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Posted on 04-04-13 5:32
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Unfortuantely it looks like I will have to sue a friend of mine to get him to return the money i lent.
Have any guys sued a friend for money? Share your experiences.
What all information do you need of the person being sued?
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Posted on 04-04-13 6:10
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I lent a friend few hundred dollars once. She returned it after a year, but I had to ask. She should've just returned it at her own accord, rather than my having to ask for it back. I felt sad. From there on, I told myself I will try not to lend money to friends because more often than not, one has to choose between friendship and money once that threshold is crossed.
last kiss
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Posted on 04-04-13 6:43
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You have to prove that you lent the money and your friend is refusing to give it back. If it is less than $500, you can drag his ass to small claims court. If it's more, you need to serve him a notice by sending a certified court order. All you need is his name and address. A lawyer can prepare it for you. When he receives the court order, he must appear at court. Do you have a written agreement that your friend borrowed money from you? If no, then SMS him asking for your money. write the amount also in the sms. If he says, NO, I won't give your money, that's a proof you can use in the court.
But, I believe it won't end up in court. He should be ready to settle outside of the court. Good luck!!! How much did you lend anyway???
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Posted on 04-04-13 6:46
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What's the sum you lent to your friend?
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Posted on 04-04-13 6:51
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Dude y'all talking about hundreds, i have lended grans. Almost 7 grans in total to several people. This guy who lended 1 gran from me told me he will pay my money next week but he never did. Why would not people keep their words? I was pissed i asked him n finally within a month he gave me 500 only. After that he hasn't n it's been months n months. Then another guy owes me more than 4 grans n he hasn't paid me yet. Its already past a year n he says i will give u next month n months goes by. I m so pissed i can't sleep n everytime i go to work i get worried coz working is not easy. Just as they work hard for money i work hard too. Coz i feel like betrayed n used or duped. I m pissed coz they work 80 hrs in stores n they r aleays saying they r broke. Guys what should I do?
Last edited: 04-Apr-13 08:35 PM
Last edited: 06-Apr-13 02:38 AM
last kiss
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Posted on 04-04-13 7:11
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How about asking money with their family back home? Your friends may be cheap but their parents may seem to care and pay the money to your family. If it doesn't work that way, go the legal way. Get some form of proof and serve the notice.
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Posted on 04-04-13 7:29
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No I don't know their parents. We r roommates so i helped them. Dunno why they r turning a deaf ear. Are they really broke? Do they really have financial trouble? Am i just being negative n going psycho? I dunno. All i want is my money n we done. I don't want any help from them nor do I wana talk with them. I really really never wana see their faces.
Last edited: 04-Apr-13 07:34 PM
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Posted on 04-04-13 7:39
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My solution is a little different. :) I have lost money too and have been cheated many times. But i simply ignored it all and continued with my life and mostly i tend to blame myself. I reasoned out to myself that such thoughts makes a person negative. All these thoughts about suing, revenge, etc are negative energy and it tends to destroy your inner peace and your thoughts tend to become violent. You get depressed, you loose sleep, you get headaches. So i developed a simple solution. To let go.
I know some of you might get angry and call me a coward or something but this is the person i have become. I am happy. This solution is not for everyone but for those who can do this, they will find inner peace. You might think i am rich but it is not so. I was a poor guy when i started to behave like this. If you have enough on your plate, it is best to let go.
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Posted on 04-04-13 7:49
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I ain't letting it go. I will wait some time n ask them n if they say they r not giving my money, i will go n confront them where they work or live n time will tell what happens. I can't bear being betrayed by these pathetic people n live dat way.
Last edited: 04-Apr-13 08:07 PM
Last edited: 06-Apr-13 02:40 AM
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Posted on 04-04-13 7:56
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If its just few hundreds not worth going through courts etc i think. My own rule don't lend money to friends or relatives unless you are willing not to expect it back!!!
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Posted on 04-04-13 8:03
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i do agree with freedom2012 sometimes letting go is the best thing one can do. I usually end up giving damn about them. if they dont care enough to stick to their words, why should you bother being friends with them. one of my fren asked me to lend him some money. He was supposed to give me back the money in one month. But it's been more than three years and he hasn't paid me back. i asked him few times to pay me back . But he didn't and after that i felt awkward and uneasy asking him for the money. I felt like i was begging somebody to give me back my own money. few months ago he told me that he was very sick and to lend him some money. i simply told him that he hasnt paid my money back so i am not giving him any money at all. No more sympathy for people who don't care to stick to their words. thank god none of my very good friends have asked me for money, neither do i. If you worry too much it might lead you to a depression and more. So the best thing is to say you are out of money, everytime someone asks you for it.
