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Posted on 11-17-15 3:55
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It has been a pretty eventful Autumn for the Nepalis living in Nepal. Just like in the game of thrones
they say, Winter is coming...crisis will hit us harder. Nah! I think enough people are writing about the crisis and the analysis, I am not going to whimper over it. Again I say we are very adaptive people, any circumstances we will SURVIVE. Anyway I was trying to write about something else. Which is another hot topic in the social media. Mr.
Rishi Dhamala is everyone's favorite topic. He is always on the news for his good, bad, ugly or ugliest behaviors. Last year, the hilarious stupendous interview with Paras Khadka to couple of months
ago he was in the news for being a jerk for asking Priyanka Karki (Nas's sweetheart, that is how I want to address her) about her dressing sense and provocation. Then his picture was trending on the
social sites, for cutting off the petrol line and filling up the 20 liter gallon and walking shamelessly with it. Then came the interview of actress Richa Sharma on Dhamala ko Hamala. The last was definitely
a cherry topping, people signing on petition to Himalaya TV, to take the show off air. I wonder why would the TV channel wants to take such annoyingly popular programme off air. At an average every episode of that program has crossed 15K hits on youtube. We accept it or not, our curiosity pushes us to click what all non sense he is asking. We like to watch it, may whatever the reason be, we do!!! He is mannerless.....uncivilized.....audacious......shameless and what not. But honestly I wont blame him,fully. He is popular coz of the people who participate in that programme. Let us take example of Richa Sharma. No commercial success at all in her career, no major release in past 15 months or so. She doesn't have any movie coming out in next couple of months. What better way to be in the scene and in the film market than to appear on screen with Mr. Dhamala. And after the interview, blame him for asking stupid questions and gather sympathy. Drag his wife unnecessarily in social media and on the contrary talk about feminism. His decision to ask you questions has nothing to do with his domestic life. YES I say it loud, I have seen this kind of publicity stunts a lot and not very surprised. When you clearly know that he asks the most idiotic and obnoxious questions (knowing what he had asked Rekha Thapa and Priyanka Karki) you still make your presence there and later complain about it. It is like going to a roastmaster and come back and whine about it. I accept that no one has the right to ask personal questions or go explicit on anyone on a public portal, but if you know how the interview is going to be and what publicity you are going to get, you should not complain about it. He is an official
arsehole (sorry for my language) and he should be boycotted by everyone, but unfortunately no one can.
Finally talking about the petition...lol....its hilarious for me. We all know Himalaya TV will not take him off air as long as he is going to give them TRP. Nor these actresses will stop going to his shows for publicity, so why pretend. This petition is such a stupid act in the name of feminism. Your feminism would be stronger if you would have flashed it by saying NOOOOOO and rejecting his invitation. I would have appreciated it. But going there and getting grilled, and coming back and crying over social media is more pathetic. Seriously! Let him do what he does best.....ANNOY!Or else ignore him.
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Posted on 11-17-15 9:09
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Ambrosia: "He is mannerless.....uncivilized.....audacious......shameless and what not." Isn't that how most of the nepalese men are?
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Posted on 11-17-15 9:19
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No I think Nepali men are decent in south asia :)
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Posted on 11-17-15 9:25
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It all popularity stunt for channel, so called celebrity and Dhamala of course ! He is already infamous interviewer then why they go for interview, नेपाली मा एउटा उखान छ नि चिलाउने र कन्याउने उस्तै छन् भन्ने !
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Posted on 11-17-15 9:56
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My whole point is that, you go...you get roasted and you come back crying over it....what the hell! Just say NO to the interview...celebs do that all across the world.
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Posted on 11-17-15 10:55
AM [Snapshot: 341]
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Thats what they need ! Popularity , either its cheap or expensive !!!! नेपाली कलाकार हरु नाम होस् वा बदनाम होस् तर गुमनाम नहोस भन्ने कुरो बाट धेरै प्रभाभित छन् !
