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Posted on 02-18-14 3:52 PM     [Snapshot: 93]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 02-18-14 5:34 PM     [Snapshot: 161]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 02-19-14 8:27 AM     [Snapshot: 327]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Monster, in this story is a euphemism used for individuals who are morally wrong.  Here the protagonist is made felt he is the only one who has wronged, but as the story ends it seems everyone else have their share of wrongdoing as well.

Thanks for visiting.


Posted on 02-19-14 9:31 AM     [Snapshot: 364]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Behoove, der aaye durust aaye. Lively expressed. Keep coming, I mean keep visiting other monsters too :P

Posted on 02-19-14 9:33 AM     [Snapshot: 364]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think the author is too harsh on the protagonist. Monster is too harsh a word. Things characterized in the story happen all too often in the private desires of two consenting adults and without the web of righteousness woven by the society one should learn to ignore. The title should be more like "Hero and Heroine" :)
Posted on 02-19-14 9:37 AM     [Snapshot: 364]     Reply [Subscribe]
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A good read, Behoove ji.

Posted on 02-19-14 11:43 AM     [Snapshot: 449]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I was trying to understand what you wrote…

…and deleted. Or did you just leave a blank space for all possible interpretations?


Thank you, I do not remember when I wrote last. I am fighting my own demons currently, others could wait.


You are one of those very few people in this website who are absolutely gifted with words. You refuted the title of the story very precisely but how I wish It had it been the one you supposed it was. Also, when I grow up I wish to write as effectively and with brevity like you.

Now in my defense, the term ‘monster’ in this story doesn’t mean the evil antagonist thirsty for blood. The term is more allegorical to the monster bred inside us, all of a sudden, by some inane addiction which the society thinks is morally incorrect. I know you and I do not live in one, but sadly sajha does.


Thank you my friend.

Posted on 02-19-14 1:11 PM     [Snapshot: 505]     Reply [Subscribe]
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majja le khasi ko masu khaye ni huncha to make you believe you're still a nepali.. haha - monster le khasi, kuro ta milcha..

well written, i think everyone has some monsters in them.
Posted on 02-19-14 2:17 PM     [Snapshot: 538]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I agree with Rethink. Monsters too hard. Perhaps, Monsters' ball would be apt :) Good going! keep writing!
Posted on 02-19-14 4:13 PM     [Snapshot: 587]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Although the title and ending of the story are in line, the heart of the story is completely different. How beautifully you portrayed those two personas and how hastily you destroyed them. Eventually, it became just another tale of promiscuity. But hey, you are in charge of your show and you have finished it the way you want. Just my two cents!
Posted on 02-19-14 5:36 PM     [Snapshot: 635]     Reply [Subscribe]
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why was the driver black?
Posted on 02-20-14 7:52 AM     [Snapshot: 778]     Reply [Subscribe]
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She was a vegetarian. And consuming goat meat would make it more than just a Nepalese I believe, that is why she passed. Thank you for your words of encouragement bro.


Thank you, it might have not been the universally apt title for this story, but when I wrote it, it made complete sense to me, I will be more careful to align my title with my stories in future.


I do not remember the last time I saw you comment in sajha. Needless to say, I am thrilled. And I totally empathize with your thoughts, the story did end abruptly, maybe I need to sit back and take more time to retain a similar flow towards the closure like I did at the begning. I realize everyday that I am not patient enough to revisit my stories after I write them, hence the haste, hence the mistake. But again, to make both the characters sound promiscuous was my very intent all along. Unfortunately like everywhere else, sex and scandal sells best in sajha.


I see everyone  black when drunk at night, specially when they are behind wheels .  

Last edited: 21-Feb-14 07:46 AM

Posted on 02-20-14 9:10 PM     [Snapshot: 870]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Impeccable. Reminiscent of a Glenn Mcgrath seam delivery that beat Tendulkar's defense ratting the middle stump. This definitely calls for a sequel.

How does one go about meeting an Aparna on here, especially a married man?
Posted on 02-21-14 10:46 AM     [Snapshot: 993]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Thank you Riddle, you are just so kind. And yes, I will write a sequel soon enough.

To answer your question about how everyone feels about a married man being honest about his bouts of promiscuity, it just depends on who is the audience. If there are sanctified Geeta thumping radical social extremists, it is guillotine for that person.

Now if there are iconoclasts and freethinking hipsters who defy every rules made by the society, the protagonist would be revered.

And then there are individuals like me, who despite knowing it‘s morally incorrect still surrender to the need of intimacy fueled by subsequent episodes of intellectual harmonization coupled with attraction and thrill, but are wise enough not to repeat it frequently - just  call it an escape from a monotonous life.

Last edited: 21-Feb-14 10:46 AM


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