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Posted on 08-06-12 3:05
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I want to post a controversial subject: the intellect of Sajha users and what it tells you about our mental aptitude and social norms.
Somebody put it pretty well: "Great people talk about ideas. Average people talk about things. Small people talk about other people." If you go back and look at all the Sajha postings, almost 100% are about the latter two, majority being the threads on people (Shristi Shrestha, Manisha Koirala, etc etc). You venture into one of those posts and the level of discussions are akin to 7th grade discussion: huge generalization (Nepali people are this, they are that), petty arguments and immature logics. Not to knock on my people, I think most of the blogs from our side of the world are similar, but when I goto other reputable blog sites, the discussion are much more intellectual. They tend to foster my brain's development, rather than frustrate it.
Does this mean, we, as a society, are intellectually far behind? It is ofcourse a rash generalization on my part. Many of my Nepali friends are more intelligent than the natives around here; does this mean they just don't frequent blogs like Sajha? Why?
I have been with Sajha for quite a while now and still remember few posters who would contribute very intellectually to a thread; there still are a select few whose postings I like to read. But why are 99% of the postings similar to kids having arguments?
I am not complaining like any other post; you know, state of Sajha has deteriorated and all that. I have read too many of those posts. I just want to know whether 90% of us are still lagging in intellectual development? Could that, seriously, be the reason why we aren't progressing as a society and still are stuck with Bandhas and morchas? What can we do to go along with the fast moving world?
I hope I didn't offend anyone; this is a genuine question.
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Posted on 08-07-12 5:52
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Seems like somebody just watched chimpangee or may be ape movie before commenting o well again who am I to judge
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Posted on 08-07-12 9:48
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Oh Kiddo , I am so sorry , Now I have changed No cusing ...uhhh uhaaa ...I am going to be intellect just like you ...Intellectuals of sajha ...My respect ..Fking monkeys...fck off ,...drama n shiat here, Look monkeys , you are just another animal who thinks is superior than other ...Piece of shiat Stack ..
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Posted on 08-07-12 11:18
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I guess we're similar to bhedas more than monkeys. Examples:
- Manisha Koirala is divorced; oh yea? it is definitely her fault as she had so many affairs
- Baburam is hero of our nation
- Shristi Shrestha mumbled during an interview before she knows she's going to be Miss Nepal. She's not REAL Nepali; we should all despise her.
- Some ethnicity wants to form a group; Let's ridicule them.
- A customer raised a valid point against Bhatbhateni; we show the thousand reasons why it is customer's fault
- We were so convinced that Prachanda's son will bring peace and constitution from government-funded honeymoon trip to Everest.
- Some US educated students return Nepal; they're definitely LOSERs and I have thousand reasons to prove that.
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Posted on 08-08-12 6:41
AM [Snapshot: 1138]
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Naa neither we r Veda nor we r monkey we are good human being capable of socializing and doing good things just like coin as two sides all the points nepcha presented can be discussed in two ways .
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Posted on 08-08-12 12:34
PM [Snapshot: 1199]
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Look Intellectguy Monkey,
Each Monkeys are just Different. No matter how much your fcking cow dung in head try to generalize them by States, Caste, color, Or job type or interest or gender or fcking dickk or pussy , still two monkeys put in same category gonna be different physically and mentally. Lot of experiments are done on intellectual monkeys and real monkeys and still conclusion is the fcking same. From the first day, 4 millions years back when first fcking bacteria got his arse in earth , its other sibling or offsprings has been always diffrent. Period. So, Your category this aint gonna work here. Human fcking being * Monkeys* are also individually diffrent just like any other animals in fcking globe. Talking of socalizing and doing good things like fcking bitach and making little monkeys, that is our instinct shiat stack. Sides of coin or pangras of raath whatever the fck your anology may be , MOnkeys are just complicated machines and outcomes of nature. And within ourselves, each monkey might have more curisity ..fking taking robots to mars or fcking just chill the fck down and smoke weed and watch it landing in mars and saying " see them monkeys, finnally took robot to mars". Some others just follow leaders just like fcking vedas or Some just dont give flying fck !! You are comparing apples and oranges in each individual case here...meaning each Monkeys are different than others. Take em shiat easy and roll with what you have got...If you aint got that cow dung to figure simple shiat out ..then you are just another moneky who is confused with society and nature. Fellas calling themselves intellect are just dumb as fck ...their mind is confused trying to figure things out that unimportant in life and Finally excuse my launguages bitaches , that just the way it is. Shait if not cussing makes you intellectual, than your dad would be fcking genius. Monkeys !!! Monkeys !!! Mokeys !!!
