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 To techinalguruji, whoever it is
SAVE! for ease of future access.
Posted on 10-07-22 12:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dear technicalguruji, 
Sir, if you do not have the balls to listen to other peoples' opinions and viewpoints then, maybe Sajha may not be the right place to rant out all your personal agendas. As your name seems to be new or may be some old members have created this name to play around, I don't care. You have been posting here like all the weird topics to talk about under the sun and then you erase the comments by the people you do not seem to like or the comments you "may have have" found offensive to your own understanding, whatever. Come on, what kind of attitude is this? If you see my old posts, people have been commenting all sorts of things, personal, gibberish, out of track/ line and everything. I do not cut them short just because they do not suit to my taste. 
I do not think, I had written anything offensive while talking about JBR vs Nazi in your sorry thread, but well, you have so conveniently deleted my comment and some other members' comments as well. It's ok for me, but next time, I have to boycott people like you. Apologies! It is not going to matter to you most probably, but the way you have been flooding this place, it will surely affect you.

Last edited: 07-Oct-22 12:26 PM

Posted on 10-07-22 4:33 PM     [Snapshot: 73]     Reply [Subscribe]
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केटो रिसायो.
Posted on 10-07-22 5:19 PM     [Snapshot: 95]     Reply [Subscribe]
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technicalguruji got banned from r/Nepal. Now, he comes here and makes chhhaaaak jasto posts to get attention. sajha ma j taasde ni huncha. Admin le matlab gardaina.
Benne bro i saw that he deleted my comment as well on that post. 
Last edited: 07-Oct-22 05:21 PM

Posted on 10-07-22 6:57 PM     [Snapshot: 124]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It's not the question of me getting mad. If this dude does not like people commenting against his preferences, then better write in an empty room and read it back to himself, maybe that will satiate his thirst to be heard. I cannot baby sit adults. Thank you but no thank you.

Posted on 10-07-22 8:22 PM     [Snapshot: 146]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 07-Oct-22 08:23 PM

Posted on 10-07-22 11:15 PM     [Snapshot: 203]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Haha tyo arko thread ma maybe technicalguruji is najayej aulaad of JBR bhaneko ta delete haandechha. Lastai khate paro guriji.
Posted on 10-08-22 8:17 AM     [Snapshot: 244]     Reply [Subscribe]
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25 yo+ adults crying that their post was deleted. cute, very cute. I've power to delete anyone's comment in my post. And I'll do it till I've that right. @Ketofarar, I am not banned from anywhere. You can delete my comment as well, I won't cry like you. My posts are like gold in guu posts of y'all in sajha. Admin might ban me here for no reason though as the 5 users who're keeping sajha alive and paying admin's bills are now angry.
Posted on 10-08-22 9:52 AM     [Snapshot: 272]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yes, you have the power to delete any of our comments in your thread. We ain't crying, but we are letting one another know there are some people like you (old users) who come up with these pathetic new names every other week just to troll people and have fun at others' expense. I know for sure you are the same dude who has been coming to Sajha for some couple of years and now flooding Sajha with all bizzare threads under different names in his desperation to get some attention and provoke people, OTHERWISE how on earth would you know there are 5 users who are keeping Sajha alive and paying the bills, are now pissed off?
Dude, you got your work done, nice act!! I kind of know who this guy is, but well.. can't be sure 100%.

Last edited: 08-Oct-22 09:56 AM

Posted on 10-08-22 12:47 PM     [Snapshot: 307]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@techni Lol please keep on giving us your “gold” posts.
Posted on 10-10-22 1:03 PM     [Snapshot: 467]     Reply [Subscribe]
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यो बेनीडिक ब्रो लास्ट रुन्चे छन् भन्या .बालहट गरेर जसरि पनि आफै भाले हुनु पर्ने .आफु भन्दा राम्रो लेख्ने कोहि निस्कियो भने मुजी अनेक खडयन्त्र गरेर पाखा लगाइ हाल्छन .पहिला सनकलाल लाइ तेस्तै गरे ,फेरी मुजी त्यो छक्का EDV लाइ चुप्ली लगाएर लोगने लाइ मानसिक तनाब दिएर डाँडा कटाए .ऐले मुजी TECHNICALGURUJI को पछाडी हात धोएर लागेका छन् .

