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 Whats up with oil price in Nepal
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Posted on 02-02-15 3:19 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I didn't realize this earlier but gas price in Nepal in ridiculously high.
Petrol Price in Nepal = RS. 111.50/ liter
1 gallon = 3.78 L
So, 1 gallon gas in Nepal cost RS. 421
RS. 421 = $4.25
Average gas price in US right now is $2.044 which is less than half of Nepal.
Average gas price in India is $3.5

Despite lower crude price world wide, why is it so high in Nepal.
Posted on 02-02-15 3:27 PM     [Snapshot: 12]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Because Nepal Oil corporation employees need a big fat Bonus
Posted on 02-02-15 3:40 PM     [Snapshot: 33]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is my speculation

1) Nepal Oil Corp (NOC) had been subsidizing the prize of oil in the past. Mostly due to public protests, NOC had been taking a huge loss while supplying the oil to the market. This is quite surprising considering their officers took big fat bonus; nevertheless, to compensate for the losses in the past - they have been reluctant on lowering down the price substantially.

2) Retailers (Gas Stations) want higher profit on the oil they sell. In their defense, they bought tankers of oil for old price and are now told to sell it for lower price; however, had this gone the other way (price going higher), they would've been happy to take that profit.

Bottom line: Greed, bad management, lack-of-willingness in understanding by the public etc.
Posted on 02-02-15 4:01 PM     [Snapshot: 66]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It is because Nepal is no longer a country. It is a dumping site and I am quite serious when I say this. It is a place where we have rotten politicians, greedy business owners without character and very irresponsible and insensitive people. My recent four months experience in Nepal was scary as hell. You cannot bring change to the society unless your own family is ready for the change and this is the situation in Nepal. Nobody wants to change, so stay ffkk out of it.
Posted on 02-02-15 4:28 PM     [Snapshot: 122]     Reply [Subscribe]
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HS, wow that's brutal. Can you please share us your experiences in nepal during 4 months?
Posted on 02-02-15 8:59 PM     [Snapshot: 235]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Us has a cheaper oil in general
Try comparing the price to the price in Europe it may be more comparable
Posted on 02-02-15 9:16 PM     [Snapshot: 258]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nepal is a messed up country with corrupted netas, shopkeepers, police, army, government officers and corporations like Nepal oil Corp, Hydrogen Sulphide is so right, not to mention caste system that divides people
Last edited: 02-Feb-15 09:35 PM
Last edited: 02-Feb-15 09:36 PM

Posted on 02-02-15 9:18 PM     [Snapshot: 264]     Reply [Subscribe]
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10 out of 10 star to Hydrogen sulphide bro, it's really a trash can
Posted on 02-02-15 9:45 PM     [Snapshot: 294]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hydrogen Sulphide ko kura sarai thik laggyo. I was feeling the same way. M0zi haru lay singapore banau nay ray, manchay haru pani ta singaporean jasto hunu paryo ni.
Posted on 02-02-15 10:04 PM     [Snapshot: 310]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Wow!Hydrogen Sulphide. That could be the ultimate thing a nepali could say. But there is truth on your experiences. Let us not stay out of it, let us be a part of it and slowly change towards what we think is better. May take couple more generation though. All we need for now is detach ourselves and our kids from the influence of our parents generation. Let us inherit just a good thing as western or any other society is not perfect either. Better and worse in many comparisions.

Posted on 02-03-15 12:06 AM     [Snapshot: 358]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ब्रो, मैले बिगत १५ बर्ष देखि यहि सोच्दा सोच्दा आफ्नो नाम नै फियुल ट्यांक भो, अब तिमि कुरा गर्छौ |
Posted on 02-03-15 10:28 AM     [Snapshot: 474]     Reply [Subscribe]
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What is the price of a liter of oil in India?

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