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 Law of Karma Explained in Simple Science
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Posted on 03-21-11 4:02 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Wave Radiations and the Law of Karma Explained in Simple Science

With Albert Einstein’s contribution to modern science, we now know that everything we see around us- whether visible or invisible- is nothing but energy. (The Vedas had been propounding the same for ages  ). Light that we once thought of mere waves have now been found to possess dual characteristics; we now study and write in our exam papers that light possess both particle/material nature as well as wave nature; the energy of this wave is directly proportional to its frequency as stated by Planck’s equation, E= hν.

Wait a minute! If everything around us is nothing but energy, it means that the wall, our car, our own body, plants, animals, etc are all energy bundles. As absurd as it may sound, it is exactly the truth. Matter and energy are interconvertible; in essence, they are the same. They have varied manifestations only due to being subject to the limits of time and space. The Eiffel Tower, in a thousand years from now, will be in rubbles, and in a million years from now, will not even exist. It will have disappeared into its energy form. Had there been no boundaries of time and location (space), we could realize without much effort that everything is purely energy. Grass growing in a marsh will, in a matter of months, decompose and turn into methane and other gases, which are energy forms. These examples can be applied to any matter that we see around; ice, for example, is the same as vapor; in essence, they are just different manifestations of the same energy. Thus, it is fair to conclude that we live in a sea of energy radiations and are ourselves a part of it. There is nothing in the world besides it, and everything is it. These energy radiations are called “Pran Shakti”, and occur in the form of waves. From science, we know that it is waves by which energy propagate, i.e. waves carry energy; and everything in this universe, including you and me, are nothing but waves. (Interesting huh??). Yeah. If we asked our Superman friend to observe our physical bodies for a million years from today, he would see our physical body gradually lose its form, decay and disappear as waves, thus degenerating into energy radiations.

On this note, let’s move forward. Everything, then, is a game of wave radiations. (I’ve used wave and energy radiations interchangeably because waves are nothing but propagations of energy) Yes, we live in a sea of waves of varying frequencies and amplitudes. Each wave has its own characteristics. We, energy bundles, emit wave radiations every millisecond through thoughts, emotions, desire, inspirations, determinations, etc. These wave radiations have all properties that we studied in our fundamental physics class. They carry energy and can do work, superpose, etc. In a big hall, where a huge number of people are meditating, the waves emitted by the individuals, essentially superpose with each other (because they are of similar frequencies) and produce a huge effect; the resulting wave will have multifold amplitude that can lift the Sadhak to higher domains of spirituality. It is based on this idea that our culture supports the practice of mass prayers, group meditation, collective mantra chanting, mass Yagna, and so on.

Getting back to the point, we emit radiations according to our mood and nature. When meditating, praying, wishing other’s good, serving selflessly to others, we emit positive waves around us. On the contrary, when we think evil about others, wish them harm, kill a creature, curse a neighbor, inculcate pride, adopt greed, become angry, etc we emit wave radiations that carry negative energies of particular frequency corresponding to that activity. Like the trajectory of an electron or the planets, these waves also follow a circular trajectory, and are bound to come back to its source at some point in time. This is the law of Karma. It is a law of cause and effect or action and reaction. The waves, whether harmful or blissful, will reach its creator, and he/she will suffer/enjoy similar fate. Thus, our fate/destiny is nothing but the creations of our past thoughts and actions.

