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 renting room in woburn
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Posted on 09-19-20 1:50 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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room to rent in woburn
Posted on 09-19-20 7:32 PM     [Snapshot: 51]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Haha, haina yo rent ko add $10 tirera pani garna nasakne ani Hamro San babu kasari bachne hola hai
By the way $10 ko add USA ma basera ni garna nasakne ko ma ko chai jala hau, kuro
Posted on 09-19-20 8:54 PM     [Snapshot: 87]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nimas: Are you advertising or you are looking for a place to live? Your 5 words may go either way. Looking for a rental place or your are renting.
I think you are offering a place for rent and your ad does not make good sense about it. It needs to be little bit deskriptive : Rent amount, what will be the living situation, sharing kitchen rest room, wifi , how far from T station, is parking available or not and so on. This will help potential customer to decide and come forward.
Any body has studied marketing? In old school of thought, if you make good mouse trap customer will buy it without any other consideration, which is outdated.
Titepati: you did not let Nimas where you can advertise it but you throw an tantrum not able to spend $10. ? Why do you think it is not okay to advertise in Sajha? S/He must have targeted population which is Nepali and if you can advertise free why pay even a PENNY?

Posted on 09-20-20 2:11 PM     [Snapshot: 218]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Iogan, I mean, it's better idea to post those add in Sajha paying $10 ( It's my fault, I forgot to mention Sajha) would be more effective and it's freely available for 2 months. Obviously, I agree you, one has to explain every details, if seriously needs otherwise it's ok, wherever he posts, his freedom his life.
If Nimas want totally free add his facebook wall is good plateform.
Posted on 09-20-20 3:13 PM     [Snapshot: 232]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Advertising in sajha paying $10 is बक्वास. I did it twice and the only contact I got was one scammer. I would not pay even a PENNY to advertise here. Craigslist and sulekha are far bigger platform and are free but sajha says it will refund if you don't get any contact within 2 month. Now I suspect if the scammer is from sajha so that they can say at least you got one enquiry even though it's scammer😄
People think it's just $10 but if there is no return as promised why to spend? THINK TWICE BEFORE ADVERTISING IN SAJHA PAYING $10.
Posted on 09-20-20 4:24 PM     [Snapshot: 268]     Reply [Subscribe]
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sajha is bare bones, the site doesnt even have https. Once you put your number here its scam city.

Posted on 09-20-20 5:06 PM     [Snapshot: 282]     Reply [Subscribe]
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For me, it happened twice. I have 2 other friends who got scam call/email exactly like mine. Let's see how many other feel same. नाश ब्रो एउटा थ्रेड खोलौ त साझा advertising भन्डाफोर अभियान भनेर

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