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 PM Bhattarai should free all prisoners from during the insurgency period
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Posted on 01-09-13 9:24 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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The arrest of criminals who have admitted burying journalist Dikendra alive, and the PM condemning the arrest on grounds that according to agreements at end of insurgency, all crimes committed during the period would not be prosecuted by law, points to Baburam's real character.

If that was the case, then the supreme court should free all the prisoners from during that period. Ironically he made a statement during inauguration of the book "Rajyadwara Bepatta Yodhha". Does that mean all atrocities committed by maoists are to be forgiven but not the state?

Posted on 01-09-13 9:27 AM     [Snapshot: 3]     Reply [Subscribe]
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That's a valid point.
Posted on 01-09-13 9:35 AM     [Snapshot: 9]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Baburam got lot of accolades because he got on board top 10, but he has a big ego and thinks he knows everything. He think he can sweet talk his way out of anything. He think he's the only one who knows shaam, daam danda ved. His language is always laced with threat. He knows that people are still afraid of him because he's the one responsible for 15,000 deaths.

Look at his language "त्यस्तो प्रकृयामा जाँदा समस्याको समाधान हुँदैन, द्वन्द्व नयाँ तरिकाबाट फैलिन सक्छ भन्नेतिर ध्यान पुर्‍याउनु जरुरी छ ।"
He clearly tries to scare people about another "द्वन्द्व"

In interviews, when asked why he hasn't done anything positive, he blames the द्वन्द्वand says it takes time and he even says it has taken up to 50 years in other countries so basically he can take as much time as he wants but he has excuse for everything.

Posted on 01-09-13 9:54 AM     [Snapshot: 37]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think Baburam is well aware that crimes have been committed not just by the army but also by his cadres; possibly himself too while issuing orders. This in itself could be a big motivation. But, I kind of sympathize with him when he says we can't get stuck in the past and have to move ahead. Scratching the old wounds will never let us advance. This is why I agreed with your point that this should apply to everything else, not just the maoists side of things.
I think it's about time we draw a line how far back we want to look at things. The "people's war" has created huge issues between army-people-maoist and for all the sides to move ahead, we have to stop picking every hurt wound. For the ones affected, it is easier said than done and I understand that; but let's get out of the past now and march forth.
Posted on 01-09-13 11:03 AM     [Snapshot: 70]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Kiddo, I'm all about moving forward but Baburam is abusing the 'lets move forward' attitude by opportunistically abusing it to his needs. For example everything he has not been able to accomplish he blames it on the द्वन्द . He points to historical examples of countries that took 50 years or more to accomplish anything after their own द्वन्द. द्वन्द is is wildcard that he can whip up to make excuses, to scare and to rule. With a person like him in charge how can you let go of the past and move forward when the past द्वन्द is the only card he seems to have and use at his own opportune time(s).

Je pani bistarai bistarai huncha bhanne. arko द्वन्द hola hai bhanera tarsaune. Bidhwansakari hatyaarahaulai kaanun lagdaina bhanne. Yesta ta chhan haamra Crime Minister. Kasari march forth garne jaba crime minister nai द्वन्द ko aad ma rajneeti gardai chhan.

Posted on 01-09-13 3:47 PM     [Snapshot: 158]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ok lets say all will favor this situation " Lets move ahead, don't scratch the old wound". But what about those all new millionare who made their fortune coz of insurgency. Forcefull donation drive, getting tender illegally and so on.... Do you guys think those traitor should be pushed behind the bar... If letting those people free in the name of "MOVING FORWARD" than what will be example for the coming generation or future rebel(here I mean another fraction of maoist who want to continue their threat)?

Jai hos Desh ko...

Posted on 01-09-13 3:56 PM     [Snapshot: 167]     Reply [Subscribe]
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i think we have to think gravity of issues but i wont hesistate to tell the popular quote as past shapes the future. TIme will unfold this issues whats really there in the closed box.
Posted on 01-09-13 4:15 PM     [Snapshot: 186]     Reply [Subscribe]
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While I fail to see a solid connection between the mentality to forget past wounds and blaming the present development to the "dwanda" (he isn't saying let's analyze dwanda, he is just saying that's the cause of it), I agree with Baburam's ineptness in governing the country.

Baburam is still one of the few leaders that I hold with some respect; there are very few others but not many. But Baburam has not been an effective leader by any means. He is acting like a PM who was elected from a general election while the country is running stable. For God sake, you got to this position through a massive people's war. Thousands of lives have been sacrificed and the country is still in emergency mode. And you are acting like nothing has happened and we will fix this slowly.

When asked why this hasn't happened or that hasn't happened, he keeps saying it will happen slowly, there's so much to do right now. But then you see him going to the inaugurals, visiting foreign counties, having chiya-pani all the time.

Can somebody remind him that the country is in pain and somthing needs to be done drastic, right away???
Posted on 01-09-13 7:56 PM     [Snapshot: 260]     Reply [Subscribe]
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kiddo , I am not saying baburam is good either
what i am saying is there is something big going on

the arrest of colnel, the arrest of journo killer in nepal, the arrest of paras, no constitution and PM on consensus basis on time and president just extending deadlines , if you just put these incidents insided a closed box, i think time will unfold whats going on once it gets opened
Posted on 01-10-13 7:48 AM     [Snapshot: 370]     Reply [Subscribe]
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येही साझामा यो माओबादिले दिने भासण को अर्थ लगाई दिनुस ! नेपालि साहित्यका प्राज्ञले पनि भसणको साब्दिक अर्थ मात्र कोट्याउँ सक्नु भयो रे ?
कहाँ र कसरी यी सब्द्को प्रयोग गर्ने अनि जनतालाई भुलभुलैया मा राखी राख्ने - यी माओबादि बाहेक अरुलाई था हा छैन .
माओबादि जंगल छोडेर सत्ता सम्हाले पछि मारिएका मानिसका हत्यारा कतिलाई सजायका भागि बनाइएको छ , तिनी हरु सबै कार्य कर्ता होईनन ?

दहि च्युरे कुरा ?


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