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 Any Nepali Driving School / instructor in Virginia area
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Posted on 02-21-22 1:48 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi is there any Nepali Driving instructor / school in Virginia area who can help me with Driving Course . I have anixity issue so having Nepali instructor might help and want to know about Adult waiver program so i can avoid driving test at DMV. Please share contact information if you know any it will be great help for me .
Posted on 02-23-22 9:03 AM     [Snapshot: 65]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Fellow countryman/woman,

I had stopped doing this, for so many I have done turned a selfish piece of work. Yet, it caught my eyes may be out of my helping nature inside of me.

I live in Richmond, VA, I may offer you if you live nearby.

Please inbox me, if you.
Posted on 02-23-22 3:54 PM     [Snapshot: 117]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Helping to drive is a risky business, anything happens while you are acting as an instructor, you will be fully liable. And the ticket goes to you, Insurance may go up ?
It is thankless job with lot of risk.
One was a police inspector whom I had seen driving vans in Nepal, it took more time to make him understand the proper and safe driving.
The other one never learned to keep the steering  facing slightly to the direction while merging from an inner road. Either way going left or right car always crossed the solid line was scary.

Last edited: 23-Feb-22 07:27 PM


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