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 One day this is how Earth Map will look like
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Posted on 05-12-15 9:27 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Probably not all of us know, but continents were closer, very closer in the beginning of the time. Regardless of what we believe or not, massive landscapes will be submerged and part of continents be distanced. This may sound like a scary story from a story book but constant tectonic plates movements would eventually cause this. This is how earth maps would look like in 100 million years. Skeptics can have their disbelief but I wouldn't, given that certain rise and fall of heights in Kathmandu Valley and Mt. Everest region that took place recently after that major cataclysmic earthquake on April 25th, 2015, it's obvious Earth's map is on constant shift.

Posted on 05-12-15 9:38 AM     [Snapshot: 1]     Reply [Subscribe]
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another bitter truth, whoever wrote "rato ra chandra surya ....Jaba Samma Chhandra Surya Aakash Ma Rahanchha Taba Samma Hunchha Aafnai Rato Ragar Yo Hamro "
is very irrelevant given that there won't be Nepal from the Map of the earth one day. In fact not only Nepal, there are so many countries, civilizations that would completely disappear and yes 'Sun' and 'Moon' would still be there. I didn't write this comment to disrespect anything in any way, it's just that we need to rise up to realization that we're earthlings first, we're human first and humanity should be around religion. No songs, no books written 3500-10000 year ago should be given importance anymore, they're worthless. Nature has been reminding us that everyone on the surface are just pathetic earthlings.
Posted on 05-12-15 10:24 AM     [Snapshot: 155]     Reply [Subscribe]
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dude, whats your point? Are telling people that we should stop singing songs that includes surya chandra? It's a metaphor. you can't possibly be thinking the literal menaing. And also, dude, the continents were together and separated. But India collided up with asia . So in no way asia and india are separating.
Ofcourse nature is destructions and constructive, But stop spreading pssimistic attitude during the time of this havoc.
Posted on 05-12-15 11:08 AM     [Snapshot: 249]     Reply [Subscribe]
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am just sick and tired of posers all across the social medias ' Pray for Nepal', 'Pray for Nepal'.

What the fck 'Pray for Nepal' is gonna do? in fact those who were praying in the top floor to their lords died miserably, entire family whose pandit said next is shuba sahit and there goes all 17 member family dead to earthquake.

That's my point. People needs to come out of the box, and help, real help... . 'Pray' is not gonna do shit.
Posted on 05-12-15 11:17 AM     [Snapshot: 269]     Reply [Subscribe]
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stallon, you're right on that mitra. My christian friends said that they will pray for nepal. I asked if they can donate.

Last edited: 12-May-15 11:17 AM

Posted on 05-13-15 3:50 AM     [Snapshot: 755]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Bible and pray will save Nepal, that is what christian did.
Local people are saying that on Saturday pray ( two churches) : they locked the door and who jumped out of the window were saved their own life but those bas**ted father may have hide under the table were survived. Innocent Nepli were killed.

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