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 Nepali mother shot dead at her own store
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Posted on 06-10-15 4:18 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Young mother killed in The Colony convenience store shooting
Posted: Jun 10, 2015 12:58 PM CDT
Updated: Jun 10, 2015 4:53 PM CDT
By: fox4news.com StaffCONNECT
THE COLONY, Texas - A young mother was shot and killed Wednesday morning at a convenience store where she worked in The Colony.

It happened at the Rapido Convenience Store in the 7400 block of Main Street. The store was roped off with crime scene tape and investigators were seen going in and out of the store.

Regular customers say the woman and her husband have owned the store for about four years.

Surveillance cameras at the automotive business next door caught what appears to be the suspect being dropped off in a dark-colored sedan.

A man in dark clothes with a white rag or towel on his head goes inside and then runs out less than two minutes later.

Police say the woman was shot once in the face.

Those who knew the woman say that she had two little girls – one who is about 4 months old and another who is 2 years old.

The woman and her husband are reportedly from Nepal.

The owner of the nearby automotive store says he did not see the suspect or even hear any shots and just walked out to find police vehicles.

Posted on 06-10-15 4:31 PM     [Snapshot: 42]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The deceased name is Shamira Shivakoti. May her soul RIP.
Posted on 06-10-15 4:40 PM     [Snapshot: 75]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 06-10-15 4:46 PM     [Snapshot: 96]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"Police are searching for the shooter described as a black male believed to be between 25-and-35 years old"
An another f**king black male killed an innocent person for no reason.
"Black life Matter" and racial profiling against color protestings are just a joke. I don't have correct data but I can guess more than 90% of the US crimes are conducted by Black people.
Last edited: 10-Jun-15 04:49 PM

Posted on 06-10-15 6:17 PM     [Snapshot: 340]     Reply [Subscribe]
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negroes and wetbacks are menace to the society. RIP, one American dream shattered
Posted on 06-10-15 7:21 PM     [Snapshot: 475]     Reply [Subscribe]
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this is why I call negroes niggers rt in front of their face n they get humiliated and quite
Posted on 06-10-15 8:19 PM     [Snapshot: 638]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You Dont even know what that word means
Posted on 06-10-15 8:28 PM     [Snapshot: 674]     Reply [Subscribe]
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colored person like u who has no money and who is dark like a charcoal
Posted on 06-10-15 8:40 PM     [Snapshot: 720]     Reply [Subscribe]
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further they are criminals, born to commit a crime, born to be loud and show off, god punished people and turn them into black color, they are half humanoids or call it subhuman mongloids, animalistic behavior, jungle safari monkeys
Posted on 06-10-15 8:56 PM     [Snapshot: 782]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hope they catch him soon & send him to Huntsville TX, the busiest death chamber in the U.S. That's where that scumbag belongs:

Here's the latest
http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Mother-of-2-Killed-in-The-Colony-Store-Robbery-306850031.html - Mother of 2 Killed in The Colony Store Robbery
Posted on 06-11-15 1:55 AM     [Snapshot: 1246]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hence I have always said, as a Nepali, I never cared nor listen to any liberal news about racial issues. Racial injustice is when black becomes the victims, and NOBODY else. White are evil, yet black commit most crimes. The chances of you as a Nepali being mugged or killed by a black is very high compared to a white. Yet you are told to hate white?
My liberal Nepali friends, please remember, most Nepali in America are killed by the blacks. Yet, you join them for their fight and hate the whites. Think, think and accept the reality, not the lies and the emotion the news feed you.
So so sad, our fellow nepali had to loose her life like this. It implies her head was blown away. I hope her family has the strength to overcome this tragedy. RIP my sister.

Posted on 06-11-15 5:35 AM     [Snapshot: 1352]     Reply [Subscribe]
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simple math ! correlation is not the causation. imagine nepali people started coming in 50's and held most white color jobs they probably would be working in govt. jobs say like postal service. during 90s and 2000 there were high incidents of shooting by disgruntled white postal workers killing who ever was in the path. would you make conclusion that more whites were killing nepali people? blacks have lower economic standards being uneducated and lazy whatever and most business held by nepali workers are in poor neighborhood now obviously you will see the body count. Like new comer butanese nepali refuges living in poor neighbors likely to see more crime committed by blacks since they share neighborhood. few year ago there was a maharjan guy killed by white guy in nice upstate neighborhood gas station but guessed we have forgotten it was white guy.

