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 Closing chapter on some recently banned users
SAVE! for ease of future access.
Posted on 10-17-11 8:17 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Few recently banned users are still being vocal in and out of sajha regarding their personal distaste towards my actions, which is understandable and I have tried to outline few things one last time for their benefit.

Imagine the following scenario in real life.

Scenario 1.
You meet person X say hello and in striking a conversation you tell him. "All else
have failed in Nepal, I hope politican A does something." As soon you say that the other
person says "you are a terrorist, I hope your mom and dad die because you are a
terrorist supporter."

Scenario 2.
You meet person y say hello and strike a conversation where you mention a factual
statement that "I don't really support any political party, but obviously politician B won
in the election so i'm sure there are people who support him." As soon as you say
that the other person says "you're a maoist supporter. You don't have to hide the
fact that you support maoist. You support the terrorist."

Scenario 3.
You meet person z say hello and strike a conversation and the person goes on to make
hard core sexual innuendos about licking some girls juice. Uses bad language and
constantly keeps repeating how's he's so famous almost a god.

Let's say each of these scenarios repeat at least 3 or 4 times whenever you meet
these personalities.

These scenarios do not take place in real life because we are bound by social etiquette otherwise known as common respect. Respect, decency and courtesy is what sets us civilized humans apart from animals.In a civilized world, you don't start abusing, accusing or bad mouthing people for having a differing opinion than your own.

However, some people are very prone to commit this kind anti-social behavior in the
internet because the internet hides their personal identity. They think just because
noone knows them and their own personal credibility is not at stake, they can abuse
and bad mouth people who have different opinion than them.

This kind of behavior is cowardly because these people are hiding behind a mask of
anonymity to indulge in ANTI-SOCIAL behavior. They are taking advantage of the
anonymity provided by the internet to abuse others.

These people may come up with a lot of idealogical jargon to hide their own personal issues but the basic fact is that
they act like cowards when they use the anonymous mask to attack other respectable
users who do not deserve this kind of treatment in sajha or anywhere.

Sajha simply does not support this kind of cowardly, anti-social behavior.
Sajha is lenient in that these people are tried to reason with but unfortunately
immersed in the drug of anonimity and virtual ego, they fail to want to embrace the
common civilized trait of respect, decency and courtesy. Some of them won't stop crying foul near and far.
My only request to them is please get real!

To date, noone has ever been banned/censored in sajha due to political or personal
bias - and to those who want to make everything about politics, please realize that
not everyone has to be politically motivated like yourself so please don't judge
everyone according to your own prejudiced standards.

I stress on the word 'respect' a lot, it should not be mistaken for the enormous
respect bestowned upon someone for being a hero or doing something great. That kind
of respect is earned, but a common respect, decency and courtesy for fellow human beings is a virtue and expected out of normal civilized human beings. When you meet another person, you always need to have a certain level of respect for the individual. If you want to abuse the person, steal from him, hit him, injure him, or attempt to inflict any form of pain, then you lack the respect for the person. Those kinds of actions are generally known as anti-social actions, which arise from lack of common decency and respect. When I stress on respect in sajha, as a normal human being, I expect common decency and courtesy towards each other. Respect is a two way street. If one does not show respect, then the other person does not have to feel obligated to show the same.

I make it a habit of requesting such users to show respect towards other users but when they make it clear that they do not have the common decency to treat others with respect then I have no option but to ban their anti-social online personalities, so that users in sajha do not have to be threatened of being abused by these few users who like to take advantage of their anonymity and treat others without any decency.

Needless to say, sajha does not harbor any ill will towards them and wish them success and happiness in all walks of their virtual and personal lives. It's regrettable that any expectation of common decency and courtesy was too hard for you to handle.

Posted on 10-17-11 10:12 AM     [Snapshot: 192]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 10-17-11 11:22 AM     [Snapshot: 297]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 I don't really get the need for this in all honesty. Just weed out the rotten apples, they know who they are. Simple as that. 

What took you so long to ban Nas, I'll never know. 

Posted on 10-17-11 12:49 PM     [Snapshot: 439]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This might not sit well with many, and this is not an ethical solution specially when sajha had been free all these years, but how about a nominal membership only fee? I know quite a few users have been banned recently, but nothing stops them from registering again and again and spread similar hatred and vile. I understand many of us are students here, but a paltry membership fee would not hurt.

And regarding Nas, I have no idea what took you so long San. He played with almost everyone's emotions, he also made awesome writers like Sitara, Nepe, Ashu, Paschim, Nazar, Netaz neta, sum_off, dissappear in thin air, and suddenly became the messiah of neo-keyboard happy crowd. Last time I checked, he was nothing less than a sexual predator or a pedophile. For those who came in late, sajha was a lot better site than this.

Also, here is an example, and before I even mention this, I'd like to underscore that not all of us possess the similar kindness, generosity, endurance and patience and most of us are prone to fly off the handle when our fuse is lit.

