearly a decade.

Darpan Kirat Rai, 36, faces 15 counts of aggravated felonious sexual assault, including eight charges that allege a pattern of sexual abuse. Police said Kirat Rai sexually assaulted the girl – whom he knew – from 2008 through 2017, and that abuse began when she was attending elementary school in Concord.

The majority of the abuse is alleged to have occurred in Concord; however, police said incidents were also reported in Boscawen and Barrington.

Authorities opened an investigation into Kirat Rai after an attorney contacted Concord police in spring 2018 to report multiple allegations of rape. That report led to a multi-agency investigation that culminated in his arrest early Tuesday morning at his home, which police had under surveillance.

“The investigation showed the suspect made contact with the victim when she was a young child. He groomed her and continued to sexually assault her at various locations, to include residences and vehicles, for years,” Concord police Lt. Sean Ford said in an interview Tuesday. “The assaults were committed with threats of force and coercion.”

If convicted of the felony charges, Kirat Rai faces decades in state prison.

The victim, now in her 20s, was interviewed at the Merrimack County Advocacy Center in Concord as part of the investigation. Additionally, police interviewed numerous witnesses and collected evidence that corroborates the woman’s story, Ford said.

Police from Concord and Barrington, with the assistance of the U.S. Marshal’s Office, executed an arrest warrant in Rochester early Tuesday and took Kirat Rai into custody without incident. Officers had surrounded the home and moved in on Kirat Rai as he attempted to leave, Ford said. Police had a warrant and searched his home.

Kirat Rai was transported to the Concord Police Department where he refused the services of a bail commissioner. He is scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday in Concord’s district court.

The investigation into allegations against Kirat Rai is ongoing. Ford said police are concerned about other victims and said additional charges in the case are likely.

Kirat Rai was previously convicted in Rochester’s district court of domestic violence simple assault, according to court records. He pleaded guilty in September 2018 to the misdemeanor charge for assaulting an intimate partner. A 30-day jail sentence was suspended for two years on conditions of good behavior and upon his completion of anger management counseling.

Police ask anyone with information about the sexual assault case to contact Ford at 230-3728, the Concord Regional Crimeline at 226-3100, or Barrington police Lt. Kathleen O’Brien at 664-7679.


Posted on 03-06-19 12:16 PM     [Snapshot: 407]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good. Imprisonment for life hunu parcha.
Posted on 03-06-19 8:19 PM     [Snapshot: 1398]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Disgusting!! Rai community’s wannabe Christians, Is this what Christianity taught this man?
Posted on 03-06-19 11:50 PM     [Snapshot: 2018]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Enough of Hindu Bahuns been in these kind of news already. Did their Hinduism teach them that?
Posted on 03-08-19 8:09 AM     [Snapshot: 2868]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Where in the news or else did you see that he is a Christian? Even if so, why are you stereotyping based on what you have to spew that venum? Nothing proves that he was/is a "wannabe" Christian. Criminal is Criminal no matter what religion or no religion he come from or believe so. Get your fact straight, sir.
Posted on 03-08-19 8:18 AM     [Snapshot: 2881]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I personally know one of darpan’s cousin brother who lives in New Jersey, so I know this criminal is a Christian. And my comment was for those people back in Nepal who lure and  forcefully convert innocent and uneducated village people into Christianity. These days it’s an epidemic, and these people are Rai’s who do this in the name of Isu and Jesus portraying bad image about other religions.
Last edited: 08-Mar-19 08:22 AM

Posted on 03-08-19 8:38 AM     [Snapshot: 2901]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If you knew him personally, you should have stated that in you first post, don't assume the reader know what you know. Secondly, you again stereotyping about being Rai who always are convert and in the same category. A person doesn't represent the entire community. Yet, we should always side with "innocent until proven guilty by the court of law." We should not jump into the conclusion of his guilty. There seem to be more chapter on the story.
Posted on 03-08-19 9:07 AM     [Snapshot: 2936]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ReutersNepalese Christians pray during their National Convention in Kathmandu.

More and more people in Nepal are turning to Christianity ever since the predominantly Hindu nation in South Asia went secular in 2008.

Nepal has over ten million Christian converts at present, with the number still rising, the Nikkei Asian Review reported, adding that the country also hosts more than 18,000 Christian churches.