To better clarify, let us present a simple example. Say, we are involved in a particular activity- killing a goat for meat consumption. When a goat is killed, it emits wave radiations of extreme fear, excruciating pain, helplessness and tremendous suffering. The source/cause/creator of these waves is the person killing the goat, people consuming its meat and all those who are responsible for its actions. These people share similar tendencies called “samskara”. (Hinduism regards samskaras as subtle imprints on the mind of an individual that govern his actions. A righteous person is said to possess high level of samskaras, and those living unrighteously are said to have bad samskaras). These people have directly or indirectly caused the goat to emit the wave radiations carrying negative energies. The frequency of these waves correspond to the samskaras in the people, just as the waves produced by a tuning fork match the natural frequency of the fork itself. These waves, being energy radiations, never die out (Law of conservation of Energy), but rather always propagate in a circular trajectory, and come back at their source, which is “tuned” to receive it by his/her own “samskaras” that created/enhanced/ or aided in the creation of those waves. By “tuning”, it means being receptive. For example, waves emitted by Kantipur FM in Kathmandu have its own frequency, 96.1 MHz exclusively. No other FM stations can have this frequency. One who tunes his radio to this frequency receives Kantipur FM, and can hear the voice of the speaker emitting the waves. In a similar fashion, when the waves emitted by one’s action, reach him/her after a given period of time (can be after even several lifetimes), these waves pour their effect. Because it is the same wave, the suffering, excruciating pain, etc that the goat felt will now be felt by the doer of its action. Say, if he’s travelling in a motorcycle, he may be subject to an accident and the waves may materialize to produce a similar effect.

Now, a question arises, why does the wave affect only the creator of it? Why not others? The answer is “frequency tuning”. Whatever action one does builds his corresponding “samskaras”, and attract only similar waves. Those who spread love, perform selfless service, etc attract positive blissful waves of similar characteristics, and those who spread negative tendencies receive similar waves of negative vibrations. What FM station waves a radio attracts depends upon its “samskaras” or what it is tuned to receive. Again, this is the Fundamental Law of Karma as described in the Vedas. Every soul in existence is bound to receive the fruit of his Karmas.

This is why our culture propounds for ages: spread love, wish everyone good, harm no one, forgive everyone, perform selfless service (Karma Yoga), be devoted to that Supreme Power (Bhakti Yoga), indulge yourself in the knowledge of the Vedas (Gyan Yoga), chant mantras (Japa), perform meditation (dhyana), etc. All these spread waves with great positive energy and the source/creator/devotee of these waves is bound to receive waves of superior nature or divine bliss. Spreading good waves in the cosmos purifies her against the effect of negative energy waves. Good waves and bad waves, being opposite in quality, negatively superimpose each other, and reduce the harmful effects of the bad radiations. For example, when one chants a mantra regularly, he is regularly emitting superior wave energy (mantras carry feelings/ meanings which are meant for the benefit of all and harm no one; hence they carry constructive/cleansing energy of superior nature) in the environment. These waves not only cleanse his ambient environment (eg. his prayer/meditation room) from negative vibrations, but also form a “Kawach” or an invisible protective covering around him. This “Kawach” blocks/fights the negative waves in his ambience, and thus protects him/her against developing negative/sinful/harmful/destructive tendencies; the “Kawach” always keeps him/her immersed in a constant sea of divine energy radiations in the form of bliss and supreme joy. Many Sadhaks must have experienced that they survive the most fatal accidents. Sometimes, big mishaps that were due to happen perish after a minor injury or a simple bruise. The negative waves that were ready to attack the Sadhak with full force get diminished in amplitude by the positive waves surrounding him, which he can create on his own (through mantra Japa/meditation), or receive from his ambient environment which may include the temple, ashram, or proximity with the Guru/Lord who is constantly emitting positive waves of great energy density around him.
- Aadarniya Shri Ram Sharma Acharya
Last edited: 21-Mar-11 04:05 AM

Posted on 03-21-11 7:06 AM     [Snapshot: 38]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 What is the source of this article? thanks for posting this material.
Last edited: 21-Mar-11 07:06 AM

Posted on 03-21-11 11:54 AM     [Snapshot: 170]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I liked it. Makes sense.
Posted on 03-21-11 1:51 PM     [Snapshot: 265]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 03-21-11 8:10 PM     [Snapshot: 407]     Reply [Subscribe]
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+ve and -ve energy theory can be used to explain anything.
thank you for the article.

Posted on 03-22-11 8:49 AM     [Snapshot: 540]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 While the initial premise that "everything is energy" sounds valid, the rest is mere new age pseudo-science.  I would like to think the rest of the arguments are true, but there is no scientific basis for it.