Last month there was an individual who had a different opinion with me regarding a not-so-sensitive matter,  while I tried my best to not lose my cool and handle his name calling like a gentleman, he kept on using words like ‘moron’, a$$hole, dhoti, etc. umpteen times until he finally gave up. Agreed, his words were not as profane as Nas’s, and agreed we need to respect freedom of speech, but since you brought in the instance of ‘respect’ how do we respond to this? He was clearly disrespecting my generosity.

Also, there was a time when I ‘respectfully’ listed few of my opinions sometime ago . A mister phd somewhere in midwest was belligerent enough in his reply to call me ‘moron’ and ‘hypocrite’ in his FIRST reply to my post just because my opinion did not sit well with his.

These maybe trivial issues and I know there are TONS of similar incidents here, I know we all know better, and I know someone here cannot wait to call me a crybaby but I am interested to know how does one respond to such name-calling when it is absolutely uncalled for?

Posted on 10-17-11 2:08 PM     [Snapshot: 567]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 thats great! :))

but, that facebook bug is still there san dai! :(( i hope you know what i mean. it would be really great if you could fix it! 


Posted on 10-17-11 2:41 PM     [Snapshot: 632]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 it took verk long for SAN to ban Nas because

SAN ====> NAS

Posted on 10-17-11 3:03 PM     [Snapshot: 669]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I beg to differ Freeport. I know both of them, and they are not the same person.
Posted on 10-18-11 9:05 AM     [Snapshot: 962]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 @ Behoove_me

I am just kidding dude,
I know NAS since past 7 yrs.

Posted on 10-18-11 12:34 PM     [Snapshot: 1071]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nothing pleases me more to hear, why the hell is Bairagi kailo banned from sajha? I know he was real wierdo but was a good competitor to have fight over the difference of opinion with. He had a self assured being of thinking that he and his ideas are superior to all.
Well sorry son, Admin thinks now you are wrong
Posted on 10-18-11 1:32 PM     [Snapshot: 1163]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nas is not banned. I thought he was banned but he posted in na new thread today.

Posted on 10-18-11 1:54 PM     [Snapshot: 1153]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Scenario 4:
One person Z says maa sherawali of Mithun is a good movie. Then as soon as that, the other person says,'r u kidding me? You must be a great fan of Mithun'.  The other person deserved to be banned.

As far as I know, any one should be entitled to the opinion whether its social courtesy or not. According to you, I should start speaking according to what peoples' likes or dislikes? If one thinks he is the god than let him think that he is the god. What's wrong with that? After all we are just dealing with the alter ego anyway.

I'll reiterate the words, which I have told you many times over years. A thread initiator should be entitled to ban or delete users from that thread. We don't require a global police. How would you define a thoughtful discussion or an aspersion?

People can't stop their own goddamn ego to stop reacting to already knee jerk reaction and cry back to you when they cannot totally pulverize the starter.

my two cents,

Posted on 10-18-11 2:28 PM     [Snapshot: 1237]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Mav I know what you're saying but you may not know how much patience I have before I have to take such action.

In an ideal world, the thread initiator should take control but it doesn't work that way because
1. The initiator may not know they can delete other threads
2. The initiator may not care after he posts he topic
3. The initiator may be too grossed out to reply or comment.

These are the possibilities and what mostly ends up happening so I cannot leave it up to faith to hope for a cleaner sajha. As the number of people living in the US and abroad increases, I want everyone to feel comfortable enough to be able to get help or to post their query without the fear of retribution of some self serving user. Sajha probably comes to being the most used site by Nepalis in US as far as getting help for their personal problems and issues, and I want them to feel free to post.

For many things there are no questions whether or it's a social courtesy or not. Some things are outright wrong to impose on others and such things need to be stopped. When someone starts acting like god and says things like in the link below, are you going to ask me what is wrong with that? It may be his ego or alter ego, but that kind of things will stop people from being comfortable in sajha.

I am absolutely not telling people how to talk or what to talk. I'm just outlying that there are certain ways to talk that are NOT considered decent in sajha and not welcome at all. If you read the link below you will know what I am talking about.

Example of things that will get you banned whether one considers themselves GOD or Jesus Chris of sajha. This is what got Nas in the hot seat. Do not click if excessive foul language bothers you. Here's the link. Please be warned.

Posted on 10-18-11 2:43 PM     [Snapshot: 1253]     Reply [Subscribe]
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My prior apologies if I am intruding between you and San, and you might not choose to read what I put forth just like San completely overlooked my reply (just kidding). But how can an initiator be controlled when he/she initiates a flagrant posts?

I am certain you must have come across threads like -

1. Let's gangbang Miss blue eyed Karki.
2. B.A.H.U.N thulo jaat.
3. Kill all Dhotis.
4. Look at the explicit video of Miss long hair Shrestha

If you are comfortable having these threads in sajha. I'd eat my words. Alike you, I care least about how one promulgates onself as god, but there should be some sort of check for abusive threads. You know Nas don't you? You've been around for several years here, ask yourself if banning him was a bad call.


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