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 BEWARE** My computer has Virus after visiting this site
SAVE! for ease of future access.
Posted on 05-17-13 9:50 PM     [Snapshot: 45]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 nepalifbi re! LOL
Posted on 05-17-13 10:32 PM     [Snapshot: 142]     Reply [Subscribe]
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My boy friend was a sajha.com "admin" a few years ago. He told me that there were always 10 to 20 people who have admin rights to the site. Some admins also take advantage and install viruses on visitors computers. I NEVER type sajha.com on my Personal Computer. I only come here from Library computer or any public computer. You have to take care of yourself people. Nepali bhandaima hudaina.
Posted on 05-18-13 12:00 AM     [Snapshot: 219]     Reply [Subscribe]
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hey guys dont spread rumours. I do internet banking......so virus freaks me out hehehehe. Are you serious or just trolling?. But i have kaspersky but still.

Posted on 05-18-13 12:13 AM     [Snapshot: 223]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 They are just trolling. But yes keylogger tracks your everything including password but it needs to get installed first. Just by visiting sajha doesn't mean it got installed. But I want Sandai to come out and make people aware of it coz of this troll some people may not visit sajha anymore.
Posted on 05-18-13 2:45 AM     [Snapshot: 330]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Being an architect myself, I totally can say this person is an idot (s big idiot). Again, you are not posting your bank acc. or anything, so post y'all comment plz they entertain us alot, Plz don't feed the troll 
Posted on 05-18-13 10:26 AM     [Snapshot: 486]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It is laughable that so many of our Nepalese guys came here to show off their expertise in their own fields. One even said he s an "Architect". Architect of what ? Nepal ? Your country is suffering from 12 hours of load shedding each day and here you re proud to say you re this, you re that ? Not even a 5% of Nepalese in Nepal have access to Clean Drinking water, and you probably don't even care because you re currently not living in Nepal. .................... My PC was really infected and that's what the local police said to me when we reported it to them. They suggested that we report it to major search engines and gave this link to report malicious websites to google:.............. http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/report_badware/
Posted on 05-18-13 10:30 AM     [Snapshot: 490]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Since when the heck does one go to police if your computer is infected? Too many porn sites probably. Dont try to get that exclusive acccess you always wanted by clicking anywhere.
Posted on 05-18-13 10:45 AM     [Snapshot: 514]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have attempted to respond to this thread here: http://sajha.com/sajha/html/index.cfm?threadid=104204

Posted on 05-18-13 10:53 AM     [Snapshot: 534]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I know those user names. Three of my room mates used them in the past. I can't name them here but they will be really mad if they found out that San Pradhan has released them here. FYI, we (4 to 7) used the same freaking Desktop computer.

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