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Posted on 04-04-13 10:24
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@gorikopoi: I am in the same boat as you and this is not the first time this has happened to me. I am also talking about grands.
You help people and after that all you have to do is worry and take tension for nothing. How to know who to trust and who not to? You never know a person until you give him money.
I have enough proof against the person. I might also hire a private detective and make him pay all the lawyers and detectives cost.
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Posted on 04-04-13 10:36
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This is what i did.. I had a friend of mine i gave him 3grand..He said he will give me in 2 to 3 months and i was ok.But it passed 6 months then i asked him again he said nxt month then i thought he will give me when he has it it crossed 1 damn year and he doesnt even talk about that as if nothing is between us. Later i asked him again he was kind pissed coz i asked him my money..I was like WTF. Then i called his parents in nepal then told them what happend and told thier parents that my one of the family members will be coming to your house to pick it up. They were kinds emberassed and i had no options it was not a matter of 3 hundred..But their parents were nice to me they apologised to me and i sad they dont have to your son has to.After 2 days he comes to my door gives me exactly 3 grand 100 dollor bill and tells me you shouldnt have called my parents coz it was between us...I was like do i look like i care ???
So if its big amount i suggest you call parents and tell them what happened.
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Posted on 04-04-13 10:41
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Yeah dude you should do that. Mine is not first time too. I gave to this brother senior than me. He took more than yrs to return 5 grans. So i cursed at him, i used to say dai tapai but at that time i went tata ra mama n katdinchu yeta uta bhande. He decided to send me 500 each month which he did. But our relation is gone we don't talk anymore. I m happy though. I don't need him. Now I just regret why didn't learn from the first experience. But u know how people r like aftharo paryo, i will pay u within next week next month n u will be acknowledged to believe them.
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Posted on 04-04-13 10:52
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freedom is right, we make mistakes and we've to learn from it. You already caused trouble(may be you were helping or just being good, but not it's a trouble) by lending money among your friends which in first place you should have never done. Money breaks relations.. I've never seen it making, I remember a shirt 'No Money, No Honey' , 'honey' here could be compared with anyone like your friends, etc.
So, let it go.. am laughing at 'MY Money' lol....
someone took 2500 from me, and never returned it to me, I was being good fella, but after a while I simply let it go, and learnt my lesson, ever since, no money lending among friends, I lost one friend don't wanna lose others as well.
If you insist going after them and teaching them lesson, be ready for more troubles you are going to invite. You'll be responsible for everything.
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Posted on 04-04-13 11:25
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try to find out his/her girlfriend/boyfriend then tell about their partner cheap behave and again tell to thier parents back in nepal.Let see what the result is coming out.............CHEAP KUTTA ............... घटिया .........do not hesitate to post thier profile in sajha...those CHEAP KUTTAS is going to shocks somebody else.................. साला घटिया ...........jai samvoo bro.
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Posted on 04-04-13 11:45
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Jai samvoo samvoo bro, good point ya. I will someday posts their pics, name and adress on sajha n other nepali sites.
Jai samvoo!!
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Posted on 04-05-13 12:18
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Yesta manche haru ko pic sajha ma post garnu parcha. Yeso gare tiniharu le aru lai thagna sakdainan. we can even make a FB page for these silly guys. Malai pani dui jana le thage. Euta le 1 hajar arko le 5 saya dollar. Tait buddi nabhayeka haru. Paisa ko lagi tini haru le pareko bela help garne ek aasal mitra gumaye.
last kiss
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Posted on 04-05-13 12:46
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In the US, people got rights even thieves and robbers. You can't post somebody's picture without their permission just because they ate your money. You could be in trouble. Think about that.
Also, Its not a good behaviour to do that. Think about that person does the same to you out of revenge. It's not worth it. It's very easy to sue anybody if you got a little proof. Take that course, not defaming in public.
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Posted on 04-05-13 1:50
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Posting pictures and public shaming will not be authenticated. Chances are anybody could post anyones pictures out of personal vendetta, we would not even know if such claims are real? I don't know but to me this sound lil off the beat