आफु त मुजी केहि गतिलो लेख्ने हैनन् . लेखिहाले पनि होलिमा जस्तो निलो हरियो छिर्के बिर्के मसिले पढ्नै अल्छि लाग्ने ३ पाने कथा लेख्छन .मैले पनि केहि गतिलो लेखि हाले भने फेरी मेरो पछि लाग्लान भनेर यिनकै डरले लेख्न सकेको छैन .
Posted on 10-10-22 1:52 PM     [Snapshot: 498]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ये मादरचोद अन्दर्वेर भी बेनेदिकके पिछे लगा रखते है
Posted on 10-10-22 3:17 PM     [Snapshot: 526]     Reply [Subscribe]
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पागलगोर्खे :तँ जाँठो बेनडिकको ज्वाई साँचै पागल होस, हिहि.
Posted on 10-10-22 4:26 PM     [Snapshot: 556]     Reply [Subscribe]
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अन्दर्वेर र गे प्राइडको पोस्टहरु हेर्दा धेरै जस्तो १० मिनेटको अन्तरमा पोस्टहरु देखिनछन | पुराना पोस्टहरु हेर्दा यस कुरा छरप्रस्टै देखिन्छ | एउटामा लग अन गरी केहि पोस्ट गरिवरी, अर्कोमा लगिन गरी त्येसबाट पोस्ट गर्दा करीब करीब दश मिनेटको अन्तर भएको देखियो | अझ निरन्तर प्रयास गरेमा दश बाट घटाउन पनि सकिन्छ तर झन दुइ जना येउतै भन्ने निश्चित हुन्छ | बरु अलिकति एफोर्ट लगाएर अलि बढीनै अन्तराल पछि पोस्ट गरेमा बरु गेम अलि राम्रो होला की जस्तो लाग्यो | के छ बिचार?
Posted on 10-10-22 4:51 PM     [Snapshot: 581]     Reply [Subscribe]
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तपाईंले मलाई लाएको केही आरोप प्रती मेरो गम्भिर ध्यानाकर्षण भको छ, यस बारेमा केही भनीहालु।

# म तपाईंले भने सरह रुन्चे चै छैन होला। चित्त नबुझेको कुरा भन्छु तर यसलाई रोएको त भन्न मिल्दैन होला। बालहठ गरेर आँफै भाले हुन खोजेको हैन। म भन्दा जान्ने बुझ्ने मान्छे साझामा छन, आफुले नजानेको नथाभको बिषयमा म बोल्दिन, सुन्छु बरु पढ्छु तेही हो।
# म आफु मात्र राम्रो लेख्छु अरु कोही सक्तैनन भनेर मैले कहिले पनि भनेको छुइन। न मैले कहिले कसैलाई षडयन्त्र गरेर नै कसैलाई पाखा लगाउने बारेमा सोचे।
# सनकलाल किन ब्यान्ड भयो, उसको पुरानो पोस्ट हेर्नुस् थाहा हुन्छ।
# लोगनजी जस्तो साझाको धेरै पुरानो हस्तीलाई मैले छुन त गाह्रै छ हजुर। सोध्नुस् उहालाई कता गायब हो भनेर। मलाई के थाहा कुन युजर कता जान्छ, कता हराउछ।
# टेक्निकलगुरुजीले लेखेको केही पुरानो पोस्टहरु हेरे थाहा हुन्छ, उहाको साझा आउनुको आशय के हो, मैले भन्न पर्छ? नेपाल र नेपालीको बारेमा कती गिराएर कुरा गरेको छ आँफै हेर्नुस्।
# तपाईं लेखेर त देखाउनुस् तपाईंको लेखहरु, म किन तपाईंको पछी लागेर तपाईंलाई डाँडा कटाउथे होला प्रभु।
# यसरी बिनसित्तिमा अजम्शन गरी गरी पर्खाल नबनाउन मेरो आग्रह छ।

Posted on 10-10-22 5:17 PM     [Snapshot: 600]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Isn't techinalguruji a username of a famous Indian YouTuber ?

Posted on 10-11-22 1:45 PM     [Snapshot: 739]     Reply [Subscribe]
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गे प्राइड सरले मलाई छक्क भन्या जस्तो लाग्यो, सर म छक्का होइन सिधा हो . फेरी बेन सर लाइ पनि रुन्चे भन्नु भएको रैछ ,के आधारमा भन्नु भाको हो थाहा भएन तर वहाले सनकलाल लाइ साझा बाट निकालेको भन्दा पनि सनकलाल आफ्नै कर्तुतको कारणले निस्किनु परेको हो .
लोगने लाइ पनि वहाले निकालेको जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैन , त्यो सुस्ते पनि आफ्नै बद्धिले गर्दा साझा बाट बहिरगमन भयको हो . तर तेस्ले ठिकै गर्यो, साझाकै कारण कोहि व्यक्ति पागल हुन्थ्यो भने लोगन नै हुन्थियो . त्यो बिचरालाइ देउरालीको मादल जस्तो सबैले बजाउदा बजाउदा दिमाग नै असन्तुलित भै सकेको थियो . येदि बेन सरको कारणले लोगन बिरक्तिएको हो भने ठिकै भयो . बिचरोले अब काम गरेर २ ४ पैसा कमाउछ , सम्भबत ३ ४ वर्षमा नया गाडी पनि किन्ला .
Last edited: 11-Oct-22 01:47 PM

Posted on 10-11-22 5:58 PM     [Snapshot: 787]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yo khatay haru k Kura gardai chhan???????
Posted on 10-13-22 10:22 AM     [Snapshot: 976]     Reply [Subscribe]
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fusi pier basne tero pariwarik baani byahoraa ho | belaa belaamaa Tyantram dekhaaun kaaran chai fusi piun napaaeko belaa ho jasto chha | teri maataa haarile fusi chai botalamaa jhaa bhanthi saasya talaai din laai hoki ?
tero baauko jaar : tero jhatkeko baau


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