And I hate the justifications such as that made in second sentence preposterous.  Apparently Einstein's theories were already known and proven in Vedas.  Yeah... rrright!!  Apparently we already had aircrafts thousands of years ago.  Don't believe me?  How do you account for Ravan's pushpak bimaan?  C'mon.  

Spirituality has its place.  But one cannot give it gravitas by claiming scientific basis when there is none, at least not "scientifically" proven as yet.

Posted on 04-02-11 11:21 AM     [Snapshot: 804]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Boy! It's a really nice article man. Makes all sense.
@ Life is Good- "positive" and "negative" energy is referring to the characteristic of waves emitted by proper and improper thoughts and actions respectively. These are bound to have different characteristics ! You'll know it if you've been exposed to deeper physics.

@ The facts described in this article is not a "pseudo-science"; rather, it's a Super Science. I applaud the writer and his vision. Personally, It has changed my understanding, and I'm convinced.

@Risalsa, do u have any other writings from this author; I mean the link if possible. Thanks man !

Posted on 04-02-11 8:21 PM     [Snapshot: 924]     Reply [Subscribe]
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its really good article ...i feeling blessed, im also into meditation and in the search of true meaning of life ..
this article has been a fresh food for my hungry mind, im fellin peace at the moment, keep posting ,ppl need to read this kind of article, and i wil too do so ,thankx fren.

Hare krishna !!!
Last edited: 02-Apr-11 08:24 PM

Posted on 04-02-11 8:27 PM     [Snapshot: 927]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 04-03-11 1:29 PM     [Snapshot: 1065]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you for posting this video. We really appreciate you taking the time to find and post it. Awesome work !!
For those who are dubious on the Super Science of the Vedas, I have posted below the link which contains the four Vedas, and many other
scientific journals that throw light on their validity. Since the terms used in the Vedas are different from the terms used by our physical science
of today, beginners might have difficulties comprehending the message. But from my experience (both reading and practice), I have found that
the contents of the Vedas totally corroborate the teachings of modern physics, and that modern physics just contains a miniscule fraction of the
knowledge propounded in the Vedic literature. It is a wonderful science that extends beyond the three dimensions (linear, cartesian and space), and includes in it dimensions of metaphysics (as Einstein said) and the subtle world which cannot be seen with the naked eyes, but do exist. Electricity, air, waves (thought waves, sound waves, light radiations, etc), quantum physics, relativity, time and space are all part of the deeper physics of the Vedas. It not only provides information but also helps one to master/ conquer these elements by performing alchemy/ experiment within one's own body by means of various practices which have been popularized in the name of meditation, Japa and other forms of Tapasya.

@No No No - it's really nice to hear that you have been meditating for a while, and I wish that you taste its nectar pretty soon. From experience, please also include with meditation some mental Japa (without audibly reciting the words). Also try to follow three more necessary requirements for success in it - swadhyaya (indulging in constant thinking of noble thoughts, reading such literature, eg Geeta, Veda, etc), Saiyam (self control, in the sense that you have to avoid draining your sexual energy, thought energy, and the energy/power of the senses in lowly desires), and Sewa (means service- even mere chanting of the "Shanti Path" or "Sarve Vawantu Sukhina" may suffice, if not more).

When sun's rays is spread in all directions, it cannot do much work, and shows little power. But when the same rays is focussed at a point by means of a convex lens (converging lens), it will have tremendous energy to do a lot of things- boil water, burn a paper, burn wood, pierce hole in a book, fry an insect, etc. Similar (in fact, many times more) is the energy that we have within us. We are wasting/dispersing this energy through our five senses, mind and intellect into our various activities. If we only focus this energy by controlling our thoughts, mind and senses into one point (say meditation on a noble thought, Guru, etc), this energy can pierce through our subtle energy centers in our body, and lead us into a different realm of higher dimensions. This is the science behind meditation, and it can truly create miracles. !

Thanks for the video No No No. I really enjoyed it !


Last edited: 03-Apr-11 01:34 PM

Posted on 04-04-11 5:34 PM     [Snapshot: 1146]     Reply [Subscribe]
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must read !!! and think !!


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