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 Spirituality: Living a meaningful life
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Posted on 04-02-11 11:06 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 04-07-11 12:13 PM     [Snapshot: 105]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nice video brother. I got a new pespective of how to truly serve God. Thanks !

Posted on 04-07-11 12:51 PM     [Snapshot: 111]     Reply [Subscribe]
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how these people become rich? BY SELLING TICKET FOR HEAVEN TO THE WEALTHY SINNERS who have sucked the blood of the poor and become rich. Yes these people feed the poor and stuff and do all kinds of Bhasan on spirituality but their main clients are RICH PEOPLE WHO DONATE MONEY IN HOPES OF SALVATION......Just see how rich this GURU guy got?? and he brags about it. I will never forget once in Nepal when a friend from Ireland was visiting and I took him to Pashupati nath and Boudha It was some religious holiday, there was a huge puja going on in both places and many rich people were lined up with plates full of fruits and money.....after observing everything he spoke to me while we sat on the stupa steps. Why are people giving all that money to the statue god and not to those hungry poor kids and old people just outside the temple?? I told them its call daan, donation, a very generous offering so that the priests and lamas will pray for their family. He didnt understand, he asked me prayers for salvation? I said yes. And then he smiled and said Oh I see its a ticket to heaven. From that day on I never visited any Inside any temples in Nepal, I went around giving money and food  to the beggars and kids. That was my spirituality, I even went to manakamana and gave all my money to the beggars and poor there, I didnt visit inside the temple like all my friends who donated loads of money to the priests. I found my god in the poor not the statue or any GURU who has become rich by selling ticket to heaven.

Posted on 04-07-11 1:25 PM     [Snapshot: 135]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Terobaaje brother, that is exactly what the speaker is saying. He's encouraging people to serve the society and the people around them; and he is saying that to serve others is to serve God. I don't see any place where he seems to be asking for donation. Not everyone can be true teachers. It is not good to say bad things about anyone without listening or knowing them.
Posted on 04-07-11 1:41 PM     [Snapshot: 138]     Reply [Subscribe]
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really merodesh?? so how do you suppose he got rich? may be he has a tree given to him by god that grows money.....he preaches spirituality and gatherted millions of property and BRAGS about it. Many rich people fall victim to these SO CALLED SPIRITUAL GURUS and donate for a spiritual cleansing. AND then he organizes huge BHASANS to the poor gets noticed by some rich sinners. DUDE I lived in boudha and know how things go down ok.....feed the poor once or twice gather a huge crowd and speak about God and love and BE GOD LIKE..a messenger ..the only he brags of his gains is to show people to spend on god and they will be rich too. That is His hidden message. Ya he serve the poor  but do you seriously believe god gave him all the millions of money????

Posted on 04-07-11 7:21 PM     [Snapshot: 186]     Reply [Subscribe]
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my fren Tero bhaajey and and mero desh,

huna ta kasai lea kasai lai samjayea ra kai  huneywala chaina....we have our own angle to judge the things. and have a belief abt the  certian situations, cus we have heard,seen and may be experience as such. tero bajey must have went through such an experience that  he start believing that all theses spritual gurus are nothing but Dhongee !!  yes he is right that there are so called Gurus that they really are worst than we ever imagine,even i have seen and read abt it. its obvious for him to write such comment.
The guru he seems to be talkin abt is not a guru. Guru has nothing to do with our judgment and beliefs. 

Question: What is the meaning of the word “guru”?

Answer: The Sanskrit word “guru” means spiritual teacher; however it is also often used to refer to teachers of all kinds—be they teachers of music, ayurvedic medicine, cooking, etc.

“Guru” as an adjective means “heavy or weighty” as in “one who is heavy with spiritual knowledge and wisdom.” Additionally, “guru” means servant; “guru” does not mean master.

It’s very important to understand that an actual guru never sees himself as the dominator or master of anyone. He never teaches that he has become God, or realized he is God, or tries to take the place of God in people’s lives.

A guru is someone who is so filled with bhakti or love for the Supreme or Original Cause—and therefore love or compassion for all living beings who he understands are part and parcel of the Original Cause—that he sees himself as the servant of everyone and dedicates his life to helping everyone find true happiness.

Because he has realized the truth that happiness comes from rendering selfless service, he may accept the service of his students or disciples in order to teach them what he has learned from his own guru. This is his service. The important thing to understand is that a real guru finds his happiness in serving, not in being served.

Last edited: 07-Apr-11 07:22 PM

Posted on 04-07-11 9:47 PM     [Snapshot: 231]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ok then  NONONO  tell me one guru who practices what he preaches??? These famous ones are very rich and has organizations and followers all over the world, their rich and able bhaktas provide them with many means to travel first class around the world and build huge ashrams for spiritual getaway. once I was invited by an American woman invited me to one of this Indian Matas spiritual pravachan....I went, sat down and she was very intelligent, loving, and spiritual in her message, I was into it...... UNTIL she politely asked for donation....same way that man in the video above did, "sow in the garden of Gods and you will be returned in plenty" I WAS STUNNED at the amount of money people were giving her, she must have made thousands in that one pravachan and she was to do couple more here and  50+more in many states. If you have met a guru that is not famous and uses all his offerings to feed the poor then let me know coz those who do the right thing are not famous and are not doing world tours, like many GURUS who are considered like GOD even if they dont call them selves........I think the answer is No NO HELL NO!!!

Posted on 04-07-11 10:03 PM     [Snapshot: 239]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 04-07-11 10:09 PM     [Snapshot: 248]     Reply [Subscribe]
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terobaaje ji,
I think Ramkrishna is one of the persons who was a real guru and dint run for a popularity and raising money. He is gone for more than 100 yrs now. I first knew about him when Radio Sagarmatha aired a program about him about 12 yrs back.

Posted on 04-07-11 10:48 PM     [Snapshot: 245]     Reply [Subscribe]
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dear fren Tero Bajea !!
                                         i know , all your above story are very true.your story  is just an example,and im also happy that you came across such so called GURUS and MATAS, happy because that its a warning for the other innocent ppl not to fall in such type of Gurus and Matas. you have already done good deed by sharing this experience, and i v no dought that you are good enough to find how a guru should be...at this moment i remember one quote from shree shree ravi shankar guru ji. " The purpose of word is to create a silence"
so here what i mean is if my answer is not going to silence your mind, its useless, timro experience i can not feel it, so as  mine to you.
but at least we can wish good to each other. by the way i also leave in boudha  !


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