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 MAGA supporters categories!! THREE !
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Posted on 10-06-24 11:12 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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My Trump supporter category 1) First one is billionaires. They support him so they could save some money on paying taxes; once he reduce tax rate for billionaires. Make sense, can’t complain more if anyone like to protect their money. Keep in mind we also have few billionaires like Buffet, Mark Cuban…who are more than happy to pay tax & publicly disclosed millions/billions of check to IRS. Buffet even said if all billionaires/company pay fair tax, no person need to pay any tax….so anyone can imagine how tax system works in US. 2) 2nd type of supporter are aligned due to religious (esp. pro-life) and 2nd amendment believe. Also make sense to me. For and against these believe could be separate debate. 3) 3rd categories supporter are basically idiot. They believe everything Trump said and have 0 political knowledge, probably 0 IQ too. One guy was saying he support trump because Trump will elevate stock market. Seriously, man! He might have heard some MAGA neighbor spreading lies and believed it!! There was a counting record someone did while Trump was in office. If I am not mistaken it was 30,000 lies within 4 years. Nepali politician are better off than this, probably they might reach near 1000 lies but no way 30,000 in 4 years.. lol
Posted on 10-07-24 8:47 AM     [Snapshot: 129]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@Hari_Bdr, All others apart from the #1 in your list belong to #3.

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