Happy Friday. This is a music thread redux, we've done it many times but it is never too old. Speaking to a fellow sajhaite revived some old memories in elementary school. Can we just go ahead and post the forgotten musics of 70s and 80s only? Now when I say forgotten, I do not want us to be youtube ninjas and post the biggest hits of Beatles and Michael Jackson. Just some songs that were great but not often remembered.
Here is one to start with - "Bleed to Love Her" by Fleetwood Mac.
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Posted on 02-08-14 10:29
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I might just get my groove back with this thread!
While this number served as the soundtrack for our visit to "the metropolis", the guys from Rupandehi constantly seemed to be looking to rumble with us any moment.
Please log in to subscribe to Jungle Book's postings.
Posted on 05-23-14 2:26
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Once again it is Friday and I am dragging this out of sajha Vault. With respect to all those who sacrificed their lives in building this land of opportunity and in which we choose to live in. Here with respect, marking the long weekend and Memorial Day 2014.
If you got nothing to lose, fight tooth and nail explore every avenue
" अनि ग्रिन कार्ड बन्यो त ?"
Travel Document for TPS (approved)
Has anyone here successfully reinstated to F-1 status after a year-long gap following a drop from F-1?
Now, more than ever, is it a good idea to apply for advance parole?
TPS for Venezuela is terminated, only 60 days extension for transition period
TPS Travel Permit Processing time
Trump admin revokes 18 months TPS extension for Venezuelans
Nepal TPS , What Next???????
TPS Parents' Newborns to Lose U.S. Citizenship Rights
Looking for girl
Who is hottest nepali female?
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