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Posted on 03-07-13 10:57
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I think google is monopoly because in its first page it either shows its own products or advertize that are paid most.
What you think ? googel is monopoly or not?
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Posted on 03-07-13 11:40
AM [Snapshot: 40]
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You cannot call google a monopoly because there are other search engines that exist in the free market. In the free market, buyers are free to advertise at the search engine of their choosing. Google is not going to show advertisement for ads placed in yahoo or bing.
By definition, monopoly exists when a specific person or enterprise is the only supplier of a particular commodity. In Google's case it is not. It's just like a different brand of rice that everyone prefers.
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Posted on 03-07-13 11:52
AM [Snapshot: 65]
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If Google was the only search engine option to use then you can call it "monopoly" otherwise you can't. You have other choice and google is not taking that from you.so NO .
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Posted on 03-07-13 12:07
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Previous posters have already refuted your concern with right answers.
But if you look at it from a bigger picture, Google has gotten super powerful now. So much so that it could lead to monopoly activities like Microsoft did.
Google has invested significant amount of money in broadband communication. One day it could displace all the existing providers. Google also has invested in power market and with it's deep pocket, it can control that aspect of electronics as well.
Even though it is a public company, for the most part, Google hasn't limited itself with just profitable ventures. But time will only tell what is in stores in the future with this behemoth.
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Posted on 03-07-13 12:36
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Google, who destroyed the value of numerous companies like Garmin by giving away mapping for free
I think this is one kind of monopoly.
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Posted on 03-07-13 3:48
PM [Snapshot: 166]
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I wouldn't mind as long as I am getting the service for free. Plus you are free to opt out any time you want.