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 Salur Madam....! Salur
SAVE! for ease of future access.
Posted on 03-27-13 10:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Since my last ramblings, a lot of things have happened. New pope in town, new PM back home, Mike celebrated his first ever jaw dropping marriage anniversary with his then ex, and most importantly..I ve visited back home. Every time I visit my land of long gone pride, I seem to notice that my newly renovated foreign arse demands more and more. It is still interesting to recall how I hated that slow internet connection at the airport as if I was born during the time when our priest did my ‘Nwaran’ via Skype. Despite the disappearance of all those goodies which I had purchased maxing out my high interest credit card, I was equally entertained by this David Copperfield style magic performance inside the custom office. Long before reaching the theatre, the show started from the gate. The suitcase comes intact but the things inside are already gone and there is no sign of forced entry. I can bet any CSI theory would go futile there. Thou hast magic wand and I am convinced it would definitely lure large number of spectators in future. And unlike the other regular magic show, they did a superb job using me as a joker instead of supplying their own. How good can it be?

Some changes here and there. Thanks to that brown Mehndi thingy, few hair patches left on my 68 year old half-bald uncle's head looked perfectly shiny now. When I asked him about his color preference over traditional black, it did not take long for me to understand the dedication for his so called better half during the last leg of month long Teej celebration. After all, he is always known to have performed well under pressure. And, the duo looked perfectly matched wherever they went. But, he was yet to put a ring in his nose when I left. Need I discuss more about the other makeovers too? The older generation is pretty much gone now. My generation has become the new old generation. And, most of them are somewhat busy with their own Political industries Pvt. Limited who have successfully chosen politics over progress. On top of it, this very Face-book generation seem to choose Samsung Galaxy 5.00 over constitution. After all, how could they afford to stay aloof without updating their Face-book status? 'Bored, waiting in front of Nepal Aayal Nigam since last 5 hrs'. So, everybody has pretty much straighten out their priorities, no confusion whatsoever. And just like Rodman returned without a clue from North Korea, I landed back totally clueless only to distribute full bags of Gundruk-Masyowura supplied to my dearest and nearest ones here.

No shame to my stupidity, that trip has thus put a large dent financially but this newly found gambling habit is somewhat helping me at least emotionally. Believe me; gambling has become a mere necessity rather than an addiction for me lately especially after my recent visit. They say dying from lightning is more likely than hitting a lottery but in my case, hitting a lottery is more likely than paying off my debt. So, why not go with the basic fundamentals of actuarial science? So, in this time of elevated stress, I am as equally hurt as other stupid morons who must have made few financial blunder one way or another. Every time I commute to and from my work, I see this guy in the train station platform singing....”Don’t worry be happy” as if not worrying will automatically give me food, shelter, nice car, pretty mistress, expensive vacation e.t.c. If happiness contains a situation where I have to play for an hr to buy my next meal, I would rather be sad. I could see he was already on the very wrong side of the road like I was before not that I am ok now. No wonder he seems to have his cumulative emotion running high every time people pass by and not offer him any money.

Talking about choosing the wrong direction, I was also on this very wrong side of the road every now and then. Needless to say now but I was always under the impression that asking a girl about her major field of study would definitely give me a green signal for possible dating opportunity. Stupidity at its height, I was already feeling proud that I went one step ahead by not copying that same Hindi movie style stunt where a boy would deliberately stumble upon a girl in that narrow aisle of books and ask for a hot date. So, while others were busy scoring on Friday night, my pick up lines would start from library. No wonder majority of them went dead on arrivals. And, the last thing I could remember was a half drunken shadow of mine staggering in front of this little town miss 'khamba' only to spend my few bucks left from that recent book exchange...and there was I bowing down as a defeated Japanese Samurai....Salur Madaaam!.....here is my spare change.
Posted on 03-28-13 12:23 AM     [Snapshot: 76]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Smooth read as usual. Welcome back Jira
Posted on 03-28-13 3:49 PM     [Snapshot: 296]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Nice read Jira bro!!
Posted on 03-29-13 8:23 AM     [Snapshot: 491]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 03-29-13 12:04 PM     [Snapshot: 589]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You came back and with such a good write-up :) ... welcome back Jira daai...

- tehi sifal ko pipalbotey tabletenish khelney bhai,


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