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Posted on 08-08-12 1:58
PM [Snapshot: 1235]
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Why do most discussions follow the same pattern ? (not just here, I've seen it on youtube and elsewhere as well). Someone brings up a topic, someone else writes down something completely unrelated, another person starts swearing, someone else decides to bring up race, caste and other dividing issues, and there is always someone who writes in English that is really difficult to comprehend (although the option to type in Nepali is right there).
This is getting boring. I miss the intelligent (for the lack of a better term) trolls from people like 28th amendment and geology tiger.
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Posted on 08-08-12 2:41
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Why Why Fking cry baby ...Why the fck your dad fcked your mom and you were born ? Why earth is round n fcking sun is hot ? Why Why ? Why you still fcking dumb Ass ? Why why fcking you are nepali ? Why you got no Puzzy ? Why you smell like PUKe ? Lot a question rite...keep figuring out these shiats you stack of shiat ? YOu miss them ...dont you ..obvisiously you want everything to go smooth in your life, in sajha blog, in nepal , in world ...fcking monkey have no clue what is going in the world...just always wondering Why Why ? Ask your dad why you worship cow when american eat the shiat outta it ? Fcking why Monkey.
The Big WHY
Why the fck people have to walk, talk , reply thread the way your monkey arse wants?
Why The fck you judge people ?
Why the fck you want world to act the way your cow dung head wish?
Why the fck you feel better when somebody talks in asslicking way ?
Why the fck there are so many whys for this why monkey clown ?
Last edited: 08-Aug-12 02:56 PM
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Posted on 08-08-12 3:37
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8848 m, someday, you will find yourself, and you will be disappointed. I wish I had a lower IQ so that I could understand what exactly you are trying to say. I would love to insult you, but you wouldn't understand. Peace.
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Posted on 08-08-12 3:37
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I actually liked 8848m's comment,
now all sensitive sissies are coming after you, these monkeys are going to chatter against you :D
just be prepared :D
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Posted on 08-08-12 3:45
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I kinda liked 8848's comment too except some cussing words :-D He is got the point.
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Posted on 08-08-12 4:28
PM [Snapshot: 1369]
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My reaction to these types of discussion:
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Posted on 08-08-12 4:34
PM [Snapshot: 1378]
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Here's where 8848's point backfire. When you're pointing your finger, rest of 4 fingers are pointing back at you.
You said, Why you judge people? Who says durbarmargnepal was judging? You just "judged" Durbarmargnepal as being a judge. You ask why the response has to be his way? Then why should his response be YOUR way?
If this has twisted your mind enough, relieve it by cussing on me now. Go ahead, see if I care.
Durbarmargnepal, you forgot "and" between the "intelligent troll" (in your second last post) when you gave example of Geology Tiger and 28th ammendment.
I am trying to bend to their level to see things from their POV.
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Posted on 08-08-12 11:17
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Look fcking monkey kiddo, when you are making a fist too, all your fingers fcking point at you but guess who gets the punch ...your fcking monkey arse. Don't come up with that old jesus fcking christ saying that even does not shake a single fcking pubic hair.
Exactly why the fck judge Monkeys ? No fcking ellaboration. Period
Who says? What the fck you mean who says ? Was his post directed to your punk arse ?
N last n fcking least , your arse cant talk outta this shiat , In your fck dam opening statement , your were fcking commanding posters not do this, that blaah blaah ...fcking had to be in your criteria to comment in this puzzy arse post. shiat tell your mini monkeys to do this n that...we all grown ups... I know what the fck i am doing here....Only fck word used...Omg he started cushing, wtf wrong with you people...get over this shiat..
N final fcking question ...telll me what is "8848m" way ? Any Statement Saying Do this ? Just dont come up with fcking monkey ass things here !!!
m Done for this thread !! Peace monkeys N appreciate your support !!!
Intellectual Monkeys !!
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Posted on 08-09-12 9:53
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Human being that's all we all r now the thing is we r judging each other just by looking at nick and writing style. There is written in back page of guest book of nima book prakashan don't judge the book by its cover and in the front old is god if ur really intelligent u will understand the true meaning of it. Monkey ape human being chimpangee they are all different just to let u know u .
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Posted on 08-14-22 6:35
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Posted on 08-15-22 11:38
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Yeah, I attached the link to a monkey's thread. Hope he will read it before commenting.
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Posted on 08-15-22 11:58
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nb with a brain uses sajha
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Posted on 08-15-22 1:22
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@harke aka small dik harry My name literally is Brain and i use sajha!
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Posted on 08-16-22 1:25
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Posted on 08-17-22 1:33
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@Brain aka batho keto Good for you!