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Posted on 10-07-14 2:26
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Time for some good stalking/Spy game.
The idea is to do a quick search on the last few postings of the last poster. This is easy, just hover your mouse over the username and click on "View User Postings." Based on his last postings (5 to 20), come up with an idea of what this poster is like.
I will start off with Divorceguy since I have nobody above me right now.
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Posted on 10-07-14 2:37
PM [Snapshot: 4]
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Sajha seem to use Mountain time zone, so subtract 2 hours from the posting. Most of his posts are made after 4:30 pm (EST) and go until 8:30 pm. This means he probably doesn't do 9-5 shifts. It's possible he works late night shift or early morning to 4 pm shift. His responses are reasonable but his original postings tend to be troll postings which do not garner much responses most of the time. Must be bored single guy.
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Posted on 10-07-14 5:10
PM [Snapshot: 131]
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Kiddo. Guy in late 30s/40s w/ receding hairline (if not bald completely). Went to a reputed boarding school in Nepal. Keen follower of sports (both soccer and cricket due to his schooling background). Talks sense almost all the time except for the goalkeeping saga pertaining to that colossal cockup during SAFF games. Has lived in the US for at least a decade; has assimilated reasonably well, and is able to balance the best of both cultures reasonably well. Lives in the East Coast/South. Father of a 12 year old daughter.
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Posted on 10-07-14 6:39
PM [Snapshot: 189]
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Riddle Haven't posted anything since 5-6 months. Must been busy either got married or just got H1 approved with a sigh of relief. I would say early 30. Single ready to get knocked up.
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Posted on 10-07-14 9:17
PM [Snapshot: 269]
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hahaha kiddo u made my day, I am so famous
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Posted on 10-07-14 10:08
PM [Snapshot: 305]
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Riddle, pretty close. I am not that old brother, but very close on the rest. Funny you remember the goalie debate. Btw, mangale is up next.
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Posted on 10-08-14 2:04
AM [Snapshot: 365]
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mangale>> Born on tuesday and carrying the same name!....Is very very lucky in whatever he does and a great fan of lord Krishna...loves to talk,make,discuss,debate on love matters and his humour goes as far as the end of the universe>>>....his ASL is 29/m/Tx (scientifically guessing) and likes to read....funnier than Letterman,Conan and Craig fegurson and would be present anywhere,anytime if needed...trustworthy,jovial with goaty humour and white gals would stay in line to date with him!....expressive on the outside and explosive on the bed,he would surpass Krishna in near future with more than 1600 plus gf,setting a guniess world record and making our country proud.Ahem.. a good guy who likes to see world smile.
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Posted on 10-08-14 8:59
AM [Snapshot: 479]
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तराइमा कृष्ण लिलामा मेला जस्तो हुन्छ : एउटा महा पुरुषले भिडभाडको फाईदा लुटन खोज्दा चड्कन पाएछ तर हरुवा गोरुको ग्वाई पनि जित ठान्ने उक्त महापुरुस लाज घिन र सरमपाचक भै कमसेकम उनको हातले मेरो गाला छुयो भनि मख्ख र अभिमानी भै दिग्विजय भएझै खोकी हिड्थ्यो , यस्तै महापुरुष यो साझामा प्रसस्तै छन् |
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Posted on 10-09-14 10:21
AM [Snapshot: 710]
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Nice game Kiddo... Though not an active participant, I lurk around Sajha a lot.. Here is my try to profile magorkhe1 - Age 35+ - Married with a kid - Progressive individual but with strong beliefs - Can't stand nonsense and has to speak up (At least his Sajha persona, people usually are very different from their online avatars) - Oldest among sibling - Job where he has a lot of idle time Magorkhe bro, let me know if I am right...
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Posted on 10-09-14 3:51
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Yacc: you are pretty close. I am close to bottom among sibling. Born in Hilly area raised near India Border: Little bit influenced by Sarita bi-weekly or monthly magazine.
Last edited: 13-Oct-14 08:23 AM
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Posted on 10-10-14 10:05
AM [Snapshot: 919]
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Kiddo, I've got a gut feeling that we share same schooling background. But I might be wrong. Mangale, you were close, brother.
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Posted on 10-12-14 11:33
PM [Snapshot: 1085]
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Last edited: 13-Oct-14 02:25 AM
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Posted on 10-12-14 11:59
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Last edited: 13-Oct-14 02:24 AM
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Posted on 10-13-14 10:28
AM [Snapshot: 1166]
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Nice game. But I'm new around here....
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Posted on 10-13-14 10:59
AM [Snapshot: 1194]
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Alias_ That was flattering but you got 60-70% correct.
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Posted on 10-13-14 2:27
PM [Snapshot: 1231]
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No more flattering stuff guys. Let's get real here :) Btw, whoever did the sleuthing last, gets his sleuthing done next. So, it's turn to spy on Yacc now.
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Posted on 10-15-14 7:43
PM [Snapshot: 1374]
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O' really mangale.....good to know that I was almost,almost-right but I did dialed it up in kb just for fun hoouu( I stay miles away from grave stuffs..lol)....As I came to know,guessing has a lot to do with fiction or guessing is fiction!.A single river while toured by two person could bring two different observations;the first one could only see the boat slithering on the river surface while the second one could only see the fishes swimming along...then what's real?: fish or the boat?, both?...or,there might a hell of variety of creatures existing in that river which they couldn't see and feel and that,doesn't mean its unreal.As we are not filling our gc form out here which demand each and every entry to be as correct as cock( to alarm of the visiting dawn,of course)..letting thoughts unshackled brings interesting and fun results,which I prefer to like/enjoy than other invalids(which might not be invalid too!)...and reality or real things are so very few these days that it starts to dwindle as soon as you put your mind upon...while guessing can go on and on and on....