"I don't have correct data but I can guess more than 90% of the US crimes are conducted by Black people." is quote of 2015
Posted on 06-11-15 7:46 AM     [Snapshot: 1588]     Reply [Subscribe]
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May her soul rest in peace...
Posted on 06-11-15 8:09 AM     [Snapshot: 1639]     Reply [Subscribe]
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मृतात्माले चिर शान्ति पाओस, हत्यारालाई कारबाही होस्/
Posted on 06-11-15 9:30 AM     [Snapshot: 1807]     Reply [Subscribe]
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मृतक को आत्मा ले शान्ति पवोस . अगि भर्खर एउटा समाचार मा उसको श्रीमान को हालत देखाएको थियो ! बिचरा !
अमेरिका मा राम्रो गर्ने हो भने यो सम्पूर्ण कालेको जात लाइ फेरि लगेर अफ्रिका मा छोडेर आउन पर्छ अनि ठिक हुन्छ !
अब रेसिजम हैन एता उति भनेर कालेको बारे मा खोक्ने हरु , एउटा कुरा भन्छु कोलोराडो (काले को संख्या ३%) मा बसेर काले को बारेमा गुण गान गाउन छोडेर आफै अरु state को एक चक्कर लगाउने हो कि ! they are worst creature of mother nature !
Posted on 06-11-15 12:17 PM     [Snapshot: 2054]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You and your media taught liberal views. "Imagine Nepali in the 50s...." Common on, don't create a fictional scene to justify your belief. Did it happen? Did lots of Nepali were killed by the white in the 50s?

"Being poor and uneducated" ..... is that a justification to commit crime?
In that same city, there are plenty of poor white, latinos and asians, yet somehow black commit the most crime,albeit there are more blacks.
Reverse the situation, a city with less black. Any given city with white majority, the black crime is higher. Go and visit west cost. There are cities with high asian population, yet the majority of crime on tv is committed by the blacks.
Sooner or later you will realize that the excuse they put on liberal news of being 'poor and uneducated' is not exactly the full story. Ask yourself, why poor blacks commit more crime than poor asians? Take a look at their culture and how they are raised, it is there where the answer lie.
Let me give you a more disturbing news. In NY, many black thugs wait for our fellow Nepali at certain day of the month. They know it is the payday for these illegal worker. They follow and rob them, happens very frequently. Ask these 'poor and uneducated' illegal Nepali worker about their view on black society, they will give you the truth. Very rare a white is involved.
Why is our 'poor and uneducated' Nepali working and trying to make a descent life? Why is this American born black NOT working and robbing?
It is you who lives in a rich white neighbor who want to put black issue on the news since you don't have to deal with them everyday. Watching news and documentaries is very different than facing the truth.
OK, one case of white who liked a Nepali. Do you want to compare how many were killed by the blacks?

Last edited: 11-Jun-15 12:31 PM

Posted on 06-11-15 12:39 PM     [Snapshot: 2131]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Keep ur racism aside. Life is lost to a robber. May her soul rip.
Posted on 06-11-15 1:49 PM     [Snapshot: 2262]     Reply [Subscribe]
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may god provide strength to the bereaved family
may her soul rest in peace

guys, plz don't troll on this thread.
Posted on 06-12-15 11:18 AM     [Snapshot: 2937]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Please everyone share this to catch the killer in the loose! He needs to get off the street!
Posted on 06-12-15 2:18 PM     [Snapshot: 3220]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If i remember oneof your post in the past where some folks were generalizing all the Madhesis as thieves and scoundrels giving the same statistical logic of "look how many thieves are from madhesh, and how less bahuns are thieves" you were actively defending the madhesis for why it was so discriminatory and wrong of others to generalize madhesis like that.

Now you have taken the other side of the coin on the similar issue and are saying all blacks are criminals? Do you see the problem with your judgement? Do you have consistency with your opinions? or do you just change them as you feel like it?

I know the wrong has been done and may be stastically speaking more blacks have killed more Nepalese given the fact of higher inner city black population and higher the number of store keepers Nepalease are but it is so wrong to say "all blacks are criminals".

We cannot say all blacks are criminals until there is one non criminal black left. The same way you do not want others to generalize you with Bank Robber Pawan Karki or that serial killer fake prince murderer.

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