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Posted on 11-17-15 1:21
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makes sense ambrosia.. Te amo mucho Senor para that. Actually that guy is smart ass u know, he makes his living giving F**k to all. Most people talk behind his back while He is utilizing his efficiency in many ways and getting best use of it. On contrary there are lots of Nepali people who thinks they are competent & smart enough, but tends to act as idiots & do nothing in their part. Either u do, play ur part, come up with better things, or do ur best but plz don't cry. period! Losers cry .
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Posted on 11-17-15 3:22
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While I agree with you to a larger extent, and thanks for bringing the other view point, I have to say he kind of crossed the limits of journalism (assuming that's what he practices). To repeatedly ask the same question again and again on a family show is very low class and borderline harassment. It felt like you were watching Howard Stern show for few minutes.
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Posted on 11-17-15 6:59
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Isnt it similar to kim Kardashian phenomenon? People keep watching her shows just to hate her.. Yes in case of this arse there are so called celebrities who dont seem to mind putting up with his sick face and his attitude and gestures..tyastai ho..who is to be blamed?? The sick interviewer?? The attention seeking interviewees?? Or the audience?? Certainly not the tv channel because they are just airing what sells well..
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Posted on 11-17-15 8:51
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Jaysmi, I am not Senor but Senorita :) he is a jack ass but a smart one...he knows what he is doing even if it is unethical :)
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Posted on 11-17-15 8:54
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Badhijanne, He doesnt practices journalism...he practices opportunism....Howard Stern is popular for his eccentric behavior and people like him for his honesty and bluntness.I am not saying what Mr. Dhamala is doing is right but he is encouraged by the interviewees to a large extend.
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Posted on 11-17-15 8:57
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Smart Aquarius ( gosh an aquarian can never be GWACH) Honestly if I am the owner of the channel, I wud not stop the show as long as there is no legal action taken against the company.....for that also I would fight...I always have a say " well we invited u....you participated...now why are you complaining?".....if the tv channel has some ethics they wud never in the first place wud telecast the show!!!
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Posted on 11-18-15 5:20
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Ambrosia: "why complain?"I think the complaint is a part of the publicity stunt. We are talking about Rishi Dhamala and the interviewees, aren't we? Rishi Dhamala's show gets good TRP, the interviewees come in the limelight, and we get to gossip ;) . It's a win-win-win situation :D One more thing. Ambrosia, you are guilty of zodiacal discrimination :D
Last edited: 18-Nov-15 06:08 AM
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Posted on 11-18-15 6:20
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MlnNpL I have to give the benefit to my fellow aquarian :P Yea I get to complain about the complain that there is a complain about the complaining interview :P
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Posted on 11-18-15 10:29
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Hey fellow aquarian... i like that line...complain about the complain that there is a complain about the complaining interview.. Sounds like having a meeting to decide on next meeting date.
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Posted on 11-19-15 12:30
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And we wait every comment to have another comment :P
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Posted on 11-19-15 12:39
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Priyanka ko ra dhamala ko interview khatra thio kya question sodheko thio tesle ani kati relax bhaera anser deko thehen priyankale. I haven't watched richa interview yet .
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Posted on 11-19-15 6:34
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@SmartAquarian,@GwachAquarian, An aquarian posted a witty sentence that another aquarian liked and the latter aquarian posted another witty sentence and the former aquarian posted another witty sentence and a non-aquarian liked all three witty sentences :P
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Posted on 11-19-15 9:07
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Hey bhagwan!!! Lol no comments :)
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Posted on 11-19-15 10:46
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Wasn't there significant proof (recorded phone conversation) of this jerk extorting someone? http://www.international.ucla.edu/ccs/article/104258 If ever after all that, he has managed to avoid jail-time, and has been back to have his own TV show, then all I can feel is get depressed about our law-enforcement process and people involved. The people who watch his show should think about the kind of person they are supporting by watching his show.
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Posted on 11-19-15 1:13
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Bottomline is that dont watch this jerk's shows if you dont want to fuel his journey of fame (infamy)..