In particular, Christianity has found a growing appeal among Nepal's hill tribe minority groups, such as the Kirats and the Dalits, or those belonging to the lowest "untouchables" caste.


Last edited: 08-Mar-19 09:11 AM

Posted on 03-08-19 7:04 PM     [Snapshot: 3140]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@Adrian - Again, what's your point? "......and these people are Rai’s who do this in the name of Isu ......." So, a few Rai folks converted to Christianity or are trying to spread Christianity in Nepal and that gives you right to name calling the entire ethnicity? 

And, you are wrong with that very statement actually. No, its not Rai folks who are spearheading the spread of Christianity. That's how it might seem at the ground level but Khas Bahun Chetris dominate the leadership positions even inside Nepali Christian societies. See example below:
Either you are not so bright and have hard time articulating yourself or you have too much hatred inside you against people of different faith and ethnicity.  If you are so worried about people defecting Hinduism, one thing you could do is change your attitude towards other communities first. I am an atheist don't need to defend Christianity or any other religion but its by that time that Hindu folks do some self analysis. Money might allure people to conversion but that can't keep them Christian forever, they will go right back to their original religion once that money stops coming. Ask our Nepali bro sis who went to BYU . Hindus are just too stubborn to reform their religion - their Varna System, छुत-अछुत, उच-निच all that outdated ideas. And, please don't give me "no Hindu skripture teach that, such and such verse in Gita or Veda says something else". Yes, Hinduism believes in जात system, that's the fact. Just few days ago, there was news about a Hindu temple prohibiting Dalits to worship during the Shivaratri. Yes, Christianity is not any better, it has its own problems, just like any other religion. But as long as Dalits are treated like crap by Hindu society and Janjatis are considered inferior, people will take chance when someone comes by and offer them better treatment and sense of dignity. 

Posted on 03-09-19 5:04 PM     [Snapshot: 3443]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If Hindus convert then it's the prob of Hinduism for not being equal and open enough to keep its people. If someone's wife cheats because the husband is impotant, the problem is with the husband. We better accepting all people and remove this caste system if we wanna see Hinduism flourish.
Posted on 03-09-19 11:17 PM     [Snapshot: 3608]     Reply [Subscribe]
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" If someone's wife cheats because the husband is impotant, the problem is with the husband."

If you meant to say important* or impotent* both will still be immoral. Cheating is never moral. Only your Christianity may allow it. In hindiuism there is always an option of 'Tyag' in every human being regardless of their gender.

Also, most of these conversion is done within illiterate and poor communities giving them offer of money or showing them a dream of heaven. Religion conversion is nothing but a propoganda!!!! There is a reason for conversion and that is definitely not for betterment of human kind. Mark my word. 
Last edited: 09-Mar-19 11:23 PM

Posted on 03-10-19 1:51 PM     [Snapshot: 3811]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Here we go again, it's everyone else's fault but yours. So, caste system has nothing to do with the conversion, its just because people are dumb and poor ?? Good example of stubbornness again, unwilling to speak out against caste system, unwilling to accept the need for reformation, just bash other people.

Also, some vague, fancy Sanskrit word doesn't make Hinduism superior to other religion. Christianity and every other religion are full of their own useless terms. What matters is how people actually live their daily lives under their religion.
Probably a poor example by ehho2 up there comparing Cheating with Conversion, but semantics are not important here. Fact of the matter is nobody has abandoned their religion happily throughout the history, they are either forced in or forced out. Forced in as in Janajatis being forced into Hinduism, Buddhists being forced into Islam in Afghanistan etc. Good example of forced out is Shia's being forced out of mainstream Islam. Sunnis considered them too unorthodox to be Muslim and let them away instead of accepting them as their own. What's happening in Nepal is primarily a force out, missionaries are not holding anyone at gunpoint to convert. I concur, few are doing it for $$$, but like I said money can keep them Christian only for so long. Like the NON mormon students in BYU, they are LDS only until they graduate. Accept Dalits as equal Hindu, annihilate caste, allow them into every Hindu temple, let them put on that damn Janhai, welcome them to study Vedas at your Sanskrit Vidyapiths, do not incriminate the inter caste marriage. If you have done all these and people are still converting, then you have earned your rights to say people are dumb. Otherwise, you aren't helping with the problem you are making it worse.


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